• Social security
    Obama's threat to cut social security benefits
    460 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Roberto Segura
  • Social Security is not an entitlement, we EARNED it
    I'm concerned that cuts to my social security will not allow me to keep up with rising costs. As a small business owner, I put my staff salaries ahead of my own, and now that I'm collecting, my check is so low, I must continue to work, even though I'm 72. Surely those whose incomes surpass $250,000 can more easily handle this much needed tax increase, rather than press those with so much less, to give up so much.
    329 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Gold
  • Preserve Social Security!
    It is unconscionable, unfair, and a violation of the public trust to cut Social Security benefits for senior citizens.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Nelson
  • Don't touch SS or Medicare, we worked and paid for it
    Leave SS and Medicare alone. We worked for it! It was squandered by the past Republicans. Leave it alone. We are voters and will make you pay for any reductions.
    422 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Tom Napoli
  • No Social Security Cuts
    My mother worked all of her life. The $800 a month she gets for over 50 years of toil hardly affords her rent, let alone, food, utilities and clothes. She put money into the system, she should continue to get money out of the system.
    589 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Lynn M Weston
  • Say no to Cutting Social Security
    Tell Congress and President Obama to leave Social Security alone.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Martin
  • Social Security tax cut proposal
    As a working citizen watching welfare costs increase..and contributing to the Social Security fund..there is no reason we need to cut Social Security. IF we tax corporations appropriately and stop funding war we can survive as a nation
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne J Ryland-Anderson
  • Say "No" to Social Security cuts
    Legislators are discussing possible cuts to Social Security to help bring us back from the "fiscal cliff." We ALL know that this is the easy way out. Social Security benefits are VITAL to the health and well-being of today's middle-class seniors.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia E Hartung
  • Take Social Security Cuts Off the Table
    I'm 69 years old and rely on my Social Security benefits which I paid taxes for. That was the deal. I'd pay taxes and when I retired, I'd get the benefits I was told I'd get. Don't allow your representatives to go back on that deal. And if you're still working, don't allow a precedent to be set that'll backfire on you.
    1,147 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eddie B
  • No Cuts To Social Security or Any Benefits!
    My nephew has Asperger's. He collects SSI in order to try & help him be able to sustain himself. He's barely making it as it is. Cuts to his benefits would make it even harder for him to try & sustain keeping a roof over his head, food on his table, utility bills going, his car running, & his ongoing medications.
    331 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Kirby
  • Senator Pryor: Put a Halt to Social Security Cuts.
    We cannot allow any cuts to social security. My husband receives $400.00 a month that we have to live on with three children at home. I have to work to keep paying the bills, keep insurance and help our children get an education. I am concerned when Speaker Boehner is finding it hard to accept tax cuts for those making $250.00 a year when I make $32,000.00 a year and never have gone on a vacation or bought a new car and I am a school teacher serving the needy. I thought our elected officials were our public servents.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Meuse-Warg
  • Include WOTC extension in Fiscal Cliff Deal
    The Work Opportunity Tax Credit has been expired since December 31, 2011. Congress has failed to act on the extension of these credits. Now more than ever these credits need to be included in the Fiscal Cliff Deal being negotiated by the Whitehouse.
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Frances Ruiz