Child Support Reform in OhioThis is to demand Ohio Child Support Guidelines be revised. Too many families are struggling to pay impossible amounts of child support, only to support the Ex's and NOT the children who are the ones to be provided for. Actual costs to care for a child, not your amount of income need to be considered in support orders and custodial parents need to be held accountable for the money awarded to them!12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jaymie Payne
Obama/Romney Unite to Stop Auto-weapon SalesOur country seems to be in the grip of the National Rifle Association. Neither candidate can say anything about controlling the sale of automatic weapons. I want to ask the two presidential candidates to step up TOGETHER and propose a reasonable gun control law that they BOTH sign. No big change, just the elimination of sub-machine gun sales. This will not change either candidates support group but will send a message supporting rational behavior.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Kruth
Acknowledge your vote.Remember when Iraq voted and came away with the Purple finger to signify the fact they voted. They turned out in overwhelming numbers, Every Middle Eastern Country allowed to vote do so in overwhelming numbers. So do any country other than the United States of America. I propose some type of recognition readily seen to acknowledge those who cast their ballot. Be it Democrat, Republican or Independent. At least they voted.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Tomes
vote 2012 for Obama-BidenShow your plan to support for our President and Vice-President4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Coutsakis
Ticking time bomb - driving while distractedRecently, 4 young women were killed in a motor vehicle accident related to driving while distracted. These deaths are part of 35,000 annual fatalities and one half million bodily injuries occuring on our roads each year. Many of these accidents are the results of distracted driving from cell phone use and texting. We would like President Obama to make this a DNC platform issue. It is our hope that he would pledge to reduce road fatalities by half during his next four year term.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by nathan wright
Make animal cruelty a major felonyBecause of lenient penalties there is little deterrence in animal cruelty;such as promoting and attending dog ,and cock fights.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Kane
Stop killing babiesTo stop the killing of innocent babies like lamb, veal and baby chicks for consumption. Their lives are cut way to short.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aysha
Making Organic Food Cost Competitive With Conventional Produce Through Changes of the Farm BillI, like millions of Americans, struggle to find a balance between eating healthy, and having enough money to be able to afford the other things we need to have an enjoyable life. My petition argues that we for too long have used the Farm Bill to subsidize the production of corn when the Farm Bill was intended to figure out how to subsidize farmers. We currently have less than 10% of the funds go towards Organic, Sustainable, and producers of the like. I want all organic farmers to have the chance to obtain in the united states an annual, renewable, 10k+ loan to help scale-up their small, local, organic farms to allow for organic food to become more cost competitve with conventional Produce.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Doyle
लाला जगदलपुरी के लिये पद्मश्री की माँगबस्तर में दण्डकवन के ऋषि कहे जाने वाले लेखक/कवि लाला जगदलपुरी वैसे तो किसी पुरस्कार के मोहताज नहीं हैं। लाला जी १९३६ से लेखनरत हैं..उनका हिन्दी के साथ-साथ छत्तीसगढी तथा बस्तर की लोकभाषा हल्बी एवं भतरी में भी लेखन-प्रकाशन उपलब्ध है। लाला जगदलपुरी भले ही आज 94 वर्ष के हो गये हों किंतु उनका लेखन ही आज भी बस्तर अंचल की पहचान है। लाला जगदलपुरी के लेखन से पूर्व बस्तर से बाहर के लोग यहाँ की संस्कृति को बहुत हीं संकुचित रूप में देखा करते थे। वे इसे एल्विन, ग्रियर्सन, ग्रिग्सन और ग्लासफर्ड के नजरिये से देखा करते थे लेकिन इन्हें पढकर बस्तर की समृद्ध संस्कृति को उसकी समग्रता में समझने-बूझने का मौका मिला। लाला जी ने घोटुल की आत्मा को समझा और उसकी सच्चाई लिखी.. लाला जगदलपुरी जगदलपुर से प्रकाशित साप्ताहिक ’अंगारा’ में सम्पादक, रायपुर से प्रकाशित ’देशबन्धु’ में सहायक सम्पादक, महासमुंद से प्रकाशित ’सेवक’ में सम्पादक और जगदलपुर से बस्तर की लोकभाषा ’हल्बी’ में प्रकाशित साप्ताहिक ’बस्तरिया’ में सम्पादक रहे। बस्तर अंचल में हाल हीं में कराये गए सर्वेक्षण में पाया गया कि इनका नाम बस्तर अंचल के ८४ प्रतिशत शिक्षित/अशिक्षित दोनों हीं प्रकार के लोग भली भांति जानते हैं। लाला जगदलपुरी अब वयोवृद्ध हो गये हैं तथा उनके कार्य को पद्मश्री जैसा सम्मान अब तक न मिल पाना बस्तर अंचल के पिछडेपन के कारण ही हुआ है। इस अंचल की महानतम कलम को पद्मश्री दिया जाये यह हमारी विनम्र माँग हैं।155 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Vishwa Deepak
Mitt Romney: Show Us Your Birth CertificateI think when Mitt Romney said that he had never been asked to show his birth certificate he was trying to be funny and somehow imply that the Tea Party people asking for Obama's birth certificate implies there's something wrong with Obama but in fact most people have to show there birth certificate to enroll in school or get a job or apply for a passport which are all things that Romney did so how could Romney's assertion be true?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Hill
Fine political lies $10,000 per lieEvery time a candidate lies, defined by Politico or whoever doles out Pinochios, they must pay the other side $10,000.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by susie diwald
Stop Hate Speech NowHate speech throughout the fragile history of humanity is the precursor to our ability to murder, to terrorize, to start and maintain wars, to oppress, to control. Hate thrives on lies, fear and dehumanizing the "other", creating vast human horror and suffering, mis-spending billions that could benefit our betterment. While every "side" says they possess the truth, this is where we need to intervene with truth telling. We have to prevent such large scale hate over TV, radio. Increasingly, daily it's destroying a future for our children and the hope of civilization. It interferes with our great ability to solve our shared challenges. We can do this. It means the world.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Donovan