Hawaii, say NO to GMO80% of supermarket food is GMO; people don't know that they are eating it...and it has already started showing dangerous effects on animals and humans.525 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jean Prem
Attention Dog Lovers in NYCHas anyone noticed how many residences are disallowing pets? Older citizens who live alone, and rely on their dogs for companionship and health benefits are being told they may not replace their dogs. After living in the same house for 45 years, with a dog, I've been told I will be evicted if I replace my aging dog when she dies. Now that's plain nasty!79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carole Potter
Help Sweet Pea Farms in Michigan keep their animals.This family has been fighting with the Williamstown Township in Michigan over their small farm. Before they moved in they asked if there were any restrictions on animals, and was told no. Now the township leaders are trying to tell the family that they have to get rid of their animals even though they are protected by the Right to farm act.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian K. Askins
Urge Secretary Salazar to finalize and adopt the decision to protect Izembek National Wildlife Re...The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicated that it will deny a request to build a road through remote wilderness areas of Alaska’s Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. The Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is internationally recognized for its important wetlands and wildlife habitat, and as congressionally designated Wilderness. This decision now goes to the Secretary of the Interior to be finalized -- Tell Secretary Salazar that you stand behind the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision , and urge him to finalize and adopt the agency’s decision to deny this proposed road.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keira Piette
Teenager Driving Act of 2013To teenage driving requirements here in Texas. Change the laws in our state to, to require more driving with adult supervision for a longer period of time, less driving with teenagers in the car. Zero driving with another teenage in the car until certain requirements have been met. More restrictions on night driving to prevent drinking and driving among our teenagers. I have a complete outline on making it more safe for our teenagers to acquire the needed experience to drive on our local streets and interstate system, before a deadly accident occurs. This will reduce the number of devastating deaths among this group of young people. At the present they do not have the necessary skills to operate a killing machine. Join me in this cause to save the grief of the family and the lives of our precious children before it is too late.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Erlandson
STOP HORSEMEAT FACTORY IN US NOW!A bill is about to pass allowing sick, diseased, and abused horses to be sold on a block as "meat". They will then be taken (malnourished, beaten, and miserable - most so sick they can barely walk) - not to be cared for and rehabilitated for a life that has been unjust and cruel to these elegant creatures, but instead, they will be led or often forklifted (when they're too sick to stand) to their place in line for slaughter. Horsemeat is already showing up in US Meatballs (prepackaged). Would YOU eat a horse? Would you like to see horses sold for slaughter - killed here, chopped and grinded up for parts/meat, then shipped overseas while rotting in some cheap refrigerator? Isn't it time we stepped UP to help animals? Is there going to be a dog-meat factory next (horse meat is legal in London, and dog meat is legal in Korea, so why not? where does it stop?). IT STOPS HERE. HELP STOP THE MADNESS HERE!79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teresa C. Barnes
U.S. Post Office RolesCutting the U.S. Post Office services down by a day and stopping Saturday delivery to balance a budget that is held hostage by Congress in the first place is not acceptable. Strengthen what the U.S. Post Office and their mail carriers can do, not what they can't do.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristin Andrade
Divide New York State Into Two StatesImproved representation for the people in New York State.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Hausner
Vote NO on SB463 SD2 HawaiiRELATING TO FILM AND DIGITAL MEDIA INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT. SB463 violates Antitrust and Excludes Hawaii County In Session on 03/19/13 EXCLUDES HAWAII COUNTY! This bill SB463 SD2 as written with the unnecessary statement of "or the most populous island in a county with a population of 100,000 to 175,000" deliberately, illegally and with prejudice removes Hawaii county from the bill, this is an injustice to the residents of Hawaii county and illegally serves only a small special interest group in Oahu and Maui.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Guagliardo
Save Airport Contract TowersFAA has made it crystal clear they will close almost 200 contract towers. The only way to stop FAA is get the legislative fix in the CR through the Moran amendment2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Karaffa
United States Civil Air Patrol Saves Lives. Don't Let Sentor McCain Kill It!The petition is about continuing government funding for the Civil Air Patrol that saves lives. I'm a mother of a formal officer cadet of the Civil Air Patrol for a term of 5 plus years that is now in the United States Air Force. We have already secured 938 signatures but our goal has to be 1000 by the end of today March 18, 2013.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Baldwin
Let's get GMO labeling mandatory in New YorkGMOs in our food were first available to the public in 1996. That is when I began to get sick. We deserve to know what the food we are eating is made from, especially when it can poison our health. What good is any other reform if future generations won't be around? This is critical to the health of our nation and our world—the future of our human community depends upon it. Come on, New York!84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sande Nosonowitz