• 1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DANIELLE Skiendzielewski
  • The governor to remove the penalty of revoking your license plate for 30 days when your insurance...
    Yes. My son license plate was revoke for 30 days because his insurance lapse. He was unemployed and didn't have insurance for two weeks. This snowballed into him losing his license plate for 30 days. Its wrong in this economy to expect young voters facing hard economic times to penalize like this. the poor like this.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Lane
  • Teacher's Retirement
    I am a retired teacher.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connie klapperich
  • Let's start a real Democrtic Party.
    Our democratic legislators should begin to vote, act and legislate like democrats or call themselves something diferent.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy MacMurdo
  • Help protect our children
    Florida House Republicans are refusing to hear HB 591 (sponsor Mark Pafford, D.) which is a bill to require summer camp operators to have background checks. The Palm Beach Post did an investigation and found child rapists and other convicted felons to own or work at summer camps with virtually no oversight to protect our children. There is no place for partisan politics when our children's safety is at risk.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Warme
  • Stop Brookdale From Fleecing Seniors
    Brookdale Senior Living Inc. Notified residents of Foundation House in Federal Way WA that they would be charged $150 per year for a computer enviornment that was set in place in late 2012. Residents were not asked if they were interested, and were told there would be no cost to them, in fact the facility used the new computers and wi-fi as an enticement to prospective residents.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Blasco
    The Mattawa Community is petitionin the City to please bring back the soccer goal posts that were removed from the community park. Playing soccer at the park was one on Mattawa's main community envolvements, taking the posts away took a piece of the Community away from this city.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mari Mendez
  • Change Gonna Come, and Battle Lines Are Drawn
    The governor of NC is telling those of us who are rural, especially the African Americans, members of the 7 indigenous Nations and women, "We do not care about you. You do not have enough money to matter." As a grass roots leader in Western North Carolina, I will not stop fighting and I sure as hell won't stop standing up for MY sisters, brothers and constituents.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Brumby
  • Raise Legal Age for Tobacco Purchase
    Even though the legal age for tobacco purchase in Florida is 18, my son and his friends had no problem making purchases at 15 and 16. Raising the legal age could actually save lives by not giving young people the opportunity to purchase this highly addictive product.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith A Mastropietro
  • Adopt Daylight Savings Time Year Round in California
    Adopting Daylight Savings TIme year-round would increase productivity and make Californians happier and healthier.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anastasia Berta
  • Amend Statute Title 46. Section 46.37.530
    Repeal the requirement to wear a protective helmet while operating a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or moped on a state highway, county road, or city street
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Michaelis
  • Chelsea's Law
    My 18 y.o. daughter was arrested for underage consumption with an alcohol level of 0.18, twice the legal limit. She posted bond, was left in a lobby by herself to wait for an adult that she had called to pick her up. She subsequently ended up leaving before the adult arrived and was walking toward the establishment (2-3 miles) where her friends were, but was struck and killed by a hit and run driver. According to police, she was considered an "adult" because she was 18 (although intoxicated), posted bond, so they claimed they could not retain her. To date, there are no laws and/or policies to prevent this from happening again.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Keener-Huie