DFL Leaders: We Deserve a Vote on Universal Background Checks!Some MN state legislators tried to promote common-sense gun bills but were thwarted by NRA opposition, and crucially, by a lack of leadership on this issue at the top--from Governor Dayton, Speaker Thissen and Majority Leader Tom Bakk. We need to spur these leaders to speak out in support of true gun violence prevention legislation and to make sure that their caucus sticks together on this. At a minimum, this legslation must include UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS. Polls show that this is what the majority of Minnesotans want!1,504 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Shir Tikvah Gun Violence Prevention Task Force
Human rights for Hindus in BangladeshBangladeshi Hindus are being murdered, raped and tortured without any protection from Bangladeshi government. Source: http://www.hrw.org/world-report-2012/world-report-2012-bangladesh Luckily, our own government has enormous influence to diplomatically pursuade other governments to take corrective actions, to emphasize and elevate incidents of human rights violations to global human rights organizations - among many other peaceful diplomatic means. Please join me (a naturalized citizen of the USA who was born in Bangladesh, and who has served in the US Air Force as an active-duty enlisted military personnel) to solicit the attention of our elected leaders in taking actions to address the blatant and on-going human rights violations in Bangladesh against the very peaceful and law-abiding Hindus.824 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Amit Majumder
Petition for Farm-to-Consumer Deliveries of Grass-fed Raw Dairy in Minnesota:There are Minnesotans who wish to: • consume whole raw dairy from grass-fed animals • visit the small-scale family farms • meet the farmer that grows their safe, high-quality food Our Minnesota Constitution recognizes these inalienable rights, however the Minnesota dairy statute (32.393 Limitation on Sale) unjustly restricts this right with the stipulation that the raw dairy be obtained “at the place or farm” and only “occasionally.” In addition, this statute discriminates against those who can’t drive to the farm, either due to financial or physical reasons, even though raw dairy is an already legal food that is proven to be safe and healthful. We are asking for Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota to “un-do” these stipulations to allow farm-to-consumer deliveries (home delivery or mutually agreed upon drop site) and on a regular basis. It is important to reverse these laws that negate our inalienable rights as free American citizens and keep families from being able to obtain a food of their choice.1,746 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Diane Smith
Save the Coos Bay Oregon Vietnam Veteran MemorialAfter 41 years, a group of protestors want the Memorial removed from a Coos Bay City park. When this memorial was dedicated, Vietnam Veterans Memorials were very few. The war was still going on. Protestors from around America were trashing Vietnam Veterans as baby-killers and village-burners. It is part of history. With a cross on it or not, it represents ALL Vietnam Veterans from across America. City Leaders will meat this week after Easter to decide on removing the cross memorial. Please have your say, Please sign and share. Save this Memorial for all the Heroes it represents.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brenda Spear
Repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act" (Section 735 of HR 933)President Obama signed a spending bill (HR 933) to avoid a government shutdown this week. However, in addition to paying the government's bills for another six months, HR 933 also included a Farmer Assurance Provision ("Monsanto Protection Act") that limits our legal rights while granting big agribusiness like Monsanto sweeping new protections for their little-studied GMO crops. Most notably, the quietly inserted provision strips federal courts of their authority to issue injunctions halting the production of GMO crops, including those known to pose real consumer health risks. And it all happened without a single hearing before the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. We should not have to choose between a government shutdown and our right to food safety. SOURCES: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr933/text http://rt.com/usa/monsanto-congress-silently-slips-830/ http://www.salon.com/2013/03/27/how_the_monsanto_protection_act_snuck_into_law/ http://www.ibtimes.com/monsanto-protection-act-roll-call-how-did-your-congressperson-vote-hr-933-1158789 http://www.ibtimes.com/monsanto-protection-act-5-terrifying-things-know-about-hr-933-provision-1156079867 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Stanford
Draft David Patterson for Kentucky Senate Race in 2014Sign this to urge David Patterson to challenge Mitch McConnell for Kentucky's US Senate seat in 2014. We'll make sure he knows about your support. Progress Kentucky has over 20 petitions set up to draft candidates from across the political spectrum to run against Mitch McConnell. Get links to the complete list at http://progresskentucky.com/index.php/campaigns/3-draft-petitions. Progress Kentucky http://progresskentucky.com http://facebook.com/progresskentucky Twitter: @progressky40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Progress Kentucky
Draft Brendan JohnsonAN OPEN LETTER: BRENDAN JOHNSON SHOULD RUN FOR SENATE We believe that South Dakota needs someone in the U.S. Senate who will continue and expand upon Sen. Tim Johnson’s record of fighting for everyday people in Congress – even when that means standing up to big health insurance companies, Wall Street executives, Ag corporations, and oil tycoons. We need a senator who will stand up for core Democratic values – someone we can rely on to do the right thing without fear, especially when it comes to fighting for people who work for a living. We need someone who believes that the role of government is to help people, and who is not afraid to ask the rich to pay their fair share. Someone who will make smart investments in our future and grow the middle class. We believe Brendan Johnson should run for Senate. As South Dakota’s U.S. Attorney, Brendan is our state's chief federal law enforcement officer. He has used that power to fight for the little guy. Under Brendan Johnson’s leadership, South Dakota is the national leader in cracking down on deadbeat dads – with over 50 percent of the nation's total federal prosecutions happening in South Dakota. Brendan Johnson was named 2013 Prosecutor of the Year by groups combating violence against women. And Johnson has played a national role in fighting on behalf of Native Americans. We need Brendan Johnson’s South Dakota values and Democratic principles in the U.S. Senate. We invite all South Dakotans to join us in urging him to run. Sincerely, Ryan Casey, Sioux Falls -- Lincoln County Democratic Party Chair Ann Tornberg, Beresford – Union County Democratic Party Chair, Former President of Sioux Falls Education Association Bill Muller, Mitchell -- South Dakota Young Democrats National Committeeman Sylvia Oothoudt, McCook Lake -- Member of the Union County Democrats, Former Community Development Director of Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council Thea Geotas, Rapid City – former accountant and real estate broker G. Darlene Weis, Sioux Falls – retired test proctor Vincent Gormley, Sioux Falls – Former healthcare worker, artist, activist, volunteer Ann Lamer, Brookings – Mother of five Shirley Lautenschlager, Rapid City Jerry Bartels, Vermillion – Advisor for GoTeachSD, PhD Student at the University of South Dakota Jackie Beilke, Sioux Falls -- Teacher2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Casey
On Leash For DogsThis petition is about dogs being on leash for the safety of children, parents, and other dogs because aggressive dogs who are off leash can hurt them.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ella
Hell No to GMOWe will boycott GMO foods worldwide. Launch a Nationwide Phone Bank to Congress and the White House until the "Monsanto Amendment" is rescinded.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lowell B
Hoosier Democrats, "Take Back The Indiana Statehouse".In recent weeks, the Indiana Legislature has passed Laws that require Welfare Recipients to pass Drug Tests in order to receive Benefits. This law will cost Millions to implement, makes No provision for the Children who will go hungry if a Parent fails said tests, and seeks only to target the least fortunate among us. If that isn't Outrageous enough for You, they also passed another Law that would require Women seeking an Abortion to undergo Not One, but Two invasive Vaginal Probes before getting a procedure that has been their right since 1973. This same Law puts requirements and restrictions on Planned Parenthood, that will force even their Facilities which don't offer Abortions, to have a State-of-the-Art" Surgical Facility in order to even dispense the Abortion inducing Drugs that so safely end a pregnancy in its first weeks.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Herman G Morgan III
"No More" ComcastComcast is a corportation that provides and operates cable, internet, and phone service. This company is one of the few companies that service the local areas:(Shreveport, Bossier, Minden, etc.). Overall the company's performance has been substandard, poorly managed, and poorly operated. Comcast customers are screaming for change. This petition is intended for Comcast to address the suboptimal sevices being provided to local customers.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Danielle Harris
National GMO Food and GMO Seed BanDangerous genetically modified foods and seeds are now occupying almost half of the United States croplands. The bacteria in them continue to live inside the intestines for a long period. An unknown-to-science organism has appeared in many GMO fields and is spreading rapidly - it has no name as of today, is smaller than a virus, and it has been clearly linked to infertility and neonatal deaths in cattle that have been fed GMO crops. Should you wish to verify these claims, please visit: http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/dr_hubers_warning/ or watch his videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzlwAAf9DRg&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8BTrG7VKmI&feature=player_embedded Who is Dr. Don M. Huber? For 50 years, he's been a scientist studying plant diseases in the U.S. and around the world and spent 35 years at Purdue University as Professor Emeritus of plant pathology. He has a 41-year military career as a retired Colonel, evaluating natural and manmade biological threats, including germ warfare and disease outbreaks. He coordinates the “Emergent Diseases and Pathogens Committee” as part of the USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System under Homeland Security.91 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marleny Alfaro