• Abolish Family Court
    We've been conditioned to think we need a barracuda to fight for distribution of assets and custody, but there's a better way: a family agency with a panel of experts working together to devise the best plan for the family. Husbands and wives don't need to be pitted against each other in a divorce. They just think they do because that's the dumb system. That system can be changed and so can your mindset. As an attorney, I am witness to the destructive nature of the family and domestic relations courts which treat family matters as if they were criminal proceedings. Violence should be handled in a criminal court, divorce and custody should not.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Del Seligman
  • Mental Health Services, Not Gun Control.
    The tragedy in Connecticut may not be about gun control; this may be about dealing with mental health and illness issues. We need to call on local, state and federal government to work together to empower, support and enliven the mental health services in our communities. I still believe in the power of community, education and outreach. For a powerful perspective on this issue: http://anarchistsoccermom.blogspot.com/2012/12/thinking-unthinkable.html?m=1
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Arsenault
  • Create an environment for the insane now!
    We keep seeing people that communities identify as "not right" and "very disturbed" end up on the news after another mass shooting. Our state governments have walked away from their responsibility to keep our streets safe from people that do not fit in with our society. It is time for us to enact legislation that will create a positive movement to keeping our society safe without limiting our rights.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Migdal
  • We need bus shelters in the San Fernando Valley
    The Mayor's office says he wants a change of attitude toward public transportation - here is a start.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Bayley
  • Sandy City: stop the transfer Of Emergency Dispatch
    As a city resident the delay in response time vs. the $2000 savings Jon Arnold, Police Sgt. was quoted saying, is not worth the lives or homes that stand a loss because of the delay in dispatching. The citizens of Sandy, Utah are worth more than this savings.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Hewitt
  • shelter living-stop revolving door
    their has to be a better way for people to live other from shelter to shelter and going in and out of shelters--the city gives a program for people to get an apt for two years then the people end up back in shelters the city will pay $1800.00 a week to house a family of 3 or more in a shelter but won't pay that much a month to house a family in a perment apt/house..
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jyrg
  • The People's Budget
    This Budget gets the deficeit payed in 10 yrs. does NOT touch SS., Medicare or Medicade, in fact in makes them further solvent. Gets unemployment BELOW 5% all in 10 yrs time
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan McAlister
    Our men and women heroes in Afghanistan will be coming home to be homeless in America, trying to make the transition to civilian life, healing their wounds and fighting the mental and physical demons while searching for gainful employment. BACK OUR VETS Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWSn1zRf3iE We need your help to aid all 50 million veterans, from World War ll up to Iraq and Afghanistan. We are not asking you for big donations, grants or to get involved doing volunteer work, unless you generously care to make that choice. However, we do need you, through the POWER- OF-THE-PEOPLE to put PRESSURE on our nation’s retailers, merchants, bankers, institutions and others to participate in helping us voluntarily raise $1 billion annually to BACK-OUR-VETS. It’s called “free enterprise” with a possibility of reducing the national debt by substituting 2 cents to relieve the money the feds spend to service veterans. We can do it by signing the PETITION which will help demonstrate that patriotic Americans want to do their fair share and help the veterans and their families. Together our 2 cents makes good common sense to assure that WE-THE-PEOPLE will do our part to BACK-OUR-VETS. Thank you for your cooperation.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Littman
  • Mayor Bloomberg: Don't Cut Food Stamps for Sandy Victims in Need
    The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Mayor Bloomberg is standing by a plan to cut emergency food stamps for many New Yorkers who are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. The mayor wants to cut the number of New York City zip codes that are eligible for the emergency food stamps from 82 to 12, impacting thousands of Hurricane Sandy victims.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by New York City Council Progressives
  • Child Support Laws are not fair!
    We have overpaid child support by 25 thousand dollars already and they claim that we owe another 11 thousand. Official payments were made to the court, but we were not ever given credit for them. The court says too bad because we did not get the legal advice nor help we needed in a "timely" manner according to the courts.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith & Tracy Musgrove
  • Grant Benjaman Kyle a new social security number
    Benjaman Kyle is a unique victim of identity theft. After getting beaten in 2004, he had not only his money and his identification taken from him, but also, his memories. Benjaman has retrograde amnesia, and is unable to remember any of his personal details or past. All investigations, including one by the FBI, were unable to discover who he was. Benjaman Kyle is an "invisible man" without a social security number. Without a number, Benjaman can't get hired or stay in a shelter. There's nothing he can do. He's trapped in a loophole that nobody anticipated. Only political intervention will allow Benjaman to work and have a place to stay. But nobody is speaking for him or his rights. Do we leave him here? He needs a new number, for a new life. For more info, visit www.findingbenjaman.com
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Ruth
  • Congress : No Cuts in Social Security
    There are many elderly people who need to be taken care of and should be. Or disabled people that are not able to take care of themselves. Just because you never have to worry about it, does not mean it is not essential!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Savage