• Gig economy companies: Give workers paid sick days to combat coronavirus
    As the coronavirus outbreak continues to grow, gig economy corporations that retain workers as independent contractors have a particular responsibility to their workers, their customers, and to the broader public. Food delivery workers, for-hire vehicle drivers, and others working in the gig economy are particularly vulnerable to the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Gig workers who drive cars, deliver food orders, or clean homes do work that entails near-constant interaction with people in public spaces, putting them at greater risk for exposure to coronavirus and other illnesses. Yet as independent contractors, your workers do not receive any paid sick leave or have access to employer-backed health insurance. As a result, they often cannot afford to stay home if they or a family member is sick, and they are much less likely to receive quality healthcare. It is incumbent on you to take steps to protect your workforce, your customers, and the broader public from the spread of the virus -- beginning with providing paid sick days to your workers during this public health crisis. We commend steps that Uber, Lyft, Postmates and others have announced to support workers infected with the coronavirus, but more is needed to protect all workers and contain the spread of the virus. We join with calls from Working Washington and Gig Workers Rising in calling on your companies to: -Provide your contract workers with paid sick time, equivalent to what they would have if they were employees. -Provide workers with free hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and/or any other resources they may need to keep themselves and their vehicles virus-free. -Be transparent with workers about risks as you learn about them, and about any steps being taken to keep workers and customers safe. -Suspend the practice of penalizing workers for missing scheduled blocks of work, ending shifts early, or rejecting jobs. -Pay workers their average weekly income if they are prevented from working due to a recommendation by public health authorities to temporarily quarantine them due to exposure that occurred while working. -Encourage workers to leave deliveries at the door rather than make them face-to-face, and disable any rating systems that penalize workers for doing so. -Agree to let workers collect unemployment benefits if they are unable to work due to coronavirus or coronavirus response. -Provide workers the option to receive an advance on their future earnings in order to replace lost income associated with coronavirus. -Not permanently deactivate workers who happen to contract coronavirus. -Take affirmative steps to oppose any form of discrimination or harassment based on race, national origin, or anything else. We urge you to take immediate steps to protect your workers and the general public during this public health crisis.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brad Lander Picture
  • Boycott the Saudi Dictator's #G20
    The G20 is the annual gathering of representatives of the world's largest economies. It is shocking that the Saudi dictatorship is hosting the G20 summit this year. Saudi Arabia is using this year's G20 to hide its horrible record of war, repression, and climate destruction. No one should participate in the Saudi G20 or any other Saudi-led event until the Saudi dictatorship fully embraces the following demands: 1. Freedom at home: Saudi Arabia must free women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul, end all internal repression, and release all prisoners of conscience. 2. End the Yemen war: Saudi Arabia must stop killing Yemeni civilians, lift the blockade on Yemen, and endorse a full ceasefire. 3. Cease its global repression: Saudi Arabia must stop targeting global dissidents and allow a full investigation of Saudi crimes, including the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. 4. Stop creating Middle East instability: Saudi Arabia must stop pushing for war with Iran, end its war in Yemen, and stop opposing democracy movements in the Middle East. 5. Climate crisis: Saudi Arabia must stop driving the global climate crisis through its destructive fossil fuel exports. No one should participate in the Saudi G20 or any other Saudi-led event until the Saudi dictatorship endorses and implements these demands.
    9,938 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Constituent Equal Time Act
    Every day your elected senators and representatives meet with lobbyists, receive donations, and many times vote against the best interests of their constituents. This proposed Constituent Equal Time Act would require our elected officials to give us equal time to fight for what is important for us.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Thompson
  • Keep Rancho Mirage students safe
    This is an urgent matter because our children come first. Putting my child’s life at risk for the sole reason of education does not stand as a valid or strong enough reason for leaving my kids in such an exposed environment to over a thousand teenagers.
    665 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karen Buster
  • save our northline elementary spark park!
    designed to improve quality of life and showcase our public school, northline elementary spark park is envisioned as the centerpiece of our "healthy, wealthy and wise community" GO neighborhood plan- representing hope for our neighborhood's revival and inspiration for community unity. until only recently a food and medical desert, 77076 lacks a civic center, focal points of nature and public works of art- for these reasons, underprivileged northline elementary families are prioritized by the mayor's plan for additional parks and greenspace. the community is counting on the spark park and the spark park is counting on the skilled and compassionate leadership of our principal!
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pastor deb bonario-martin Picture
  • Oregon Leaders: Declare a Moratorium on Evictions during Coronavirus Emergency!
    In the state of Oregon a renter can be evicted for being $1 short on rent by the 13th of the month; their landlords are under no obligation to accept partial payments, make payment arrangements, or drop the eviction if the tenant comes up with that missing $1 by or before their court date. The vast majority of evictions are NOT long and costly processes, they are the fastest civil legal procedure behind getting a restraining order, especially for non-payment of rent if the tenant doesn't have any reason to withhold (which requires carefully following several steps to be protected from eviction). For a tenant behind on rent, the whole process takes a bit more than 30 days from filing to lock out, though in most cases the tenant moves sooner than that to avoid an eviction going on their record, and it costs the landlord less than $200 in filing fees. The consequences to the renter, whose greatest crime is being poor or having a financial emergency, are significant. This is economic violence, even when we aren't dealing with a major public health emergency. But if we want to contain this virus and reduce the number of people who are critically ill, we must allow people to stay home from work when they need to without worrying about how they'll be able to pay their rent. No one is better off if people who should be staying home are coming to work, we need to do everything we can to make sure they don't have to.
    8,213 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Portland Tenants United Picture
  • Paid Parental Leave: Not A Privilege But Our Right
    In the absence of paid parental leave, families are often left to bear the burden of financial uncertainty. It time to make a change and band together for what every parent deserves.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paid Parents
  • CNN/DNC: We Want a REAL debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden
    This is not a REAL debate. Now that we are down to just 2 viable candidates for the nomination, we need a true debate where both candidates have the opportunity to challenge one another on their records and visions for the future. It is also crucial for us to see which candidate has the capacity and ability to withstand the pressure of a debate with Trump. This election is far too important to be soft on candidates now. CNN and the Democratic National Committee MUST give the public what they need and revert to a traditional debate format.
    27,266 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Joey Kirkpatrick
  • Impeach Chief Justice John Roberts Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court needs intervention now. We want Chief Justice John Roberts impeached. The Supreme Court needs to stop helping Donald J. Trump. Stop allowing a criminal in the white house continue to break laws (continuing abuse of power), after Impeachment by retaliating against whistleblowers, using taxpayer money to fund his political campaign, break the law on Twitter repeatedly, offer criminals deals in exchange for pardons, and continue building a racist border wall that is killing people and that we cannot afford to build/maintain.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Wolf
  • Whatever Warren Wants
    All our lives people tell women what to do, how we should behave, how we should feel, how we should express those feelings. Stop. Stop now. Elizabeth Warren is a strong, brilliant leader who has committed her life to working for America and America's families. We mourn the loss of her candidacy for President in 2020 and will celebrate and support her in each and every path SHE decides. Warren forever.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joy Smetzer
  • Stop Wall Street from using the coronavirus to weaken regulations
    The big banks are trying to use the coronavirus as an excuse to evade the regulations established after the 2008 crash to protect us from their reckless behavior. Wall Street banks like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, and Citigroup wrote to the Federal Reserve asking to get out of "stress tests" and capital requirements designed to ensure the banks won't fail in the event of a financial crisis. The stunning decline in the stock market and the impact of the coronavirus could create another financial crisis. Wall Street never wanted these rules. They fought hard to oppose their passage in 2009 and have worked hard to undermine them at every opportunity. Can you send a message and put a stop to this?
    387 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Firma perquè les Piscines Municipals de Manresa portin el nom de "Manel Estiarte i Duocastella"
    Manresa té una tradició esportiva molt rica, que s’ha posat de manifest en grans esportistes que han impulsat, amb el seu èxit, esforç i talent, el nom de la ciutat més enllà de les nostres fronteres. La ciutat pot ser reflex de tot aquest talent esportiu i donar-lo a conèixer amb orgull. Manel Estiarte i Duocastella n’és un exemple únic: considerat el millor jugador de waterpolo de tots els temps, ha estat símbol universal del seu esport; del seu club originari, el Club Natació Manresa, i de la seva ciutat. Nascut a Manresa el 26 d'octubre de 1961, Manel Estiarte va començar la seva trajectòria al Club Natació Manresa i amb només 19 anys va debutar a uns Jocs Olímpics i en fou el màxim golejador. En total, ha participat en 6 Jocs: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 i 2000, i ha estat escollit 7 vegades millor jugador del món. Amb un palmarès difícil d’igualar, ha estat campió olímpic i campió del món, i màxim golejador en 13 campionats. És considerat un dels millors esportistes de tots els temps. Més enllà dels reconeixements institucionals com són la Medalla d’Or de la ciutat, el fet que el nom d’un esportista pugui quedar associat a un equipament esportiu té una projecció molt important. És en els equipaments esportius on nens i nenes aprenen i practiquen l’esport, i on reben també valors essencials que seran clau per al seu creixement personal. La referència dels qui han estat grans esportistes pot representar per a totes i tots un exemple de reforç positiu. Amb aquesta finalitat, des del Club Natació Minorisa impulsem la campanya d’adhesions perquè les piscines municipals de Manresa portin el nom de Manel Estiarte i Duocastella.
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Elisabet Ventura