• Israeli PM Netanyahu should not be given a platform in front of Congress
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has overseen the Israeli military as it’s caused catastrophic suffering in Gaza, including needlessly killing tens of thousands of people. Right now, families are starving amidst a famine his government created. That’s not all: He’s also allegedly given quotes to journalists to undermine ceasefire talks and repeatedly ignored requests from the families of hostages to get their loved ones home safe. He’s vowed to continue it ALL. Yet, despite a growing list of potential war crimes, House Speaker Mike Johnson has drafted Netanyahu an invitation to address a joint session of Congress — and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reportedly ready to sign on. Netanyahu does not deserve the honor of speaking on the congressional stage. Especially as powerful decision-makers, from the President to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, seem finally willing to use their influence to end the horrific violence in Israel, Palestine, and beyond. Inviting Netanyahu to speak at the U.S. Capitol would not only undermine our values — it could undo the ongoing efforts to secure a ceasefire. U.S. credibility — and hundreds of thousands of lives — are on the line. The decision is a no-brainer: Sen. Schumer must say ‘No.’ The good news? The chance that he does increases if he hears from thousands of people across the country now. For the sake of justice, peace, and basic human decency, will you add your name to our petition to Sen. Schumer and urge him to refuse Netanyahu this prestigious platform?
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Make Fourth Ave DEAVRY AVE 💙💚❤️
    It’ll make a difference in people viewing of the important people in the city of Pittsburgh. It’s already known people feel they forget after a while let’s just let them know yall be busy but yall still hear out cries for help
    2,254 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by DeaShea Green
  • Warren Position Petition
    This is important because the new generations need to have the experiences they want. If that means being a committee chair for two organizations or four, then it should be that way. Only being able to hold a position for one organization is hardly a way to grow. As a student leader, it’s disheartening for someone to be limited like this. Especially in HIGH SCHOOL. It would mean a lot to me and the rest of the incoming students at Warren if you were to sign this petition on behalf of the student body and what we stand for. Why limit a student to one position if the reason behind learning is to grow, even as a person and a leader? Thank you so much.  -Gracie Hindmon
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gracie Hindmon
  • Let park rangers march in Pride parades!
    The NPS policy bans “participating in or attending any demonstration or public event wherein the wearing of the uniform could be construed as agency support for a particular issue, position, or political party.” It also appears like they are banning pins, buttons, and “ribbons” that are not in official capacity.  The email iterating the policy was sent less than a month before the start of Pride and was sparked because of requests from employees. Frank Lands, the Deputy Director of Operations at NPS, said that “approving participation in some events and not others could be seen as discrimination based on viewpoint.” NPS itself holds Pride events—so marching in local Pride parades is in line with their internal and external support for LGBTQ+ rights. Supporting and celebrating LGBTQ+ folks shouldn't be a controversial political position—the fact that it may be viewed that way is because of egregious assaults that make it all the more critical for institutions across the country to affirm their support and empower their employees. The identities of LGBTQ+ park rangers don’t change when they put on and take off their uniform, and they should be able to celebrate their identity publicly all year long.  Historically, LGBTQ+ people have experienced disproportionate surveillance and policing in public parks. And LGBTQ+ people continue to face specific barriers when trying to access public parks, including harassment and discrimination. Still, only 30% of park and recreation agencies have programming specifically tailored to LGBTQ+ communities. The NPS should focus on actively doing outreach to LGBTQ+ community members, not banning employees from self-expression or prohibiting their presence at their local Pride events.  LGBTQ+ people deserve to feel safe, welcome, and celebrated everywhere. Sign the petition to urge NPS to allow their park rangers to march in community and local Pride parades, and demand NPS commit to publicly supporting their LGBTQ+ employees and visitors.  PHOTO: METRO WEEKLY/Sean Burgandy, Todd Franson and Ward Morrison
    4,695 of 5,000 Signatures
  • Frank Brown Pickleball Courts
    We encourage others to join us in advocating for the construction of pickleball courts at Frank Brown Park. By supporting this initiative, we can alleviate the congestion currently experienced at local courts, ensuring that players in Panama City Beach and the surrounding area have ample opportunities to enjoy the sport. Additionally, having more courts will enable our community to host higher-level tournaments, attracting players and visitors from across the region and boosting our local economy. Your support is crucial in making this vision a reality, enhancing our recreational facilities and promoting the growth of pickleball in our area.
    246 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sunsets and Dinks Picture
  • Basketball Court Lights & Maintenance In Buenaventura Lakes Osceola County!
    It's very Important, because it's everyone's safety and makes the park look better, feel better and let's everyone enjoy the sport they love without the risk of an injury, or not being able to see, due to no lights and keeps us safer.  "Much needed love and attention"
    253 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Eric Gonzalez Picture
  • A.M.A.R.I 💚🧸🪽
    This is the second autism related drowning that’s happened in JUST our community, and there was no alarm for either of them. That’s 2, too many, and that doesn’t even touch the numbers nationwide. We need to do better & be better prepared for future accidents! Proper alerts could've had people searching the proper area way faster! Not everyone got one, and most had to learn about it thru Facebook posts.  If phones shake when a child is abducted. Phone should shake when a special needs autism child should ever wander. They need their own category! 
    3,981 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Marì Gonzales Picture
  • Montpelier Village Club Home Owners signatures needed to request an HOA election to Vote
    It’s important that we hold elections for our HOA board. Current board is self appointed and not chosen by the community. The issue with this , the board is supposed to represent the community and community needs. It’s not happening. We are coming off a year of over spending by 45,000 with zero explanation or accountability. The treasurer at the time failed their job however is now the President due to the board not having elections and self appointing . We need a quorum, meaning 40 homeowners to sign the petition to request an election so WE have a say and elect the individual WE want to serve on the board. 
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Doering
  • Ziegler Must Immediately Resign or Be Removed from the Sarasota School Board by Gov. DeSantis
    Ms. Ziegler's conduct has been a continuous distraction from the business of the Board  — the education of our students, and the Board's stated commitment of "Every student every day."  At the May 7, 2024 School Board meeting she proposed a resolution defying constitutional officer responsibilities by refusing to uphold changes to Title IX. She claims she was protecting "our girls" while openly discriminating against certain students. This makes our students unsafe.  Ms. Ziegler has damaged countless students' lives and is an embarrassment to the Sarasota County School District.  She needs to resign or be removed. Join us in this effort. 
    754 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robin Williams
  • Tell Pres. Biden: Reaffirm the right to protest now!
    Hundreds of students have recently been arrested for participating in protests against the Israeli government’s war in Gaza at dozens of universities across the country. But blue lights and zip ties aren’t making students on any campus safer, and sending in armed troops will only increase the tensions — and the potential for tragedy. We don’t have to guess what that looks like because we already know: At Kent State on May 4, 1970, 28 National Guard soldiers fired into a crowd of thousands protesting the Vietnam War. They killed four students and wounded nine others. Those protests weren’t so different from the ones we are seeing today. From Columbia to the University of Texas-Austin to the University of California, Berkeley, and back again, young people across the country are exercising their constitutionally protected rights to free speech and assembly to protest horrific violence in Gaza. President Biden has an opportunity to show the kind of leadership necessary to meet this moment of crisis. As the protests spread, Republican governors could act unilaterally to bring more military presence to college campuses across the country. That’s why your voice is urgently needed today: Will you help us send the president a clear and crucial reminder that dissent is not a crime, and protest is patriotic?
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Investigate Horrendous Reports of Torture at Israeli Detention Centers!
    Whistleblowers have reported that detainees are being strapped to beds, or restrained in inhumane positions for so long that they are subject to botched amputations. And this isn’t the first time reports of this kind of abuse have surfaced. In April, an Israeli doctor reported that there were routine amputations at Sde Teiman—sometimes leading to health complications and even death—from detainees being held too long in handcuffs and restraints. The doctor himself called the conditions “deplorable” and said that it violated “medical ethics and the law.” CNN on May 11 released a comprehensive investigative report, “Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center,” detailing the whistleblowers’ accounts and other reports or torture coming out of Israel detention centers.The journalist detailed heartbreaking, terrifying stories of abuse and humiliation.  Reports of Palestinians being forced to stand in prolonged stress positions, sometimes even zip tied to fences. Physical beatings. Botched medical procedures without anesthesia. At night, dogs are let loose to run over detainees, barking and terrifying them. Palestinians are subject to prolonged and even constant blindfolding over the course of weeks and months, a form of psychological torture. Dr. Mohammad al-Ran, a Palestinian detainee who was released after 44 days, was asked by a fellow detainee if Dr. al-Ran could find his wife and kids and deliver a message. He said, “Tell them that it is better for them to be martyrs. It is better for them to die than to be captured and held here.”  The leaked photos and stories hark back to Abu Ghraib, where, in 2004, leaked photos revealed abhorrent abuse at a U.S. military base in Iraq with smiling U.S. soldiers torturing detainees, some of whom were never even charged with a crime. Already comparisons are being made, calling the Sde Teiman detention center "Israel’s 'Abu Ghraib.'" We can’t sit back and allow history to repeat itself as human rights violations and torture transpire in real time. We must act now.  Sign and share the petition.
    645 of 800 Signatures
  • Petition for Responsible Management of the Steve Miller-James Miller Estate
    Signing this petition signals the absence of a legally recognized executor for the Steve Miller-James Miller Estate and highlights our collective responsibility in its stewardship. The role of executor is one of responsibility, not privilege, demanding the individual to manage estate finances faithfully for the benefit of all members. Without a current legal executor, this duty lies with each of us. Should any resident be prepared to undertake the legal and financial responsibilities to officially become the estate’s executor through probate court, they will have our full support and gratitude. This petition, therefore, is not just a call for change but an invitation to engage actively in the governance of our community, ensuring the protection of our interests and the restoration of transparency. Upon garnering enough signatures: - James “Carter” Miller must cease his activities as the self-appointed executor immediately. - He must relinquish all estate documentation, including financial records, accounting logs, and deeds, to Minister of Miller Church and Representative of the Steven Miller-James Miller Estate. - An independent audit will be commissioned to review all past financial transactions under his management. Supporting this petition means advocating for the return of control over estate assets to its rightful heirs and ensuring full transparency moving forward. Once James “Carter” Miller has turned over all necessary documentation, we will make all findings available to all recognized heirs promptly. This step is crucial in restoring integrity to the Steve Miller-James Miller Estate and honoring our grandfather’s legacy. By participating you commit to reestablishing responsible governance and transparency within the Steve Miller-James Miller Estate, ensuring its prosperity and the welfare of all its beneficiaries. This petition offers a pathway to resolve the current challenges faced by the Steve Miller-James Miller Estate, encouraging unity and active participation among all.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Carpenter