CNN Should Apologize for Sympathizing With Steubenville RapistsOn Sunday, March 17, 2013, CNN broke the news that the Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond had been found guilty of the rape of a 16 year old unconscious girl. Rather than celebrating the fact that justice had been served, CNN then spent the next six minutes lamenting the fact that these boys' lives were ruined. CNN was perpetuating our society's rape culture by sympathizing with rapists rather than the victim. See the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MvUdyNko8LQ#!49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Megan G.
Fairness in drug testingAny attempt to legislate drug testing for MI residents receiving state aid also include, The entire Michigan House, The entire Michigan Senate, and The Governor of Michigan.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donald Kornoski
300,000 drivers punished for being poorThere are 300,000 drivers in the state of Washington ( pop. 6,724,540) whose drivers license is suspended, mostly in the 3rd degree, because they cannot afford to pay fines and court fees for tickets they received because the legislature has raised fines, thus turning the DOL and law enforcement into a source of increased revenue, instead of being just a licensing and regulatory agency as it was designed to be. If you cannot pay these fees within a short time they are turned over to a collection agency, where more fees and interest is added. If you cannot afford to pay the agency, your license is then suspended in the 3rd degree. If you are caught driving again, more fines, fees and interest are added to your penalty and the ability to recover is put even further out of reach. All of this can result in a criminal record and a negative credit rating while quickly adding up to thousands of dollars, which can affect your employability and access to credit. In the current state of the economy it is time for the state to come up with a workable alternative to this problem by implementing reasonable payment plans and/or community service in order for people to retain their driving privilages, while looking for employment or any of the many other reasons people need their licenses in day to day life. The state needs to implement a system where people have the ability to reasonably pay these penalties while retaining their right to legally drive in their in their day to day activities. This would also enable the state to save tax money by reducing repeated court appearances and possible incarceration costs.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nik DeWitt
Erie Community College...Protect Your OWN StudentsOur sister, Toree Walker, continues to be treated as an outcast because Erie Community College would rather play collegiate politics at her expense. It's okay for our children to play ball for Erie but Erie won't play fair ball with them. Toree has been suspended by the school, disgraced by the news media, and it's time to tell Erie Community College to stop with the politics and invest in protecting their own students.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marlon Coleman
eliminate surchargessurcharges are addition to any fines/ penalties and are billed for 3 years. These surchages can cause you to loose you job,car,home,etc,.What happens to all of the excess money that is collected by the state of New Jersey??2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DORIS HOLMES
Governor Martinez: Please Take Action - Ban Horse Slaughter in New Mexico by Executive OrderA horse slaughter plant is poised to open in New Mexico, despite the fact that 80% of all Americans strongly oppose the slaughter of horses. Horse slaughter plants have a history of polluting local water supplies, lowering property values and are a drain on local economies. In addition horses, not raised for food are given a wide variety of drugs and veterinary treatments that make their meat unfit for human consumption. Horses slaughter is the most barbaric form of slaughter as horses are flight animals. The Horse Slaughter industry poses threats to the health, environmental and economic welfare of New Mexico and thereby warrants the issue of an Executive Order that will Ban Horse Slaughter in the state of New Mexico.2,052 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Paula Todd King
Illegal Foreclosure Action(s), without the Original Mortgagee's NoteI am a Mortgagor, not getting credit on my mortgage for funds I paid to an Assignee(s), Servicer(s).8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Butch Johnson
No smoking on apartment patiosYes. I live in a condo and the person below me smokes constantly and leaves old cigarettes in the ashtray. I have tried to sell, but the HOA has been mismanaged and only cash sales can happen here. If I go outside, I cough and am very uncomfortable. My only window is my patio, so I cannot open my door for fresh air.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Ebersole
Protect citizens from municipal gouging on finesCitizens are being financially assaulted on a daily basis by arbitrary and excessive fines by municipalities for non-violent breakings of the law. For example, I once stopped at a public bus stop for 10 seconds to let two people out and was surrounded by police cars who gave me a ticket for $450. This excessive and arbitrary scheme of fines is meant to pad the coffers of poorly run or greedy municipalities. We need state-wide maximum fines for common infractions.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elio Gizzi
Governor Cuomo and NYS Legislature: no more casinosCasinos mostly take money from the poor and elderly and make problem gamblers of those who can least afford it. Casinos turn good people into embezzlers and those who hurt their families and loved ones. Have the guts to fund the government the honest way.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Merle Showers
GMO LABELINGPeople have a right to know what they are putting into their bodies. The food industry has a responsibility to be transparent by labeling all of the ingredients in their products so the public can decide whether or not to buy that product.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harris Insler