No off stage helpIt has been photographically documented that George Bush wore a concelled earphone during the 2004 debates where off stage handlers provided answers to questions posed. Please sign this petition to let the GOP know that this trick will not be allowed during the upcoming Presidential debates.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Kane
President Obama: Spend a Little Less on Your Campaign This YearI feel so bowled over by the obscene amounts of money being spent on this presidential campaign. I think it would be a brave and telling gesture if President Obama stood up and said, "I'm going to forgo just a couple of hours of political ads in a battleground state and donate what my campaign would have spent on those ads to a shelter or some other worthy cause."1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josephine Mahnken
Truth in Campaign AdsPromoters of products on television must adhere to truth in advertising regulations set up by the Federal Communications Commission. Why do political commercials get a free pass on this. The Romney campaign is pouring countless millions into misleading and untrue ads about how President Obama has "raided" billions from Medicare, when actually the adjustments made by the administration were to cut waste in the program and have no adverse effect on benefits for seniors. We demand that the Federal Communications Commission start fact checking the accuracy content of ads saturating the airwaves and hold "liars" accountable. Fines, obviously will have little impact but a website with a "liars list" could work wonders.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Doug Gervais
Great Water ProjectTo develop and implement plans to save and divert the Mississippi River waters to the Texas and other states West of Missouri.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Iraj Mahdavi
Political Truth in AdvertisingI believe that this country is being ruined by political ads that outright lie, and I believe that running an ad that is false should be made the equivalent of perjury.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leo Lowenthal
Save the FieldIn Cleveland, OH, there is a small field of land on our corner in the neighborhood of Old Brooklyn. It was once home to an elementary school that has long since been torn down, which was sad in and of itself. However, it has proven itself to be a happy accident in our neighborhood. For years this field has been utilized by the community as a place for leisurely retreat or active sport. Kids play football and soccer. Dad's throw a baseball with their sons, or play Frisbee, families have picnics and barbecues, play with their dogs, people sit out to sunbathe. Now this small beloved field is being turned into a urban farm. In the middle of a city where we have nowhere else to enjoy a little space? It doesn't make any sense.The community itself will not benefit from this garden. It has been a wonderful addition for us and is utilized so often. Please help us to save it and keep it so we can continue to enjoy it as a benefit to our community!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Heidi Nazario
Save the FieldIn Cleveland, OH, there is a small field of land on our corner in the neighborhood of Old Brooklyn. It was once home to an elementary school that has long since been torn down, which was sad in and of itself. However, it has proven itself to be a happy accident in our neighborhood. For years this field has been utilized by the community as a place for leisurely retreat or active sport. Kids play football and soccer. Dad's throw a baseball with their sons, or play Frisbee, families have picnics and barbecues, play with their dogs, people sit out to sunbathe. Now this small beloved field is being turned into a urban farm. In the middle of a city where we have nowhere else to enjoy a little space? It doesn't make any sense.The community itself will not benefit from this garden. It has been a wonderful addition for us and is utilized so often. Please help us to save it and keep it so we can continue to enjoy it as a benefit to our community!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Heidi Nazario
Stop America's top Catholic bishop from endorsing Paul RyanCardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of New York, is listed prominently among the invited speakers being used to promote the Values Voters Summit, at which Ryan and a host of other Republican politicians and far-right figures will appear. The bishops have condemned the Ryan budget as inconsistent with Catholic teaching, because of its "unacceptable cuts" to "essential programs that serve poor and vulnerable people." So why would Cardinal Dolan even consider appearing with Ryan during the campaign season? It's not too late for Cardinal Dolan, who recently called Ryan a "great public servant," to publicly refuse this invitation and make it clear that he is not in the business of partisan politics. But he needs to hear from us immediately. Sign our petition: Cardinal Dolan, stay away from Paul Ryan and the Values Voters Summit.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America Action
With appreciationAs a parent and educator and a creator of a number of small business enterprises, I have been shocked by the views expressed by Mitt Romney asserting the business owners succeed on their own.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Margaret Hudgings
Rep. Akin, resign from the Committee on Science, Space, and TechnologyFollowing the comments made by Missouri Congressman Todd Akin regarding the ability of the female body to "shut that whole thing down" following rape (referring to the falsity that rape cannot result in pregnancy), the scientists of The United States of America, respectfully request that he resign from the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Representative Akin's comment shows a severe lack of understanding about human biology and define him as unfit to serve as a representative of the world's leading scientific community.3,556 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Tony Pomicter
Tell American Kennel Club to revoke certifications of puppy mill puppies!!This petition is about the millions of dogs that are killed every year in America due to the greed and inhumanity of Puppy Mill owners and the continued indifference and inaction of the AKC. Puppy Mills are breeding factories where AKC registered dogs are kept in inhumane situations, forced to breed relentlessly with little to no veterinary care and whose offspring are often sick physically and challenged mentally. Please increase the pressure on AKC to revoke their certifications of all other dogs than those that are bred in private homes and who live as companion animals/pets.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anita Ricka
Tommy Thompson release your tax returnsTommy Thompson has refused to release his tax returns for the last 10 years. His opponent Tammy Baldwin has already done so and it is time for Tommy Thompson to step up to the plate and show Wisconsinites he has nothing to hide.2,441 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Matt Schauenburg, Politiscoop