• Demanding a Fair Salary Increase for Merced County Public Employees
    Merced County Public Employees need your support to have a salary increase granted by the Board of Supervisors in order to address the following issues:       1.   Cost of Living Increase: The cost of living is rising by 3.3%, making it harder for public employees to afford basic necessities.  2.   County Budget: With a budget of $1.17 billion, Merced County should have the financial capacity to support its employees with a livable wage.  3.   Fair Compensation: Public employees deserve fair compensation for their hard work and dedication to our community.  4.   Poverty Rates: Merced County's poverty rate is above the state and national average. Many public employees are near the poverty line, and it is crucial they receive adequate salary increases to address this.   Merced County public employees are the backbone of our community, and investing in them is investing in our county’s well-being. These hardworking individuals manage important tasks in government offices, such as handling records, processing permits, and assisting the public with their needs. They ensure everything runs smoothly in our local government. These employees have families to support, needing money for housing, food, education, and healthcare. By giving them fair pay, we help them take care of their families and continue to provide excellent service to our community. Ensuring they are paid well is crucial for keeping Merced County a great place to live.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Alcala
  • Petition to Protect New Jersey Cannabis Workers and Promote Local Industry
     Support local cannabis jobs and ensure a safe, fair, and equitable industry.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael OBrien
  • Open the Abandoned Roosevelt Roads Naval Station for Rescue of Animals Suffering in the Streets
    Tourists do not enjoy seeing suffering animals on the streets everywhere on the island while they are vacationing.  The 2007 Massacre in Barceloneta where about 80 dogs were seized by government contractors and thrown off a 50-foot highway bridge in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico, gained the world's attention and led to a tourism boycott. Authorities estimated the subsequent losses at more than $15 million. The government continues with mass killings at "shelters" and deplorable standards for the protection and treatment animals. As Puerto Rico increases it's tourism exposure of the animal crisis on the island is also increased. There is potential for another boycott and the loss of many millions of dollars to the economy. 
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lody Isaac
  • Time's Up, Pay Up!
    Sun Country Flight Attendants need to be heard and seen, and the best way we can do this is with numbers showing our unified stance to demand that our union work for us and our needs.
    556 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Higgins
  • End corruption on the Supreme Court! Hold Clarence Thomas accountable.
    It seems that there’s no end to how many luxury vacations, shady payments, and lavish gifts Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has received. The Senate Judiciary Committee recently reported that Thomas took an additional 3 trips — including a yacht vacation in Indonesia — funded by billionaire GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow. Over two decades, Clarence Thomas has received over $4 million in gifts, much of which have been undisclosed like these trips with Crow. These GOP billionaire-funded gifts and the many scandals and conflicts of interest on the Court — between Thomas, Alito, and Roberts — cast serious doubt on the impartiality and ethical standards on SCOTUS. But Congress can hold Thomas accountable and finally end corruption on the Supreme Court, by passing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act.. The list of Thomas’ corruption scandals is long and includes mysterious, unexplained business income, a web of conservative dark money benefitting him and his wife, failures to recuse himself from cases where he has clear conflicts of interest, and much more. Here’s how the New York Times put Thomas’ refusal to recuse himself from Trump’s immunity case it: “Justice Clarence Thomas, who participated in the case despite his wife [Ginni] Thomas’s own vigorous efforts to overturn the election.” Justice Alito also recently became enmeshed in a new corruption scandal when it was discovered that a Stop the Steal style flag was flying over his house in 2020. The flag flew as the Court considered whether or not to take on a critical election case in the days after the Capitol riots, just before President Biden was sworn in. The Supreme Court is supposed to be fair and independent, but conservative Justices’ corruption and ethics scandals are piling up. We need Congress to pass this bill to finally create a real, binding code of conduct for our federal courts. Sign the petition: Pass a Supreme Court Ethics Act to end corruption by Clarence Thomas and the other right-wing Justices on SCOTUS. SOURCES: - https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-jet-flights-senate-investigation-scotus -  https://x.com/stevenmazie/status/1798738498201202993 - https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/legal-scholars-are-shocked-by-ginni-thomass-stop-the-steal-texts - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • The Time is Here. The Time is Now.
    At the March 5th 2024 Council Meeting, the Council directed staff to remove all implications in the 6th Housing Element that the public lands at Sunset Center and Vista Lobos are now or will ever be committed to low income housing.  However, as the April deadline loomed along with the threat of “builder’s remedy” and loss of local control, the City decided to submit the document to the State on time without this change in policy.  The Element was then certified on time and the threat of non-compliance and State interference was alleviated.  However, unless we act now, the City remains legally committed to pursue low-income housing on those public lands or else fall out of certification and lose local control.   ​Fortunately, there is a solution.  The city may submit amendments to the existing Housing Element that substitute sites that are better for the village and better for its future residents.  The submission of alternatives for State consideration does not trigger decertification.  If the new site ideas are not accepted, they can be modified until they are.  But, if this work does not start quickly enough, the City will be obliged to develop the public sites instead.  ​We the undersigned request that the Carmel City Council immediately direct staff to pursue a housing element amendment that removes the three public sites before beginning work on any aspect of developing those sites.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Noakes
    There are so many furbabies that are well cared for. I ask everyone to help out in getting our furbabies the protection they deserve. Our furbabies ARE NOT A POSSESSION, they are part of our family. 
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nannette Heady
  • Chickens for Woodward.
    We have alot of people that are wanting to raise chickens also. We are not talking about roosters or other farm animals. Chickens lay fresh eggs, they eat bugs and flying insects and their poop is good fertilizer for our garden.
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Ohl
  • President Biden: Permanently stop fossil fuel gas exports!
    The U.S. is the top exporter of largest liquefied “natural” gas exporter in the world. This “natural” gas is up to 95% of methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide! People are dying from the pollution caused by these methane gas export facilities. Local residents call the region between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana, where 200 fossil fuel plants operate, “Cancer Alley”. Areas of Cancer Alley have the highest risk of cancer from industrial air pollution in the country, in addition to higher rates of low birth weights, preterm births. Stopping these exports and the construction of more export facilities is also a racial justice issue; Black residents in Cancer Alley face higher rates of exposure to pollution than white residents. We need to phase out fossil fuels and invest in our clean energy future. The Biden administration has the power to end these dangerous gas exports permanently and to hold fossil fuel polluters accountable for the damage they are causing to our communities. We must uphold our global climate agreements and commitment to achieve a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 for our planet and its people. Add your name to the petition to urge President Biden to continue the fight against fossil fuels and for a clean energy future!
    1,668 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Get Primal Moon on 95.9 The River, and start a Local Radio Hour
    This one is truly for all artists in the area that want to be heard. It's also for people that are not afraid of discovering great new music, in their own backyard. 
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Brunker
  • Unacceptable Living Conditions at Chase Arbor Apartments
    This is important because the condition of property does not coincide with the price of rent . Chase Arbor Apartment complex are scamming people into signing these lease agreements and pay unnecessary fees. If future residents were informed of these issues beforehand, many would choose not live at Chase Arbor. Residents deserve a safe comfortable home to stay in.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demi Wiggs
  • Act Now to Sound the Alarm on Nukes at the Presidential Debates!
    From China to Russia to the United States, we’re witnessing troubling moves to build nuclear weapons that push us all toward global catastrophe. Even a “small” nuclear war — where just three percent of the world’s current nuclear arsenal is deployed — would have apocalyptic effects. Millions would be killed on impact, followed by environmental destruction, famine, and more death in the fallout. There’s one thing we all deserve to know: How will the President of the United States respond in the face of this rising threat? President Joe Biden and Donald Trump could tell us how they’d act at their first debate later this month. The problem? We don’t know if CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will ask. That’s where you come in. We have just a narrow window of opportunity to urge the presidential debate moderators to pose a crucial question about nuclear weapons at the first Presidential Debate on June 27.  The good news is that they can’t ignore a call from tens of thousands of activists from across the country urging them to do it. Sign now if you agree: Debate moderators must ask President Biden and Donald Trump about any nuclear plans!
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture