Protect our privacy, restore accurate caller ID to wireless phones.I would like to see caller I.D. restored to all of our wireless phones. Our friend's calls look like telemarketers when we see things like "Unknown, Out of Area, California, Nevada call, etc". These odd names show even when it's from the V.A. hospital calling to make an appointment with my husband. Many times I do not answer these calls. We're paying for the caller I.D. service and the wireless companies are making a "mint" off of us. Let's get caller ID back with real names of real people. Let telemarketers state who they are so we have a choice as to what call we want to answer.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vivian Worthy
Repeal FEMA Disaster Reservist ProgramRepeal the FEMA Disaster Reservist Program implementations and assosciated FEMA Qualification System. Currently, through Implementation of the above two programs, FEMA is losing an average of seven employees per day -- a number that will severely hamper future response efforts to national disasters.1,448 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Deryl Miles
Music Videos need a reality checkMusic videos are highly influential, to young people; much like commercials (but longer) they tell young people what to drink, what to wear, how to wear it, and how to live. The problem is that the images portrayed are many times degrading to women and the disadvantaged. I believe that music videos should provide a disclaimer to inform young people that the lifestyles portrayed are not realistic19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jasmin Canfield
The Labeling of GMO'sWe all deserve to make healthy food choices. We can't do that unless food carries a label as to it's origin.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Blake
NJ Public Employee Payouts. Stop the Talk. Make the law.Eliminate outrageous payments to New Jersey public employees for unused sick, vacation and personal days when they retire. Benefits already accrued would not be affected.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Kilcrease
Take pay cuts Government wideThis petition is in regards to balancing state budgets2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by katherine m swain
JEFFERSON COUNTY IOWA ORGANICThere are over 3000+ counties in the USA. We want just one small county in the agricultural heartland to be designated ORGANIC ONLY.252 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Neil B. Cunningham
Implement WV Barber Apprentice ProgramThere is presently a shortage of Barbers coming into the proffession. With only one school in the State it is impractical for most to attend from far distances. I believe the program has been legislated in a previous years legislative session and needs only to have the curriculum approved and the program implemented. This directly affects me because I have a barbershop in Glenville and cannot find help with my client base.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Balisciano
MoCo County, MD 'Master Plan' for the Bus Rapid TransitThe Planning Board is moving forward with the 'Master Plan' for the Bus Rapid Transit. The staff draft was released last week on March 11th, along with appendices and the staff memo. The Planning Board meeting is tomorrow evening at 6 pm, giving citizens less than one week to read all the documents, many of which are quite technical. The staff documents are here: http://www.montgomeryplanningboard.org/agenda/2013/documents/20130318_CountywideTransitCorridorsFunctionalMP_Attachment_000.pdf10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Bienenfeld
Protect Vetrans BenifitsI'm concerned that DisableVeterans causes will be cut and protections in the work place won't be enforced.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emmitt Gremillion
Save Our Post Office IowaOur goal is to save the U.S. Postal Service from drastic cuts in service. We want the postal service to cease closing mail processing plants. We want the postal service to continue 6 day delivery and we want the postal service to stop closing post offices and cutting retail operating hours. Our goal is to see the dramatic pre payments into retirement accounts to stop and be returned to the postal service. We are proud of our postal network in Iowa and want to keep it the way it is.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Stidman
College Tuition Loan DebtCollege students graduating by the hundreds and no jobs, or jobs paying below what their degrees dictate. So they are faced with either having no job or taking what they can get in order to live, but still not enough to pay for cost of living and tuition payments. I am being affected by this right now. My daughter has college debt that I don't know how we will pay it. I have been laid-off for 4/5 years now. I am not able to help her. I understand may other college students are in the same predicament. I understand it has been referred to as another Mortgage Crisis (yet is is College Debt Crisis)4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Concerned for College Students