• Demand Federal and State to Increase Fund for Veolia/NICE Bus
    This is regardding NICE Bus, Nassau Inter County Express operated by Veolia Transportation once operated by MTA Long Island Bus, however still owned by Nassau County. Veolia Transportation doesn't properly maintant bus service because Nassau County Legislature, Executive and New York State elected officials are treating NICE Bus drivers and passengers poorly.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yuki Endo
    The government refers to our Social Security as a Federal Benefit Payment. This isn't a benefit it's earned income! http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/benefit.asp
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MzGloJean
  • Dealing with the Fiscal Cliff
    I am a retired doctor and will be affected by the changes in these programs
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by harvey fleisher
  • Children of Drug and Alcohol Addicted Parents
    Children who have drug and alcohol addicted parents are at extremely high risk of becoming addicts themselves. Studies show that 1 in 4 children living in the United States have a drug or alcohol addicted parent. Many of these children will grow-up to become addicts themselves therefore youth drug and alcohol prevention programs are very important for them. Do NOT let Congress cut funding of the "Drug Free Community Support Program" which funds drug and alcohol prevention programs for youth.
    1,544 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Shird
  • Protect the Power Grid
    My community, Bremerton, has never heard about the very real risk of a grid collapse, which no one would want to live through, period. Thus, it has absolutely no plans whatsoever for surviving, let alone preparing for, a possible grid-down situation. Securing the grid from lethal damage must be top priority to protect ourselves and our children, as no one can survive without the grid. Even food and water will be inaccessible without it.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by russell
  • Protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
    Few programs have been so successful at reducing poverty than these programs. We need to protect them.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Paul Engel
  • Detroit Metro Area Transit
    All over Metro Detroit people are left to fend for themselves, and struggle to find transportation. We need to create a transit system for all, and realize that this will spur economic growth, help the environment, bring more people to the area, and more.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Norton
  • Repeal right to work in nevada
    "Right to work" has also been called "right to work for less." Most work being done in our communities is being done by out of town contractors. Repeal right to work laws and keep our community investments here at home.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hanley
  • Save the wetlands of St. Johns County
    The county of saint johns is proposing a road to extend saint johns parkway to county road 208. if you go here: ftp://ftp.bocc.co.st-johns.fl.us/gis/media/MapMart/North_South_Corridor_web.pdf you can see a mpa of the proposed alighment of the road. it goes right through the wet lands and is basically in alighnment with I 95. it's wasteful and distructive. please let the county know that this road will not stand. Please contact these county commissioners District 1 Cyndi Stevenson Office Phone: 209-0301 Cell Phone: 669-2188 Email: [email protected] District 2 Ron Sanchez Commissioner, District 2 Office Phone: 209-0302 Cell Phone: 669-2965 Email: [email protected] District 5 Rachael L. Bennett Office Phone: 209-0305 Cell Phone: 599-3195 Email: [email protected] Thanks!!!P
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Fischer
  • Governor Bentley: Stop the Northern Beltline
    Billions of our State’s precious transportation dollars are at stake for the next 30-40 years if Governor Bentley allows ALDOT to start the proposed Northern Beltline around Birmingham – a bypass that will extend 52 miles out into rural Jefferson County West and northeast of Birmingham. This completely unnecessary highway will cost $5.445 billion in federal taxpayer money; relieve no more than 1 to 3 percent of traffic; take almost 4 decades to build; not have a payoff until 2048; and cause users – if there are any – to make a costly 52-mile detour around the city. Proponents admit it is being built for developmental purposes only. Most people know there are cheaper ways to create jobs than at a cost of $104.7 million per MILE. Alabama’s transportation priority should be the backlog of state roads & bridges that need repairs NOW – not a risky development project that may never pay off. Most alarming, the Federal Highway Administration is now running a deficit, and limited federal funds for this road are guaranteed ONLY through 2014. The result of starting Birmingham's Northern Beltline could be a colossal mis-step for Alabama.
    688 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Christine Underwood
  • Government should not fund Planned Parenthood
    A base of our government's constitution is, The Right to Life. No matter what one's religious belief, the fact is that the government funding abortions could open up many more freedoms being taken away from our citizens. The opposing side's petition for 3,000 names is nearly filled at almost 2,800 signatures. Please act fast.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Spitzley
    Guidelines set by subsidized childcare does not support single parents employed with one source of income. With high cost childcare and home cost expenses (in which the state does not deduct from gross income), it is unfortunate that those whom need this assistance, most, can not obtain it. If something is not done about this, there will be plenty of single parents out of work and on welfare.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly B.