Mankind's manifest destinyPresently, the western world is plagued by high unemployment and severe pressures on the middle class. I would propose a new global organization, the Earth Core, that would hire people in high unemployment areas to work on massive environmental projects and ones that would boost world GNP. Many of our problems are global in nature. If something is not done, western nations will be destroyed by huge deficits and unemployment.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Prichard
the feral cat "TNR" programferal cat trap, neuter and return program. A humane approach addressing the feral cat problem which exists in every community here in the state of florida. Animal control will euthanize cats and ignore the breeding potential causing an ongoing overpopulation of feral cats. the state of florida is currently considering the tnr program as a real solution, practiced throughout the United States and abroad with trmendous success!!358 of 400 SignaturesCreated by ANDRE POLIAKOFF
Community RespectWe are private individuals with specific freedoms, yet some cross the boundary as they physically abuse the community with sights and sounds that are not a part of enforcement agenda. If one remains private, the doors and windows are closed not to agitate those who are offended. We are an English Speaking People, and community business should be dialogued in this language, unless legally changed and the public is notified. There is assault and battery that occurs when persons publicly speak on the cell phone, the nature of the language is offensive and harshly abusive. As a public display of ignorance, it needs to stop, and be considered as a felony in the courts, punishable by fine and education. Community Noise levels are rising, especially in late night fireworks which are classified as illegal at any point of the year. Unless one has a permit issued with a notice posted, excessive sound should not allowed in the community. Furthermore, Enforcement by the Police must be imposed, or the State shall impose said fine upon the Management of The Public Safety Department. Immigrants unless certified as legal citizens and residents of the United States of America are temporary visitors, and thus can be reported Immigration Control for potential deportation. We enjoy our Freedom, but Freedom is a Privilege that must be Respected. CC Yanakakis July 5, 20123 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CC Yanakakis
Reasonable Ad DisclosuresThe legal caveats read after radio and TV ads are presented at speeds of conversations that are impossible to understand. They make a mockery of the whole idea of disclosure of conditions and limitations implicit in the ads.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phillip Palise
Wounded Veterans, genital injuriesSo many of our wounded warriors return from the battlefield with genital injuries. This takes away form the intamacy and ability to have children with loved ones. There should be more funding for Medical Professionals to help these wounded warriors regain their intamacy.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Hill
TruthThat the public is not mislead by politiical ads, or political statements are not taken out of context. That the truth must be told or those trying to decieve the public will be fined heavly and will not be able to participate in any future elections. This will at least keep those big corporations from misleading the public.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jerry roys
Stop Wallstreet Before They Lose It ALLThe Wall Street money schemers are at it again, using the same methods of high risk investment, no-money exchange buy and sale tactics, and in spite of Pres. Obama's pressure to reform Wall Street, nothing is being done in Congress to stop them. We have been convinced that the way to prepare for our retirement is investing in 401k's, or other programs that use the stock market to increase growth of our investments. I lost half of my 401k, not just the money earned, but actual dollars I put into it, in 2008, 2009 and it has not returned fully yet. We sigh and say, what can you do? But where did this LOST money go? Ask yourself that. Certainly it went somewhere, someone got it... just not YOU. You were the losers, but no one else, just the people who gave Wall Street the money to play with. We cannot trust them to do the right thing. They never have and never will. We cannot risk anymore of our hard earned money as you will need every cent of it to keep up with the cost of taxes, food, oil and god forbid if you don't already own your home... a place you can even afford, as Social Security won't be enough. Nothing seems to go up but the things we need so desperately, healthcare, food and shelter and oil. Are you willing to risk the rest? Sign the petition below to Congress, President Obama, Timothy Geithner US dept of Treasury, that we will take our money out before we lost it again!!! Something must be done within the next 4 months to stop Wall Street. And the only way to pressure Congress is to take your money back!!!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Kain
Stop Wallstreet Before They Lose It ALLThe Wall Street money schemers are at it again, using the same methods of high risk investment, no-money exchange buy and sale tactics, and in spite of Pres. Obama's pressure to reform Wall Street, nothing is being done in Congress to stop them. We have been convinced that the way to prepare for our retirement is investing in 401k's, or other programs that use the stock market to increase growth of our investments. I lost half of my 401k, not just the money earned, but actual dollars I put into it, in 2008, 2009 and it has not returned fully yet. We sigh and say, what can you do? But where did this LOST money go? Ask yourself that. Certainly it went somewhere, someone got it... just not YOU. You were the losers, but no one else, just the people who gave Wall Street the money to play with. We cannot trust them to do the right thing. They never have and never will. We cannot risk anymore of our hard earned money as you will need every cent of it to keep up with the cost of taxes, food, oil and god forbid if you don't already own your home... a place you can even afford, as Social Security won't be enough. Nothing seems to go up but the things we need so desperately, healthcare, food and shelter and oil. Are you willing to risk the rest? Sign the petition below to Congress, President Obama, Timothy Geithner US dept of Treasury, that we will take our money out before we lost it again!!! Something must be done within the next 4 months to stop Wall Street. And the only way to pressure Congress is to take your money back!!!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Kain
americawhere did freedom of speech go yout constitutional right ' but does not exist ......be quitt keep your mouth shut unless we dare stand up to the 99 percent which is most of us are ; otherwise go to jail.......no freedom of speech' let us take america u.s. take america back' but after all we all came here for freedom......let us do what we can do-WE ARE THE 99 PERCENT-let us stand strong and together for freedom2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marilyn Gavlas
NO REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESSWith Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, President Obama will be able to save the American economy, further improve health care, and implement many other progressive policies that will vastly improve the lives of all our people.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Nugent
Mobilize the RetiredNo reason for anyone to sign it--I think it is essential for the Democratic Party to use a lot of Old Folks to mobilize Democratic Voters and convert Republicans by reminding them how the Republican Party has harmed our country in 8 years of Bush-Cheney and by refusing to do their legislative work in Congress in the last three years.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arnold Simmel
these whales and dolphins are mammals like us!!!find a smaller sample and do less damage to our oceans. the navy has dons so much damage to the oceans since 1900 that they need to be collared and halted from more damage.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by michael moret