Social security cuts. Social security DID NOT cause the deficit!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vince
  • Stop Proposed Cuts to Social Security
    Current proposal calls for as much as 5% cuts to Social Security benefits and as I just began receiving my SS benefits, I am strongly opposed to ANY Social Security cuts. I can't believe that the very same proposal allows the rich 2% to have better tax cuts than retirees!
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Warwick
  • Do not cut Social Security Benefits for Retirees
    Do not cut retiree benefits as a compromise just to get off the fiscal cliff. We can not afford the cuts, the rich can afford to pay more (as they will get it from us somehow anyway). Do not use the elderly as a compromise!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M nickels
  • Lower cost of living increases for Social Security
    Our 1-1.7 percent increase to seniors will equal from $6 to $20 more a month but Medicare, medicine, gas, food, and utilities (just to name a few) are also going higher than that so we are really not getting a cost of living raise because it is costing more than that to live.
    492 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Connie Jones
    Halt any efforts by the White House or US Congress to cut Social Security to current elderly recipients or to those looking to receive the Social Security benefits they paid for by working 30, 40 or more years - those 55 and older.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Gayou
  • Do Not Consider Cuts to Social Security Cuts
    My husband is a retired professor whose social security benefits equal $631.00 per month. If I were not working, it would be impossible for him to exist because of his high medical costs and just the cost of living. Do not short change our seniors who have worked hard all of their lives for this small stipend.
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by J. C. B. Kinch, Ph. D.
  • Do Not Touch Social Security
    Stop the proposed cuts in Social Security
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by alvin williams
  • Save Social Security
    As a citizen who has worked hard all my life and am finally approaching the age of Social Security, I repudiate President Obama's potential Social Security cuts in favor of letting the rich keep their tax cuts.
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Susan H Allen
  • Stop cuts in Social Security
    Seniors will be the most affected by not being able to get medicine or food with changes in Social Security. These certainly wont be considered the Golden Years by many.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn
  • No Cuts to Medicare Period
    i am a disabled nurse. and for 40 years prior I was a taxpayer. I have paid my dues. and should not be subject to cuts. Blance your budget some other way.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phyllis Mclendon RN
  • President Obama: Don't cut Social Security
    The cost of living, medical care expenses and housing are skyrocketing. Seniors have earned every penny of their social security. Please stop Congress from cutting social security.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zaheer Parvez
  • Congress is Cutting Social Security & Medicare
    We've PAID for this investment. It is NOT an "Entitlement" ! Keep this petition going! As individuals who have both worked since 16 years of age to pay into the social security system and medicare, we are furious that CUTS, not increases are being considered. Keep in mind, we are elders whose parents and grandparents paid into these funds since 1935, with interest! There should be such a large sum of paid with interest money in the fund to actually raise such EARNED benefits. Oh, that's right, these two groups of money have been placed into the 'general spending fund'. Take both out and place them back into their own untouchable funds again as they were originally set up to be --with interest! We need this for our old age. We were responsible and worked horribly hard and sacrificed all our lives and figured Social Security and Medicare into our retirement. Now they want to CUT them? Politicians ARE vote counters! Let them know! *Also, contact the White House, your Federal Senators and Representative PERSONALLY, letting them know you are a registered voter who objects and their job depends upon how they vote!
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Foy