• Yellow-light times
    According to the National Motorists Association, "Cities and for-profit camera companies maximize revenue by setting yellow-light times that are too short...it jeopardizes motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian safety...It is not surprising that Chicago is able to generate annual red-light camera ticket revenue in excess of $70 million by setting its yellow lights at deficient 3.0 second intervals." Chicago has set all of its yellow lights to 3 seconds, even at intersections where traffic is moving at over 40 mph. The NMA cited one study that found just one additional second of yellow time can reduce the number of collisions in an intersection by 40 percent. For example, the New Jersey legistature has implemented the safer yellow-light formula delineated in the "PETITION STATEMENT."
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alix Hager
  • Stop the outrageous toll hikes over the bridges
    The port authority should open its books for regular outside auditors to look at .we should hold down the price of tolls because the prices the trucks are paying is being passes down to consumers thousands of cars pass over these bridges.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Garcia
  • Stop Grant Co DHS From Abusing the Poor
    Grant Co DHS took my two children based on false, unverified allegations, and admitted they did not perform an investigation, competent or otherwise. While my children were in their custody, I was coerced into actions against my will by threats from the case worker that I would never get my children back if I didn't. My son was assaulted and exposed to acts that would have brought criminal charges against me if it ocurred in my home. My disabled daughter continues to have nightmares of when she almost drowned. I have learned of two other families with similiar, recent abuses by this department
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Figen Guillot
  • Stop duping us! Social Security and Medicare are NOT entitlements.
    The dialog about Social Security and Medicare has been co-opted, and does not reflect the truth.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joey
  • People of Faith to Protect Social Programs
    It is truly shameful that numerous congresspeople and senators do not have their priorities straight. They continually vote for the interest of the obscenely wealthy and do not promote the general welfare like it mandates in our US Constitution. Let's call them and pray for them so they might remember as Jesus said, "When you refused to help the least of these, my brothers (and sisters), you were refusing to help me." Matthew 25:45.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Padilla
  • Uncap Social Security Contributions
    The wealthy pay a declining % of their income to Social Security, while collecting maximum support. Fairness and Social Security's long term budget suggest that the Top Earners pay a Fair Share to the maintenance of the program.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Miller
  • WPA for the 21st century
    I think, what the country needs now is a WPA program for the 21st century. The WPA program in the 1930's provided jobs for unemployed writers, artist,editiors and research workers. In addition, to public works,almost every community in the United States had a new park, bridge or school constructed by the agency in the 1930's which is exactly what we need to fix the infrastructure. WPA- 21 would provide jobs for millions of Americans. It also should cover the country's transition to green technology (energy).
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Decuir- Jackson
  • Seaport control
    The U. S. concress should put ALL United States seaports under United States of America federal government control. All monies for the use of these should go to the people of the Unioted States of America
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter
  • No cat food for seniors -- Don't cut Social Security
    Congress and President are making noises about cutting Social Security in the bogus name of changing the meaning of inflation. It would mean cat food for meany seniors. Don't let them do it!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David J Lewis
  • Raleigh UDO! Urban Ag throughout the City!
    Ask the Raleigh City Council to take this progressive step to expand urban agriculture in the new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Planning Department has made important progress on urban agriculture, but to create lasting change we need the above enabling legislation within the UDO. Urban agriculture builds soil, builds innovation, and builds our economy. Urban agriculture feeds people, improves public health, and strengthens our communities. Let the City Council know that you support farms and gardens throughout Raleigh, for Raleigh! This petition sponsored by the Raleigh Urban Ag Work Group.
    419 of 500 Signatures
    Created by ErinSullivanWhite
  • Baby Boomer Pledge
    Republicans made a pledge to Grover Norquist to never raise taxes and are holding the country hostage. They want to raise the age for medicare to 67! As baby boomers, let's pledge to never vote republican again if they make any changes to medicare or social security.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Andrews
  • Pass S.2010 to repeal unfair reduction of Social Security benefits for teachers, police officers,...
    S.2010, the Social Security Fairness Act, will repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision (GPO/WEP). The GPO/WEP unfairly reduces the retirement benefits earned by public employees such as police officers, teachers, and firefighters. Public employees, like myself, are now suffering from lower benefits because of the unfair GPO/WEP provision.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Connie McDonald