• Navy to deafen whales an dolphins
    We should not be harming other species for our own benefit, especially in such large numbers and in ways that will destroy their quality of life.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carrol Summer
  • U.S.Navy kills and deafens whales!
    I am completely opposed to the U.S. Navy's plan to kill or deafen the whales off our California coast. I am horrified that my country would do such a thing to harmless wildlife near our coast. Please rethink this vicious plan!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean W. Rouff
  • stop killing whales and dauphins with naval sonar
    It's inhumane to use sonar where it can harm whales and dolphins. we must not do this no matter what it takes.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sheridan sullivan
  • Relieve laying hens from cruel battery cages.
    Currently, most egg-laying hens live their whole lives crushed in battery cages where they can't move or spread a wing. These cages are so cruel that they have been banned by the European Union, as well as by California and Michigan. Next week, the House of Representatives will vote on HR 3798, an Amendment based on a historic agreement between the Humane Society of the United States and the United Egg Producers. HR 3798 will replace battery cages with enriched colony cages, where hens will have more space and can express some natural behaviors. Egg cartons will be labelled, saying whether they come from caged, enriched caged, cage-free, or free-range hens. This measure also facilitates interstate commerce for farmers who currently face a patchwork of standards. Hens I've met live free on small farms and stables, and I love them; they are sweet, friendly, social, and sensitive; they can be funny and also brave, in protecting their chicks. I can't bear to think of hens just like them tortured their whole lives in battery cages where muscle, bones, and minds atrophy. We have a historic chance to change that; please help! Egg producers, animal advocates, veterinarians, scientists, and consumers all agree, it's the right thing to do! Please sign your support right away, as the House of Representatives may deliberate and vote as early as July 11. Ask Congress to vote HR 3798 into law.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clarinda Karpov
  • Stop killing the whales
    Stop killing the whales.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chi-yuen Wang
  • The end of railroad retirement
    Saving railroad retirement as a private funding and not a social source. The benefits of railroad retirement are built around the fact that railroad employees have contributed to the American economy through the means of rail transport since the beginning of American business. This is rightfully to be protected.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by leandro Vasquez
  • Smear tactics without an agenda by the GOP, Corrosive Financial Influence
    Proven results with detailed facts to warrant leadership capabilities serves its purpose to voters NOT rhetoric and Lies! Corrosive and Financial Influence should be "Outlawed" as it leads to intrusive and corruption while destroying what our forefathers has envisioned the future of this once great nation. I'm certain the people earned the right of truth to vote the honest and respectful members in office. Eliminate government wasteful spending starting with "NO" Free Medical to Washington House, Congress, Senate committee members exception the Executive Branch members to the President.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kolenekeo C. Darwin Kaeo
    Direct TV has the monopoly on NFL Sunday ticket, most subscribers feel held hostage by DirectTV exorbitant prices.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zerlene Schoolfield
    Friends of the Sea: My deepest appreciation goes to each of you 238,525 who have signed this petition to date to stop the deliberate killing and maiming of our sea life. The petition will be delivered next week on Tuesday to be answered and included in the Environmental Impact Statement that must be filed and approved to allow this to continue. I am just one person who has personal experience with the cetacean community and know how truly wrong it is to invade our oceans with harmful sound and other forms of pollution. We can stop this; your outpouring of e-mails and letters tells me it is time for this change. Respecting the oceans is a way of affirming our own humanity and our willingness to live in harmony with the natural world. We only have a few days to make our voices heard. Would you be willing to post this once again and ask your friends who have not signed to sign? Your small action now can make a big difference, it as a way of leveraging your voice. I would like to arrive at the Navy offices with 500,000 names of people who are asking for this to change.
    34 of 100 Signatures
  • Navy - under water sound
    It is about the Navy activities that affect the whales hearing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen M. LeBlanc
  • State of South Carolina
    Receiving signatures from registered voters to ensure that my name will be on the ballot on November 6, 2012
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dexter L. Reaves
  • FCC Needs to Act
    Rush Limbaugh uses PROFANITY in the Daytime Hours and the FCC should take action. I submitted a complaint CIMS00003356202 - Lumbaugh Daytime Language in March 2012. Have not gotten an answer and the FCC has not taken any action. Perhaps more complaints will get some action.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rogue Cowboy