• U.S.Veteran'sNot4CitizensUnited
    Sen. Al Franken already beat me to it. Showboat:) California has started one if I remember. However, As a U.S. Veteran who receives FREE Dental/Medical the world is watching and so is the omnicient in the sky.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sonny charles urbine
  • Political advertising.
    Advertising cannot intentionally mislead voters by piecing together sound bites that make it sound like someone said something or meant something they didn't. It's misleading and unethical.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Toni Turner
  • Please state your position to all of America.
    It frightens me that the race is so tight and and that Gov. Romney might win.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R. David Cannon
  • Legalize Marijuana
    Many people have been arrested and imprisoned for this victimless crime. Additionally legalization allows for regulation and taxation which would add public safety and federal budget concerns to the situations improved by such an action.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Hufnagel
  • Save the Susanville 48
    Almost one year ago the Grace Foundation, a non-profit organization which places homeless animals took in 48 starved, mistreated, and pregnant horses from a foreclosure in Northern California at the request of the lending banks. They were to be cared for and placed in new homes...however the court proceedings are now looking at giving the animals back to their cruel owner, who lost his property to foreclosure. The animals are pawns and a non-profit has been used and again the banks are the bullies. This is a foreclosure problem and again people and animals the pawns. Thank you for anything you can do. Also, The Grace Foundation has a website and all complete history is there and they can be contacted to add more value to this horrible, sad story.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sat Kiret Kaur
  • Encourage Broadcasting to Back Off on Jokes About Less Intelligent, Ugly, Short and Heavy People
    There has been a great deal of progress in the media to refrain from writing humor about many hurtful jokes, but there is still a way to go. Children watch television. Children get the message it is okay to verbally and physically abuse the named victims.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Bowen
  • Disclose Foreign Bank Accounts
    Foreign bank accounts are set up to avoid the prying eye of Uncle Sam. Anyone running for President must disclose assets, including illegal foreign bank accounts. Failing to do so should disqualify candidates
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arnold Bruhn
  • Homeowner' Insurance rip-off in Florida!h
    Why is it that there aren't more insurance companies competing for business in Florida? In the homeowner's insurance market rates are leaping higher every year even though a hurricane hasn't hit Florida in seven years. I don't understand what our Republican Gorvernor is doing? He is not demanding or encouraging companies to come to Florida to compete in offering cost effective insurance for Florida residents. It seems as if it doesn't matter that one insurance firm is just hicking prices up in a monopolistic market at the expense of Floridian homeowners, taxpayers and most importantly VOTERS too. I thought Republicans were the party of free enterprise and competition in free markets? Not here!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Sanchez
  • Hatena World Petition
    Hatena world was a virtual gaming site similar to Second Life.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zach
  • No Loopholes in Laws and Contracts
    Loopholes that are constructed or accidental often have lasting and unexpected results. All laws and contracts should include a clause that eliminates loopholes and attaches criminal penalties to anyone that takes advantage of the loopholes. This penalty applies to everyone under consumer and constitutional protection. That is, a legally binding contract can not have a loophole that is not clearly defined in the language of the contract or law. Similarly, if a loophole in the contract or law is discovered and some entity circumvents or takes advantage of the loophole, they must adhere to the language, retroactively.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Sitton
  • End political and charity robo-calls
    Stop charities and political campaigns from relentless robo calls from "Unknown" numbers. When you contribute to many charities, they not only keep hounding people for more and more contributions, but sell your phone number to other charities. Political campaigns are even worse. One political party has called my home 2-3 times a day, 7 days a week for the past 8 years. I've filed 2 harassment complaints with the FCC, to no avail. I'm sick of screening phone calls from 8 am to 9 pm every day.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Flynn
    The United States of America's original motto was "E Pluribus Unum" and it is time to return to what our founding fathers desired. The Cold War, what sparked "In God We Trust", is over and we are a country out of many, one. It is time to end partisan politics and become a government for the people, by the people. E Pluribus Unum is on the seal of the President, Vice President, Congress, House of Representatives, Senate, and the Supreme Court but isn't our country's motto. This movement is designed to recognize all people of The United States of America; regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, or political party.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Beard