• Eliminate Ballot Fraud with Confirmation Website!
    Stopping ballot fraud, and mistakes by creating a secure website that can be accessed by individuals privately and conveniently in order that we can confirm that our votes were counted and recorded accurately. By using numbered ballots we can enter the number to confirm receipt and to check candidates are correctly entered. This will stop fraud and errors from affecting outcomes.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kim cassidy
  • Remove tax-exempt status for Churches that urge members to vote for a given candidate
    Churches have power over their members, and can be a significant force in an election. It is clear, for example, that some churches pressure their members to vote for a given candidate based on her/his alignment with their particular teaching. However, the involvement of any tax-exempt organization in the political process is strictly forbidden by the IRS: "...it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates."
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edwin F Meyer II
  • Candy Crowley- CNN Moderator of Upcoming Presidential Debates
    Candy Crowly leans very much to the "right" and as such I feel that she will give Romney a "pass" at the debates since he usualy answers a question with a question..
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia birt
  • Open ALL Hempstead Villiage Parks All DAY LONG
    Lincoln Park on South Franklin Street in Hempstead NY is always closed during the day. This parks should be accessible to everyone during warm weather days NO ACCEPTIONS.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Williams
  • Step-Parents' Inheritance Limitations to Protect Stepchildren's Inheritance Rights
    Countless American children & grandchildren--both minors and adults--are robbed of our inheritances because our mom or dad remarried a stepmom or stepdad, who, as a SPOUSE, has unlimited rights to inherit, even to the TOTAL EXCLUSION of us, our siblings, and our children. Our family lost everything because our STEPMOM of 18 years, whom we loved and trusted, inherited all Dad's estate as his "spouse." We, Dad's kids and grandkids, got NOTHING. Then Stepmom evicted us from Dad's home and never saw us again. She had only married Dad for his money and property. This horror could not have happened if our rights had been protected by a law that limited Stepmom's inheritance rights. This petition calls for such limitation. LIMIT the inheritance rights of ANY step-spouse who marries a man or woman with blood or adopted children, grandchildren, siblings, etc. Your step-parent's inheritance claim on your parent's estate must be NO GREATER than your own. Such legislation will also put an end to questionable wills that unexpectedly disinherit us children or leave ALL to a step-parent (or to his/her children) while TOTALLY EXCLUDING your own blood or adopted family members. In return, the step-parent's own children are equally protected, as NO step-parent can inherit more than a parent's natural or adopted children. Predatory step-parents destroy families. The numbers are frightening. Don't be fooled by loving promises without laws to back them up: remember that WE were fooled for 18 years. There are far more Cinderellas in our country than there are Brady Bunches. The estate you save could be your own.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Charles Edward Long, III
  • Tell New York Archbishop: Don't allow Romney endorsements in church bulletins
    When Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, delivered the benediction at the Democratic and Republican conventions, he told reporters that he was there only to pray, not to endorse a candidate. But back in his very own archdiocese, a Catholic parish is distributing an endorsement of Mitt Romney. In last Sunday's bulletin, a parish priest reprinted a letter from former Vatican ambassadors which concludes: "We urge our fellow Catholics, and indeed all people of good will, to join with us in this full-hearted effort to elect Governor Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States." Cardinal Dolan's constant incendiary attacks on President Obama's health care policies have created a situation in which a priest in his very own diocese thinks it's acceptable to use a Sunday bulletin for partisan politics. If he's serious about staying out of this election, Dolan must instruct his priests to refrain from distributing partisan campaign materials and issue a pastoral letter clarifying that the church is not endorsing Mitt Romney. Sign our petition to Cardinal Timothy Dolan.
    20,861 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America Action
  • Presidential Debate... Will what they say be truth or fiction?
    To hold candidates accountable by using fact check during the debate to question the veracity of their statements. Make them explain directly to the public and not through their political operatives.
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by H.P. Schroer
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MODERATE
  • Make Zozobra a family and community event again!
    Zozobra used to be a fun family event for many people here in Santa Fe. Between skyrocketing ticket prices and the loss or distortion of most of the traditions associated with the event, it has become a mockery of all of the things we used to love about it. We want this to be an event that our children can enjoy as much as we did growing up!
    1,353 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Heather Burke
  • stop hiding obstructionism
    We should be listing the bills that have been fillibustered by the Republicans that would have helped the American people everywhere we can... billboards, commercials, it should be the Democratic anthem and show what bills the Republicans have passed (abortion). IT ISNT ABOUT OBSTRUCTING OBAMA, IT IS ABOUT OBSTRUCTING THE PEOPLE FROM THE RIGHT TO LIFE! We should make it a banner hanging in front of the Congress.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gretchen Zwetzig
  • Romney and Ryan
    Republicans are prejudice. If Romney is elected. Small business WILL go under. Romney now states his income tax returns were stolen. He didn't file. Don't vote for liars. They will cheat and steal more people into poverty and no Healthcare. Don't vote for Romney and Ryan.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deidre Lee
    Massachusetts is already one of the most expensive states in the country as far as housing goes. There are so many people working 2 & 3 jobs to barely make ends meet, paying over $1500 + a month, then when the lease is up, their rent goes up another $500-$1000 a month. there should be a limit they can charge. Can you afford $3000 a month for rent, because that is where we are headed.
    3 of 100 Signatures