No Change to the Name, Hail to the RedskinsThe heritage and tradition of the Washington Football team is under attack needlessly. Surveys executed among the Native American population show that the vast majority (90+%) not only aren't offended by the name "Redskins", they in fact support the team and appreciate the representation of their culture in modern media. Public resources are being spent needlessly on this issue in our legislature and is an affront to liberty to potentially force a change, when the majority of the impacted culture does not find the term offensive.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael
Albright Office Park ImpactHelp us protect our North Los Gatos Neighborhoods from the impacts of 4 4-story buildings comprising 550,000 sq. ft. with a 4 story parking structure, which will bring 3,000+ vehicle trips to the nearby streets and is not compatible with "small town" Los Gatos221 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Anne Robinson
Wisconsin Wolf Hunt: No Dogs AllowedSenator Fred Risser, 26th Senate District, is introducing a bill banning dogs from the Wisconsin wolf hunt. Dog-wolf conflicts, especially during the denning season, are guaranteed to lead to death on both sides. By any measure, this is barbarism.8,950 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Laustrup
Mitch McConnell: apologize for aides' remarksIt's estimated that one in four Americans have struggled with mental illness. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's aide's insensitive remarks about Ashley Judd are unacceptable and offensive to millions of Americans.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Craig Auster
Finish Styrofoam SoulThis is an online petition for all involved in the making of "Styrofoam Soul" to finish the project. A trailer was made to get money to make the film, but no luck. http://t.co/fr9erUGI Now with all the Indie project funding sites available ( kickstarter.com indiegogo.com) I am hoping to get it back on the table... Please sign this petition and help me get Norman Reedus to consider restarting this project ...465 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Carol Moore
Eric Holder: Investigate Crimes of the Bush AdministrationThere is overwhelming evidence that President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and others lied to the US Congress and the American people to achieve their goal of invading Iraq. This unnecessary war caused the deaths of thousands of US soldiers as well as hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens and seriously injured countless others, both Americans and Iraqis. The Bush Administration is directly responsible. No one should be above the law. For a president, through deception to take America to war is a crime without precedence. Justice demands that the responsible parties be held to account. America needs to reclaim its moral compass and its future leaders need to know that crimes, especially of this magnitude can't be perpetrated with impunity.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Krolick
No, to the slaughter of American Horses.Prohibit the sale or transportation of equine or equine parts in interstate or foreign commerce for purposes of human consumption.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CHRISTEL LOVIN
Stop The Sale Of Horse Meat To Other CountriesThere are slaughter houses being considered in Oklahoma and New Mexico. As a country we need to stop this senseless slaughter of our wild horses in this country!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Berinda
Mayor Fraim and Council: Delay/Vote No on Hotel/Conference CenterOn Tuesday April 9 at 7 PM, the Norfolk City Council will hold a public hearing and vote immediately on a proposed $129 million agreement, with a private developer that has the city/taxpayers skin in at $89 million on a rushed deal. Council members only received the 117 page complex agreement on Friday, which precludes our "public servants" from having time to properly do their job. Education, affordable and decent housing, livable wage jobs and protection of vulnerable neighborhoods from sea level rise and storm water flooding should be top priorities for the Council, not corporate welfare.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Cook
ringling bros. and barnum and bailey circus abusethis circus beats elephants and denies the elephants basic needs. from the moment there born they are tooken from there moms and tied up.BAN BULLHOOKS BAN CIRCUS IN YOUR STATE EVEN BETTER THE U.S.A.!!! elephants where not put on this earth to be abused, they where put on this earth to rome around like life.like humans do.all this happens all so that humans can have entertainment insted. vist www.ringlingbeatsanimals.com or watch this youtube video ringling bros.-elephant chlid abusers-breaking a baby elephants. THIS SHOULD BE STOPED!!!!!102 of 200 SignaturesCreated by kenya
USPS Saturday DeliveryThe US Postal Service and all of its employees, including myself are affected by this action. The Senate, Congress and the President of the USA are the cause of the Postal Service issues,This is due to a 75Billion Dollar forced Retirement fund the Government issued to be paid over a limited time period that was unfeasable to begin with and is not accessable to recover.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Margaret Abare
Protect The Wolves on ESAThe wolf had been around for many years, but now they will not be around in this world. The wolf had been stripped of from the Endanger Species Act (ESA) recently. After they been listed off from the program many hunters and other people hunt and kill these animals for there complaint about hurting the elks, moose, deer population also attacking livestock in the result of hunting the wolves. These killings are now affecting the wolves pack social structure, thus in totaling 1,859 wolves were killed and now in some areas where wolves live are decreasing and probably eradicate all the wolves. including wolf pups. The Mexican Grey Wolf is critically endangered and the Red Wolf which hunting is going on these two wolves won't survive much longer. I urge you to place them back on the (ESA) to fully protect the wolves from further harm and facing extinction.264 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Tracy