• Fewer than 100 Wild Red Wolves Remain in the World
    The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission recently approved a temporary state rule that allows spotlight hunting of coyotes at night throughout the state, including in the area inhabited by the only wild population of red wolves, one of the world’s most endangered animals. Red wolves and coyotes look a lot alike, even in daylight. In nighttime conditions, it is nearly impossible to tell them apart. At least two wolves have already been illegally shot. Tell the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: Don’t let anymore wolves die! Stop all coyote hunting -- daytime or nighttime -- within the red wolf recovery area!
    931 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Keira Piette
  • Move the Super Bowl from Sunday to Saturday
    The Super Bowl is the most watched American event every year, and millions of Americans get together to celebrate. Unfortunately, the game is on Sunday night, and most Americans have school and work the next day, making it difficult to fully enjoy the plethora of festivities that is associated with the Super Bowl. If the game were moved to Saturday night, then more people would be able to not only enjoy the game more, but also be more productive on Monday.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian McGinty
  • David Hewlett for the 12th Doctor
    David Hewlett, best known for his role as Dr. Rodney McKay on Stargate Atlantis, has proven his skill as an actor and has endeared himself to fans around the world. Some time back, David mentioned that he was a long time fan of Doctor Who and that he had wanted to play the Doctor when he was growing up. So why shouldn't he? We, the undersigned, feel that David Hewlett should portray the 12th Doctor due to his talent as a television actor and long-time love for the show.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fangirl Anonymous
  • Beatrice Mtetwa
    The wrongful arrest and detention of Zimbabwean Human Rights Lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MILES ANDERSON
  • Maximum sentence for Timothy Sappington
    Other research has shown consistent patterns of animal cruelty among perpetrators of more common forms of violence, including child abuse, spouse abuse, and elder abuse. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association considers animal cruelty one of the diagnostic criteria of conduct disorder.
    6,153 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by jon jovi
  • Insure Integrity In Government!
    In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Why in America, do we allow people to run for political office, government, just because they want to? Why?
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • End the practice of Gerrymandering
    District representation should be determined by a geographical grid in regards to population density of the area. Not by the re-shaping of one political party.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William H Schwartz
  • Olde Beaufort Farmers' Market
    Beaufort is a great community that could be enhanced by the presence of a weekly farmers' market that would offer locals and tourists a chance to buy local food products and art and support the local economy.
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Erica R. Bondy
  • Leave the arcades open. Shut down the criminals.
    Leave the harmless arcades out of the bill to ban the internet cafes run by "Allied Veterans." Doesn't seem fair to punish everyone for the acts of Allied Veterans. They should be shut down and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denny Hines
  • Pronunciation of Boise, Idaho
    Do you live in the Boise, Idaho area? Have you struggled with telling visitors how Boise is pronunced? It's 'Boy-see' not 'Boy-zee'!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenna
  • Nickelodeon: Make a TV Movie of the Search for Zuko's Mom
    In a recent blog post, Mike Dante DiMartino, co-creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender, posted the following: "While we were working on Book 1 of Korra, Bryan and I pitched a TV movie version of the search for Zuko's mom to Nickelodeon. They weren't interested in doing animated TV movies, and chose to pick up Book 2 of Korra instead." Source: http://mikedimartinostory.com/2013/03/20/you-really-want-to-know-what-happened-to-zukos-mom/ While it is unclear from the context of the post why Nickelodeon was not interested in doing a TV movie of The Search, most fans strongly support this idea and would undoubtedly be willing to tune in in huge numbers and buy DVDs, making Nickelodeon a huge profit. It's possible the reason that they did not pick up the idea is that they didn't think it would be popular. Let's show Nickelodeon how profitable picking up a movie about the search for Zuko's mom would be and perhaps they will reconsider. Note that this is a fan-made petition and that the creator of this petition has no affiliation with either Nickelodeon or the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Rosen
  • Save the world
    The most effective procedure to destress oneself and reduce high blood pressure is optimal breath characterised by slow and deep breath. The Coherent breath has helped us on the Indian Railways to reduce train accidents attributable to failure of the human element by remaining vigilant at work and thus improve personal effectiveness and productivity. It is a cost effective procedure and is not liked by the medical profession since it does not promote sale of blood pressure reducing costly medicines.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R.K.Palhan