• Get out of Iraq and Afghanistain Now
    These wars are evil and we must get out now!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Pike
  • Responsible mortgage payers need help
    Where is help for responsible homeowners whose underwater mortgages are not through Freddie/Fannie? We need refinancing options that: A) don’t cost a fortune to obtain, B) include 2nd mortgages (especially when held by a different lender than the primary mortgage lender), C) include “Jumbo” loans, D) and last, but not least–waive PMI requirements for homeowners who had previously gotten out from under PMI by paying down their mortgages before the housing collapse. PMI can cost hundreds of dollars each month, putting what could otherwise be an affordable mortgage payment out of reach. Personal history… We maxed out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC/2nd mortgage) to pay for autism treatments for our son (not covered by medical insurance or the school system - that's another issue). Then came divorce during the housing valuation/market collapse, causing the Judge to make us tenants-in-common in 2009. The children and I remained in the home, I have made all mortgage payments since divorcing, never been late with either lender, and have zero debt other than the home (pay my credit card bills in full each month). I am financially responsible. The two mortgages together (through separate lenders – Credit Union & local bank) put me in the category of needing a “jumbo” loan. The HELOC/2nd is extremely worrisome, since it makes up about 85% of the total debt, and is variable rate. When interest rates eventually start climbing, I will not be able to afford the HELOC payments and have been trying to head off this scenario by refinancing the two mortgages into a single loan that would give me a stable/affordable monthly payment. But consolidating the two mortgages into a fixed-rate jumbo mortgage with no PMI would require that I bring significant money to the table ($75K - $90K, depending on the details). Right. So, my young teenage children and I sit with this sword of Damocles hanging, wondering how long we will be able to stay in the home, the home they have been in since birth.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Corbo
  • MTA, Please remove hate speech from your advertising spaces.
    I am a concerned citizen and MTA customer who respectfully requests that you remove the currently posted anti-Islam ads from your advertising spaces. The ads include biased generalizations against an entire group of human beings because of their religion. Furthermore, the ads inspire fear and prejudice. No good is provided to the readers. Please act as a responsible and ethical company by no longer allowing the promotion of hateful and bigoted advertisements on your property.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by patrick horton
  • Republicans: Where is your list?
    We have seen the long list of President Obama's accomplishments in the considerably short time that he's been in office. Positive changes that will continue to improve the standard of living for the vast majority of Americans. It would seem the obvious reaction of Republicans to publish their list...unless they just don't have one they want us to know about. So what have you done that we, working class Americans should be voting you in office? Republicans: Where is your list?
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Niko Allen
  • Contain Fukushima Reactor #4 To Protect America
    I call upon the President and Congress to mobilize an International effort to contain the spent fuel rods at Fukushima reactor #4. We need to send whatever tools nuclear experts determine are needed to contain the fuel rods before another earthquake drains the cooling water. Should this happen a deadly and catastrophic release of radioactive gases will devastate Americas future. This is an enormous risk to our homeland security and we need to take action now.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Hilley
  • Support Sheltered Cats and Dogs
    There are to many cats and dogs euthenized every day in every state across America that would have a much better chance of being adopted if pet shops/stores were not allowed to sell cats/kittens and dogs/puppies. When a party wishes a cat or a dog, visit any local animal humane shelter and take one home. It's not the fault of the animal that it is where it is. All of my pets have come from my local animal humane socitey shelter and I have never never been disappointed. I walk in and ask to see the dog or cat that has been there the longest and will generally take that one home. The cost will bd equal or less than most pet store purchases and the pet from the shelter will be spayed/neutered, will have it's required shots and will be collared w/a current I.D. tag.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Burger
  • Bring Trader Joe’s to the communities of south St. Louis, MO
    Trader Joe's responds to signed petitions when picking new locations. To better the community, we would like to petition them to come to the Village of Marlborough or the immediate surrounding communities of south St. Louis, MO.
    1,517 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by carol
  • Treason, Anyone?
    For the senators who didn't work for the U.S.A. but tried to make sure Obama was a 1 term president; I suggest they be tried for treason.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ramona Browder
  • Prevent Gun Injuries and Deaths
    Preventing gun injuries and deaths is a public health issue. We have enacted food safety, traffic safety, seat belt and helmet rules, and yet we do nothing to prevent the 82 daily deaths from gunshot wounds. I don't have any personal experience of gun violence but I could, at any time. We do our best to protect people from bad drugs to choking hazards, but we allow them to buy and use guns which are designed to do one thing--kill people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Hurd
  • Tell top U.S. bishop: Instead of blessing Ryan, pray for the poor
    The president of the US. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, has just agreed to offer the benediction on the night Mitt Romney accepts his party's presidential nomination. Cardinal Dolan says he's going to the convention to pray, not to campaign, but that's not how it'll look to reporters and voters who've heard him and other bishops repeatedly criticize President Obama's policies. However, there is still a way for Cardinal Dolan to demonstrate clearly that he's not endorsing the Romney-Ryan ticket: By using his benediction to pray for the millions of vulnerable Americans who'd be harmed by Paul Ryan's draconian budget plan. The bishops have already condemned the Ryan budget as inconsistent with Catholic teaching because of its "unacceptable cuts" to "essential programs that serve poor and vulnerable people." A prayer for those threatened by these cuts would be perfectly in line with the bishops' stated position and would send a powerful message that the Roman Catholic Church will never be captive to either political party. But to get the attention of Cardinal Dolan and the media before the convention begins next week, we've got to act right away. Sign the petition: Cardinal Dolan, use your benediction at the GOP convention to pray for the least of these who'd be hurt by the Ryan budget.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America Action
  • Ban FL House Bill 549
    This bill is skewed towards the wealthy white male. It impedes on the judges ability to use his discretion in deciding the awards of alimony on a case by case basis. Because of this bill obligors (payers) are whafting into courtrooms all over the state after whittling their incomes down to nothing and demanding their alimony be eliminated. This is clogging up the courts and devistating single parent families. If this bill is knocked off of its high horse families will benifit and children will be more secure.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Savage savage
  • Delegate Don Dwyer Should Resign
    An Elected official should be setting the best possible example at all times. Delegate Don Dwyer, an Anne Arundel County Delegate said that he regrets his actions, adding that no one should ever drink and operate a motor vehicle or powerboat. This is what he has admitted to; having a blood alcohol content of .2. That is more than 2 times the legal limit. Is this someone we want our children to emulate? Del. Don Dwyer needs to resign!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kert Blodgett