• Reevaluation of Visitation Hours
    This petition is crucial because the new visitation rules at Shorter University significantly impact the quality of student life and their ability to maintain meaningful personal connections. The stringent regulations, such as the constant accompaniment requirement, open doors, and lighting mandates, create an intrusive atmosphere that undermines trust and independence. The restrictions on common area usage and the prohibition of opposite-gender visitation on specific days further stifle social interactions, collaboration, and community building. Additionally, the blanket ban on opposite-gender family member visits is unreasonable and disregards the importance of familial support. By advocating for more balanced and respectful guidelines, we aim to protect student autonomy, promote a healthier social environment, and ensure a supportive and inclusive campus experience. In addition to the overly restrictive visitation policies, Shorter University also faces serious issues such as inadequate access to food on campus and the presence of mold in dorms. These problems directly impact students' health and well-being, yet the administration appears more focused on regulating visitation hours. It is crucial that the university prioritizes addressing these fundamental concerns to ensure a safe and supportive living environment for all students.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emma Murphy
  • Free Bri đź’Ż
    PMTS picks and targets certain students they deem as problematic. Brianna was terminated for something she can not control and was targeted since she stepped foot in PMTS and it is not okay to pay $23,000 just to be singled out, not only by fellow students but also by staff members, Staff members who belittle students by saying they see us as “adult children”. This is outrageous and ruined Bri’s life plan. All over a claim that was made by someone who doesn’t live in roanoke and cannot verify if they saw Brianna being active or not. The day of termination, Bri was getting all her ducks in a row. She came to PMTS at 10am when her class begins at 5pm, she was attempting to do makeup time to work on counts and be productive. PMTS is not aware of what everyone has to deal with in their private life, so why do they feel as if it is acceptable to straight terminate Brianna without a warning. Then when speaking to Brianna’s family, PMTS tried to say Bri was written up 4 times and was warned in which she was not once warned or written up for the accusation that are being made about how she stole 2 hours, when she was dealing with a family matter. 
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brianna Stroop
  • Preventing the Weaponization of Orders of Protection and Ensuring Accountability
    Changing the order of protection system to address its misuse is crucial for several reasons: Preserving the Integrity of Legal Protections: Orders of protection are essential tools designed to protect individuals from genuine threats of abuse, harassment, or violence. When these orders are misused, it undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the entire legal system. Ensuring that orders of protection are used appropriately helps maintain their integrity and ensures they remain a reliable resource for those in real need. Preventing Abuse of the Legal System: Misuse of orders of protection for personal gain, such as in contentious divorces or custody battles, can clog the legal system with frivolous cases. This not only wastes valuable judicial resources but also delays the resolution of genuine cases where individuals are in immediate danger and need prompt protection. Protecting the Rights of the Accused: Individuals falsely accused and restrained by orders of protection suffer significant emotional, social, and financial harm. They may face damage to their reputation, job loss, and severe emotional distress. By addressing misuse, the legal system can better balance the rights of the accused with the need to protect genuine victims. Ensuring Fairness and Justice: A legal system perceived as fair and just is fundamental to public trust. When orders of protection are weaponized, it creates a perception of injustice and bias, eroding confidence in the legal system. Reforming the system to prevent misuse helps restore faith in legal processes and ensures that justice is fairly administered. Encouraging Genuine Victims to Seek Help: When orders of protection are misused, it can create skepticism and stigma around seeking such protections. Genuine victims might hesitate to come forward, fearing they won't be taken seriously or that their cases will be seen as part of a larger pattern of misuse. Ensuring that orders of protection are applied correctly encourages genuine victims to seek the help they need without fear of judgment.  Reducing Retaliatory Actions: Misuse of orders of protection can lead to retaliatory actions, escalating conflicts rather than resolving them. By implementing measures to prevent such misuse, the system can focus on de-escalation and resolution, reducing the potential for further conflict and harm. Promoting Accountability and Responsibility: Holding individuals accountable for misusing legal protections promotes a sense of responsibility and respect for the law. It sends a clear message that the legal system is not a tool for personal vendettas or manipulation, but a serious and vital mechanism for ensuring safety and justice. By addressing the misuse of orders of protection, we can create a more just, efficient, and trustworthy legal system that better serves the needs of all individuals involved.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Edwin K. Picture
  • Fact-Check the RNC and Call Out Lies and Propaganda in Real Time!
    Major news networks are right now planning their special convention coverage for the Republican National Convention. We know that disgraced former president and Republican nominee Donald Trump will use this opportunity to fire up his most extreme, far-right base, spewing lies.  During last month’s debate alone, Trump made more than 30 false statements. Since CNN refused to engage in live fact checking, that meant that the over 51 MILLION viewers who tuned into the debate initially received Trump’s misinformation unchecked. Now Trump and his MAGA cronies will do it again—pumping disinformation directly over the airwaves over four evenings of prime-time coverage. News networks can and must do better in not treating lies as legitimate arguments, and in calling out deceptions before they permeate the public discourse. A strong democracy requires informed citizens, and we rely on independent journalism and news networks to provide factual information. It’s imperative that any news networks covering or broadcasting the RNC call out all falsehoods in real time to prevent misinformation and propaganda from spreading!
    846 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Mental Health is Better!
    Clayton state has cut Counseling and Psychological services for its students leaving them helpless and in need. According to The Amercian College Health Association (ACHA) in 2022 they surveyed 54,000 students and "77% of students experienced some kind of psychological distress either moderate or severe" While in college students can experience burnout, homesickness, stress, anxiety, depression and more. Services pertaining to our mental health must be taken seriously in all schools across the country. Many students here take advantage of these services especially considering that we pay $46.00 each semester to have Mandatory Student Health which mental health should be a part of as well. Clayton State is also trying to fund a new football club which we want just as much as they do but not at the cost of our psychological wellbeing not to mention we pay $170 athletic fee already a year not to be mistaken with the student activity center fee for $115. We feel there are other ways to fund this rather than taking away much needed services or raising the prices for housing. The students deserve better, and the school needs to do better. Signing this petition is a push for a change to be made for the sake of our family, our laker nation, our school! 
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Desiree H
  • GoGo Ventures Speaks for Us
    This movement is crucial because it aims to empower and elevate the voices of the GoGo community, particularly those of lesser-known bands and brands. Historically, these entities have been overlooked when it comes to accessing government resources and support. By establishing GoGo Ventures as a recognized advocate, the community can address injustices and inequities that have been neglected or misunderstood by government agencies. This initiative seeks to ensure that all members of the GoGo community receive fair treatment, representation, and opportunities for growth and development. It is about fostering inclusivity, cultural preservation, and amplifying the unique contributions of GoGo music and culture within the DC community and beyond.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GOGO VENTURES
  • Hold Ocean County Jail Accountable for the Death of Keith Raymond Press
    I can’t go into complete detail since this is an ongoing civil rights investigation. What I will say is that Ocean county jail located in New Jersey needs to be held accountable for the death of Keith Raymond Press. Had the proper procedures been performed by the facility before, during and after his suicide, a life would not have been lost. The Ocean County Jail previously underwent a $1.5 million lawsuit with an outcome of a negligence verdict. A scarily similar situation occurred with a man named Kenneth Conforti who failed to receive the proper resources and medical attention by the facility after committing suicide in his cell. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/08/10/states-top-court-upholds-1-5m-negligence-verdict-against-jail-for-inmates-suicide/ This is not about restitution. This is about justice. Every system has failed Keith Raymond Press throughout his lifetime. A man is gone. There will be justice for Keith. Stand alongside me through this journey to fight a corrupt system. As long as we have each other, Keith’s memory will not be forgotten and his death will not go unnoticed. As always, keep your heads up. He would do the same for us, let’s do right by him. 
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Skyla Camacho
  • Take Action to Support Access to Affordable, Local Healthcare in Pennsylvania!
    Are you worried about access to affordable, high-quality healthcare in your local community in Pennsylvania? Hospital merges and consolidations have led to closures across our state. Facility fees and other undisclosed costs have given patients sticker shock when we receive a bill in the hospital. Send a message to your Representative in Harrisburg asking them to support two bills that will protect patients throughout Pennsylvania.  These bills will come to a vote soon on the floor, and your elected officials need to hear from you that you support them.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Packard Picture
  • Help Needed for the Disabled
    The commissioner, Nina Waters, could order the plow already at the beginning of our 70 yard road to plow it for the safety of 10 people and one disabled man.  Simple accommodation to solve a very simple problem, but she refuses to help her own constituents. 
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Marie Damian
  • Bring Dr. Royal Baxter BACK to Her Students
    Dr. Royal Baxter has been an integral part of Clayton State University, profoundly influencing the lives of students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members. Her unexpected dismissal has left a significant void in our university community, and we believe that her reinstatement is crucial for several reasons: Dr. Baxter's unwavering commitment to her students' success and well-being has made her a beloved figure on campus. She goes above and beyond to support her students academically, personally, and professionally, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. Dr. Baxter is the vital link that connects students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members. Her efforts to build a strong, united Laker Nation have created a sense of belonging and pride. Reinstating her will help maintain and strengthen these connections. Dr. Baxter's presence contributes significantly to the positive and inclusive atmosphere at Clayton State University. Her dedication to creating a supportive environment ensures that all members of the university feel valued and respected. Dr. Baxter is an advocate for students and staff, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. By joining our campaign, you are supporting a leader who genuinely cares about the entire Clayton State community and works tirelessly to represent its best interests. When we come together as a community, our collective voice becomes powerful. By joining this campaign, you are contributing to a united effort to bring about meaningful change. Together, we can make a compelling case for Dr. Baxter's reinstatement and demonstrate the overwhelming support she has from the Clayton State family. Dr. Baxter embodies the values of dedication, excellence, and community that Clayton State University strives to uphold. Her reinstatement will not only restore morale but also reaffirm our commitment to these core principles. We urge you to join us in this important campaign. Your support and participation can make a significant difference in ensuring that Dr. Baxter returns to her rightful place at Clayton State University, continuing her invaluable work and enriching our community. Together, we can achieve the change we seek.
    198 of 200 Signatures
    Created by joleighka harris
  • Help Save Sacred Lands in Arizona From Destruction!
    Right now, Chí’chil Biłdagoteel Historic District of Arizona, a high desert oasis sacred to multiple Indigenous tribes and commonly known as “Oak Flat,” is under extreme threat. Rio Tinto, a UK-Australian mining company — notorious for polluting Papua New Guinea, causing an environmental disaster in Brazil that left 19 dead, and blowing up Juukan Gorge, a treasured 46,000-year-old Aboriginal site in Australia — would destroy the area by carving out a 1,115-foot deep, 1.8 mile-wide crater for strip mining. A coalition of Western Apache tribes and their allies is taking their case to the Supreme Court after the Ninth Circuit narrowly ruled against them earlier this year. It’s the necessary next step in this fight. Still, we’ve seen the Court fail to protect Native rights and the environment before — that’s why we need to work every possible angle to #SaveOakFlat. As the litigation continues, we’re piling the pressure on Congress to pass Rep. Raúl Grijalva's Save Oak Flat from Foreign Mining Act. This bill would reverse the land transfer and permanently protect the area — and building enough support to pass it in the House is one more way to ensure Oak Flat remains sacred and pristine for generations to come. Can you take two seconds to act to uphold tribal sovereignty and permanently protect this sacred space? Urge your Rep. to support and pass this legislation now.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Tell Mayor Fox: Negotiate a Contract for Bradley Beach Workers NOW!
    The people who keep the Borough of Bradley Beach running deserve a contract that reflects their hard work.  These hardworking men and women are tired, under financial strain, and deserve better. Enough is enough! Please support these hardworking dedicated public service employees!
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by UFCW Local 152 Picture