• Plant more trees PHX
    The office of Heat Ready Phx has started a new initiative called, “Sidewalk Shade Project.” While this initiative is well-meaning in that it intends to solve issues of heat in Phoenix, Arizona, it will not realize this solution since it ignores what is more basic to us. And that is this: The best thing we can do to solve shade and heat issues in Phoenix, Arizona is to plant more native trees. These structures they want to put up will only radiate more heat and become a breeding ground for vandalism, abuse, and overall wear and tear. They will make our beautiful city corners and streets look more barren and more tacky. These structures will not solve the issue of heat and shade, but native trees will. Trees naturally cool the environment, provide shade and improve overall quality of life. Essentially, where there is life, you are sure that there are trees nearby. If we want to fix our problem of heat, air quality, and shade, it is most natural to the majority of us, Phoenicians, that we should promote the planting of more trees. Moreover, if our streets were filled with trees that provide more shade, our streets would be cooler and much prettier. 
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andre Wilkens
  • Fight back against Big Money's influence: Overturn Citizens United
    Did you see that Elon Musk pledged (then walked back) an eye-popping $45 million per month to elect Trump and his allies in 2024? That's a staggering sum – and Musk is far from the only big spender this year. On the right, on the left, and everywhere in between, we have billionaires and special interests buying their way to outsize influence in our elections, simply because they're richer than you or me. But no matter who it is, we ALL pay the price when wealthy megadonors get to buy their way to a bigger say in our democracy – with inaction on healthcare and minimum wage, and tax giveaways to the ultra-rich. That's why Common Cause has fought for years to undo the Citizens United status quo and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act – which would return power to everyday Americans and limit Big Money’s influence in our democracy. Join us in calling on Congress to END the Citizens United era and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Reject any calls for an Article V Convention
    Well-funded special interests are plotting to throw the U.S. Constitution into chaos – and we need your help to stop them. Secretive, corporate lobby groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are wielding their influence with state lawmakers, demanding that they vote to call an Article V Constitutional Convention – an unprecedented event with no rules that could lead to a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution. With your help, we already defeated calls for an Article V Convention in Wyoming, Maine, and Idaho this year – but if we don’t keep up the pressure, our extremist opponents could soon successfully secure enough votes to write their extreme far-right priorities into our Constitution. We need your help to stop this attack on our Constitution. Add your name now to tell your lawmakers to REJECT all calls for an Article V Convention.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • You broke our USPS. What’s your plan to fix it?
    Election officials from all 50 states – Democrats and Republicans alike – are sounding the alarm about Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s failed leadership, warning that his reckless plans risk disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters this year.  That’s because DeJoy’s USPS cuts have caused lost and delayed election mail, hiked prices, and a Postal Service that risks letting voters down this November  – especially when states are passing new laws to reject ballots that were mailed before Election Day, but arrive after. Lawmakers and election officials are raising serious concerns – and so are we – because voters deserve a Postal Service that protects our right to vote by mail. But, so far, DeJoy’s response to these concerns has been silence. It’s simple: when a voter mails in their ballot, they deserve to be 100% confident that it will arrive on time and be counted. And, as Postmaster General, DeJoy has a responsibility to make sure the American people can trust his Postal Service with their votes.  We must make sure DeJoy can't use his power to deny our voices in this year's elections. Add your name to DEMAND answers.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Will You Help Block Billions Worth of Weapons Bound for the Israeli Government?
    The Israeli military has recently dropped bombs on targets across Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and beyond. Hundreds of people have been killed, thousands injured, and over one million were displaced in the past few weeks alone. For over a year now, the Netanyahu government has used U.S. weapons to push an entire region to the brink of a devastating, all-out war while failing to bring home the hostages. Bombs like Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), Lockheed Martin-made F-35 fighter jets, and General Dynamics’ 2,000-lb “bunker busters”. If the cycle deepens, millions more lives will be at risk. Despite this looming threat and the incomprehensible levels of human suffering we’ve seen so far, the Biden administration is moving forward with new massive sales of offensive weapons, including some of the very weapons the IDF is already using to devastate communities across the region. That’s why what’s happening right now is crucial: Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Peter Welch (D-VT), and Jeff Merkley (D-OR), have filed multiple joint resolutions of disapproval (JRDs) that together, would BLOCK $20 billion worth of weapons currently bound for the Israeli government. It’s all coming to a head in just a few weeks and it means our work to build the kind of grassroots power to send every senator a signal to support this legislation is already starting — and we need everyone speaking out now.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • No One Is Above the Law
    After losing the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump said “It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.”  Does this sound like an “official” act of the presidency to you? This shocking quote comes from Special Counsel Jack Smith's newly unsealed evidence, which challenges the Supreme Court’s dangerous ruling on presidential immunity and confirms what we know: presidents shouldn’t have a blank check to try and overturn the will of the voters.  But here’s the good news: with Common Cause’s support, Rep. Joe Morelle has introduced a constitutional amendment that will permanently declare that no American is above the law – not even former presidents – and prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves.  This is a chance to right the Supreme Court’s wrong. Add your name if you agree: Attempting to overturn an election is not an “official” act of the president. No one is above the law, including Donald Trump.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Give us a choice! Stop separating us! Cap and gown colors for Goddard high.
    Not only do many men and women find it disrespectful and degrading to be separated because of their gender. This also destroys all the work women have put into being seen as an equal. This also causes concern for pictures and appearance. White gowns, or white clothes in general, are extremely hard to keep clean. Add the aspect of makeup to the problem and many girls are going to be struggling with their gowns. Not only this but it’s a common knows fact that girls get periods, imagine bleeding on your gown and not being able to get it out because it’s white. One of the last aspects I want to bring up is the fact that white clothes get flashback. Many pictures could be ruined just for the simple aspect that the gowns are white. This is a huge moment in many peoples lives, and to have it ruined or messed up for the simple fact that this school is separating girls and boys would be devastating. Please help me, and many others, by signing this petition to change it so that everyone can have the freedom to choose white or blue.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Celina Leschinski
  • Tell CNN: Interview Kamala Harris on October 23 if Trump is too scared to debate!
    This debate is not the only speaking opportunity Trump has bailed on recently. He was supposed to do a 60 Minutes interview with Harris on October 7 but backed out of the hard-hitting interview, complaining about how it would be live fact-checked.  Instead, Harris was able to do a one-on-one interview and share more in-depth about her economic plans, including making the ultrawealthy and corporations pay their fair share, giving tax breaks for first-time home buyers, and expanding the child tax credit. These are the issues Americans want to hear more about. If Trump is too scared to debate Harris, voters still deserve to have their questions asked and answered.  CNN is ready. Harris is ready. Commit to moving forward with an interview of Kamala Harris if Trump refuses to debate on October 23!
    16 of 100 Signatures
  • Induct Kamala Harris into the National Women’s Hall of Fame!
    The National Women’s Hall of Fame is the oldest nonprofit organization and museum in the country dedicated to honoring the achievements of women in the U.S. Since 1973, more than 300 women have been inducted into the Hall, including political leaders like Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi. Kamala Harris deserves to be among these honored women. Even before becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris made history and inspired generations in her election as vice president, the attorney general of California, and San Francisco district attorney.  Through every role that she has served in, she has fought tirelessly for everyday Americans on today's most pressing issues—advocating for women’s rights, voting access, clean air and water, commonsense gun legislation, and more.  Presiding as president of the Senate, Kamala Harris set a record for the most tie-breaking votes cast by a vice president—making her the critical deciding vote to confirm five federal judges, pass the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, and rein in Big Pharma by capping insulin costs at $35. She has been a strong and consistent advocate for protecting and advancing abortion rights, launching a "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour and making history as the first U.S. vice president to visit an abortion clinic.  Harris has already made history and contributed significantly to our country. She deserves her place in the National Women’s Hall of Fame.  Add your name if you agree! 
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Aliya Khan
  • Demand Trump and Vance STOP election denialism and commit to accepting the 2024 election results!
    The future of our democracy is at stake if the Republican presidential ticket fails to accept the results of the 2024 election.  When Trump refused to validate the 2020 election results, he ignited a dangerous attack on our nation’s Capitol. We’ve already seen firsthand the impacts of spreading this kind of reckless misinformation that upends our democratic process. Refusing to accept verified election results is extraordinarily harmful, irresponsible, and intolerable behavior from any leader. In 2021, Trump told then-Vice President Mike Pence that, if he certified the results of the 2020 election, it would be “a political career killer." That’s why Vance is Trump’s running mate this election cycle—not Pence. We need to demand NOW that Vance uphold the Constitution and honor the will of the people. Election misinformation is unacceptable. Sign the petition to make it loud and clear that we can’t repeat these reactions to the 2020 results and that Republicans like Trump and Vance must commit to accepting the 2024 election results, no matter what.
    484 of 500 Signatures
  • Demand Big Tech companies act to protect user privacy and reproductive rights!
    With the looming threat of Project 2025—a dangerous blueprint spearheaded by the far right that could lead to even more extreme restrictions on reproductive rights across the country—there’s never been a more important time to prioritize digital security. Project 2025 seeks to drastically limit access to medication abortion, surveil people pursuing reproductive health care, and punish health care providers. In its vision, Big Tech companies could be weaponized to aid in the tracking and prosecution of those who seek or provide abortion care. These companies have a responsibility to protect their users’ data and ensure that their platforms remain safe for sharing accurate information about reproductive health. Sign the petition to tell Big Tech companies that they must protect user privacy and reproductive rights.
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Say NO to Rezone / Alternatives to Apartments on Campbellton and Fulton Industrial Blvd
    We have a jewel here in South Fulton. 0 Campbellton CIR is located right around the corner from what is soon to be Westwood on the Chattahoochee (https://www.westwooddevelopment.us/). It is already zoned for commercial use and has the potential to be a unique complement to Westwood's commercial offerings. We need more community and business-oriented spaces in this neck of the woods, and 0 Campbellton CIR is the perfect opportunity. However, the developers want to carve up the land to suit their own interests. This is understandable as their plans will net a minimum of 6+ million dollars a year in rent and the area is highly desirable. About 2/3 of the land will need to be rezoned. We are not against apartments as they are useful and necessary. Just not on this plot of land. Especially when it means a zoning change. Timeline of Recent Events: • July 22, 2024: A public participation community meeting was held, for which many of us received last minute notice. There was still a decent turnout of concerned citizens, many of whom have reservations about the new development and who expressed concerns. • August 21, 2024: Planning Commission Hearing where a deferral was issued to Sept 10th. • September 10, 2024: Planning Commission Hearing where a deferral was issued to Oct 8th. • October 8, 2024: As I usually get the agenda via a mailing list on the day of, I do not know if there will be another deferral. It's possible that they will put forth a request again on this day. This is also a call for a Community Pulse. Developers, just like any other business, need to make money. So instead of constantly swatting down rezoning efforts, we can be proactive and declare what we would love to see in our neighborhood. This way, City Council has a "snapshot in time" of what their neighbors want and are better equipped to make decisions. I'll go first. For 0 Campbellton Circle's 42.89 Commercial Acres I would love to see: • Coworking Spaces: similar to Atlanta Tech Village • Upscale Event Spaces and Conference Rooms • Local, non-disruptive "night out" places like Escape Rooms, and Painting • Affordable places to open a business • Local Fresh Markets or Greenhouses • Protected greenspace with safe walking trails • Community classes • Music Spots and Activity Spaces for Seniors to socialize • Dog Parks • Playgrounds • Etc. because I know you guys have even better ideas. There is so much potential with the proper planning and the right developers. I know places like these exist around our city, but they are scattered. Most often we have to venture into Douglasville or East Point. We need more closer to home. Neighbors, I'd love to hear what you think and what ideas you have for what those 42 acres could be. But first, we need to stop the land from being carved up and rezoned into apartment buildings. Please lend your voices below.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dani Withers