• FDA: Expose Hidden Artificial Sweeteners
    I've thrown out hundreds of dollars worth of food this year. Why? Hidden artificial sweeteners. They give me headaches, stomach aches and can make me ill for days. With the ever growing list of artificial sweeteners available, it's impossible for consumers to remember all the names. Even if it were possible, consumers would need to read the ingredient label of every product they consider buying to find the artificial sweeteners. Why? The FDA doesn't require that products containing artificial sweeteners place that information prominently on the front label where consumers can easily and quickly find it.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trudy Zahn
  • Marketing To Seniors (And Other Voters)
    My petition is about reaching voters, mainly senior voters. Ads are on TV and the internet, etc. attempting to explain issues to voters in the upcoming 2012 Presidential election. But I have failed to see ads in NEWSPAPERS across the nation, explaining, simply, and precisely the differences in the political/social issues of the Democratic Party and Republican Party. This petition is directed towards ACTION by the Democratic Party, which in my opinion, needs to get their message across in the most broad, simple, and understandable language....to those seniors and other "independent" and "undecided" voters.....that for whatever reason...still may be confused on the issues between the two poliical parties.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Levine
  • End Untruthful Campaign Ads.
    This petition is to insure that the voters receive the truth in campaign ads aired on the televsion and radio, and ads sent in the mail.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David L. Morris
  • Save The Wyoming Wolves ASAP!!!
    Wyoming wolves will be hunted on a cruel and ruthless huge scale if Wyoming politicians and the Fish and Wildlife folks have their way! Protect the Wyoming wolves from this senseless massive hunt now!
    848 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Sobanski
    You don't know what to believe in Political ads
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Kolaske
  • Say no to voter I.D.
    Voter I.D. Is unfair to the poor and minorities. I am not effectd by this but I feel every citizen has the right to vote.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Gerber
  • Stop horse slaughter in NJ
    A state initiative to prohibit the slaughter of horses for human consumption was passed by the NJ Senate and State Assembly on June 26, 2012. “Prohibiting the slaughter of horses and the sale of horse flesh for human consumption will help prevent the feared start up of horse slaughterhouses since the federal government last year lifted its ban on funding of USDA inspections,” Senator Raymond Lesniak said. “It will also stop the transportation of horses from New Jersey to Canada and Mexico where they are slaughtered for human consumption.” To date Governor Chris Christie has not signed this bill. Please sign this position to encourage Governor Christie to act now to make NJ a more humane state.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alice Deich
  • SPLC is NOT at fault for shooting
    Tony Perkins is trying to place to blame on the Southern Poverty Law Center for the recent shooting of a security guard in the arm at the Conservative Family Research Center by a disturbed and angry activist. When you continuously spout hate-speech, incivility and prejudice you should look in the mirror before passing blame.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Nicholson
  • Write in Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
    Encourage voters in the November 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidental elections to write in names of Bernie Sanders for President and Elizabeth Warren for Vice President. They are the only persons of national prominence whom have the individual integrity and the public's confidence to break the stranglehold of special interest money in the selection and control over the partisan candidates for those offices before and after the election.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George English
  • Loan Forgiveness Program For Social Workers
    The field of social work has played such an important role in our society for hundreds of years, yet it is still a field that continues to not have as much respect within the social welfare arena. Social workers can be found in numerous career settings such as, public welfare agencies, hospitals, non-profit agencies, school systems, private and public industries, reservations and more, yet the salaries remain considerably low in many states and don't keep pace with the cost of living. Student loan debt is considerably higher than the annual salary. The Department of Education has made provisions for loan forgiveness programs for fields such as medical and Peace Corp. Social Workers should also be included in the the loan forgiveness program immediately. Who is with us? Join our cause to be included...
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pia King, MSW
  • Level the Field
    Political campaigns waste money on expensive media ads. That money could be used for for so many other good causes (see the recent NBC nightly news segment on this point from 8/16/12). I hereby will stop giving money to political campaigns and demand that a new system be implemented that will level the field: all information about political candidates will be disseminated only by their personal websites, party websites or news media interviews and stories. No more profit for big media from political ads! I will not contribute! Change the system now! Level the Field!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Rothstein
  • Stop trying to charge for crossing the haward frankland breach
    This guy in tampa its trying to pass a law that authorize tha county to install a toll booth in the haward frankland breach from tampa to clerwatar.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugo tello