• Bruin Parking Reform.
    Parking permits and fines place an undo financial burden on SLCC students, especially for those who are already struggling financially. It is especially unjust in the sense that you are unable to appeal a ticket unless you pay the fine regardless if it is warranted with no room to defend yourself until after you are found guilty. Especially since SLCC holds the right to hold your transcripts and ability to graduate hostage unless you pay these fines. Not to mention that SLCC students are already spending thousands of dollars to simply attend classes and this nickeling and diming maneuver serves nothing but to further alienate and impoverish SLCC students. Additionally our campuses severely lack accessible parking spots for those who may struggle if forced to park further away. Please sign here or at https://sign.moveon.org/p/Bruinsunbooted
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Follano
  • Immediately investigate Scouting America for child sexual abuse claims
    Scouting America has systematically failed to protect children at every turn. The Boy Scouts knew about predators in their ranks for a long, long time. A 2010 civil lawsuit revealed that the organization for years had tracked suspected and known abusers but didn't consistently report them. Even leadership from within the scouting organization have begged lawmakers and the public to act. In a press conference detailing the ways in which Scouting America is unsafe for kids, Michael Johnson, former Scouts' Head of Youth Protection, called the organization and its programs "high risk."  Yet, law enforcement and politicians have done little to support survivors and hold the organization accountable. And the consequences are devastating. Beyond the initial abuse, thousands of survivors have come forward and shared the impact of the abuse on their lives. From drug abuse to difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, victims of childhood sexual abuse may spend a lifetime healing from their trauma. NO child should ever have to go through this horror.  Scouting America, an organization meant to teach young people leadership and integrity, not only failed to protect these children but put them directly in harm's way. Add your name to demand that Congress investigate Scouting America NOW.
    6,365 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Our Safe Place NEEDS YOUR HELP!
    Nonprofit organizations that focus on youth development and issues are crucial because they provide essential support and resources to help young individuals grow, learn, and overcome challenges. We plan to expand and offer mentorship programs, educational opportunities, and guidance that can positively impact the lives of young people, shaping them into future leaders and contributing members of society. By addressing the specific needs of youth, we aspire to play a vital role in creating a better future for the next generation!
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Our Safe Place
  • Stop New Hampshire Electric Coop from Spraying Herbicides Near Lakes
    We have seen the harmful effects of chemicals like Roundup, which has been linked to cancer. Spraying herbicides near our water bodies will be detrimental to the entire ecosystem around the lakes, affecting both wildlife and human health.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oleksandra Campbell
    As a community we need to recognize that this is a big problem. Dr. Hester has provided a safe and orderly environment for her students and staff for eight years. It is evidenced through her hard work how much she loves her school and the students. She’s always working and goes above and beyond for all stakeholders. She is able to call all students by name and takes a genuine interest in their success in the high school setting. The castle needs her to remain principal as she continues to lead us forward! 
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tracey J
  • Tell Vanguard’s new CEO it’s time to lead on climate
    Vanguard is the second largest asset manager in the world, managing almost $8 trillion on behalf of 50 million investors, including tens of millions of individuals saving for retirement. Asset management companies, like Vanguard, manage the investments and retirement savings of pensions, corporations, and everyday Americans like us. Given Vanguard’s size, how the company invests its funds has a big impact on whether or not we will reach global climate goals. And, for those of us who are Vanguard clients – anyone who has a pension, 401(k), or savings plan managed by Vanguard – these actions to address the climate crisis will impact our retirement goals and the safety of our (financial) future.  Unfortunately, Vanguard has been failing on climate: it is the biggest investor in fossil fuel companies and has among the worst records for holding companies accountable on their climate and sustainability impacts.  But that could change. Vanguard just announced a new CEO, Salim Ramji, who has an opportunity to steer the company in a new direction. It’s imperative that Vanguard focuses on responsibly managing the risks of climate change. To do that, Ramji needs to hear from us that we demand change.   It’s time to put Vanguard at the vanguard of its industry. Tell the company's new CEO to protect its clients’ investments – and our future – by taking action to combat the climate crisis.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessye Waxman
  • Would you come to a comedy show in Kannapolis NC?
    There’s allot of Artist and entertainers that make it big in the industry. And there’s an overwhelming amount of those same people that say that their hometown didn’t support them on their climb. That will never be me. Over 10 years I’ve had the support of my classmates, family, friends, co-workers, church and neighbors. I’d like to think I have the support of my elected officials and City Board as well. I would love to tell the story of how the City of Kannapolis pulled resources together to bring an upscale comedy show to the city and it turned into a relationship that grew over years. That those that we voted to be in office see us, hear us and want us to excel. Those in power to open doors are doing just that and not gate keeping. Please join me in making this reality for our great city
    772 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Springs
  • Speed Kills
    There has been several accidents and deaths at the particular location. One of my childhood friends has been struck at this location. My older sister has been struck by vehicles there. Moreover,  a number of my childhood friends have been killed at that intersection.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Sumler
  • Send Zoo Polar Bears back to Arctic Regions!
    I am passionately advocating for your support in joining a crucial campaign aimed at facilitating the relocation of polar bears from zoos back to their native Arctic regions. As someone deeply concerned about animal welfare and environmental conservation, I believe that this cause demands urgent attention and action. By joining this campaign, we have the opportunity to make a profound difference in the lives of these magnificent creatures. Relocating polar bears from zoos to Arctic regions will not only improve their quality of life but also contribute to the preservation of their species and the ecosystems they inhabit. It is essential that we prioritize the needs of these animals and take concrete steps to address the ethical and environmental implications of their captivity in unsuitable conditions. I urge you to lend your voice and support to this important cause. Together, we can raise awareness, mobilize action, and advocate for positive change that will benefit polar bears and future generations. Let us stand united in our commitment to ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for these polar bears.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by grace doolittle
  • HCC Petition
    Why It Matters: 📚 Educational Impact: With over 10,000 students each semester, HCC plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our community. Faculty deserve a seat at the table in decision-making processes affecting student learning. 🤝 Unity for Progress: By standing in solidarity, we can ensure that administrative policies align with the best interests of faculty and students alike. 👩‍🏫 Teaching & Learning Conditions: We need your support to create an environment where both faculty and students can thrive, fostering excellence in education at HCC. Join Us in Fighting for a Brighter Future at Howard Community College!
    521 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Salvador Valdez
  • Merriam Flags for freedom: Ask city council to poll the community
    If you believe that a community should have a voice and be heard, and that city council members should make the effort to reach out to their constituents so they can be reflective of their community’s desire then sign this petition. Signing this petition does not declare your wishes for flying the flags or removing the flags. It just sends a message to our elected council members that we expect them to make an effort to adequately reflect what each of their wards desire. This is especially important when a volunteer committee has a split recommendation to council on a sensitive topic. Please also note the  committee was only 6 people and made no effort to reach out to the public either. Sadly one member skipped almost all the meetings and discussions but did show up to vote for removing the flags at the final meeting 
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NG D
  • Reversing Arizona MVD decision to handcuff EV drivers to cloud plates
    By sending this letter, EV owners hope to see a positive change that fosters greater personal expression and satisfaction among Arizona's driving community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully,
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chayton Wagner