• Want Control Over your PTO hours?
    As many of you are aware, our company has made the decision to discontinue the Paid Time Off (PTO) donation program, a move that has left many of us concerned about the well-being of our colleagues during times of need. I believe strongly in the importance of supporting each other, especially in times of difficulty. The PTO donation program was a tangible way for us to demonstrate our solidarity and compassion for our fellow employees facing unexpected challenges. While the decision to end the program may have been made with good intentions, I believe that together, we can advocate for its reinstatement. Our voices matter, and by joining together to express our support for bringing back this invaluable program, we can make a difference in the lives of our coworkers. I invite each and every one of you to join me in signing a petition urging our leadership to reconsider their decision and reinstate the PTO donation program. By showing our unity and determination, we can work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive workplace for all. Please take a moment to sign the petition and spread the word among your colleagues. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for your support,   Montrell
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by montrell Bond
  • End AI image recognition and training indefinitely on Instagram and Facebook
    Anyone who is an artist should take this into consideration. Do you want your artwork used with no credit? Do you want to have a say in what your artwork can and can't be used for? Do you want your job at risk? Do you think this is moral and/or ethic? If you aren't an artist, you also need to think about what's happening here. Do you want images of your children used for facial recognition? What about yourself? Are you okay with your pets being used to train AI? What about the video you posted to spread awareness on dementia, which includes your elderly mother in it? This is not okay, as previously stated it's preying upon those who don't know this is happening. I have multiple Instagram accounts and one for Facebook. I've only seen anything about this on my art account for Instagram, nothing on either of my personals. I've seen more about this happening on other forms of social media rather than Instagram or Facebook. This is common.
    2,016 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Evie Sargeant
  • Stop Instagram AI Integration Policy
    Instagram is going to use your photos, your likenesses, your images, your art, to train their Artificial Intelligence, Meta, without consent or compensation. This will affect artists, who will be out of a job if and when AI becomes advanced enough to create art without human involvement. This will affect people who decide to put their faces on the app, that will have to worry about fake inappropriate photos of them being spread across various platforms. We witnessed this happen with celebrities such as Taylor Swift a few months ago. None of this is acceptable, and we cannot let them get away with this.
    3,274 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Juliet Love
  • Petition for Immediate Action to Address Rising Car Theft in the Shipyard Neighborhood
    The safety and security of our homes and neighborhood are fundamental rights that every resident deserves. The recent spike in car thefts in the Shipyard not only disrupts our daily lives but also erodes the sense of community and security that we cherish. When we, as residents, are forced to live in fear of our properties being stolen, it undermines our quality of life and well-being. This issue transcends individual losses and affects the entire community. When crime rates rise, it impacts property values, community trust, and overall safety. By joining together, we can amplify our voices and ensure that our concerns are heard by those in positions of power. Collective action is crucial to driving the changes needed to protect our neighborhood and prevent future incidents. Your support can help us achieve a safer, more secure environment for all residents of the Shipyard.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Salustiano Ribeiro
  • No special treatment for Trump, deliver a just sentence!
    Trump was convicted by a jury of 12 people on 34 counts for a felony election conspiracy and cover up. He is the first former president to ever be convicted of a felony.  Trump’s sentencing is scheduled for July 11, and Judge Merchan overseeing the case has discretion in deciding the sentencing. Trump could face up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $170,000, or he could only be charged a fine, or sentenced just to probation or home confinement. Time and time again we’ve seen injustice play out in the American criminal legal system—with the wealthy and privileged able to buy their way out of accountability while poor and working class people, LGBTQ+ communities, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian American and Pacific Islander people, and other marginalized groups are overpoliced, criminalized, and harshly sentenced. Our elected leaders should be held to the highest standards. With all eyes watching, it’s important for Judge Merchan to deliver on the promise of the American legal system, and make sure the will of the people is reflected fairly and justly in the sentencing.  Add your name to demand that no preferential treatment be given to Trump—and for him to issue a fair and firm sentence!
    34,590 of 35,000 Signatures
  • Petition for a Safe-Usage Technology Policy in Springfield Township School District
    We, the concerned parents and community members of Springfield Township, hereby submit this petition urging the immediate implementation of a Safe-Usage Technology Policy within our school district. In today's digital age, technology plays an integral role in education. However, its unfettered use poses significant risks to the well-being and academic performance of our students. The prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and computers has led to increased screen time, distractions, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content. Without proper guidelines and regulations, our students are vulnerable to the adverse effects of excessive technology use, including depression and anxiety. Rationale for Safe-Usage Technology Policy: 1. Promotion of Academic Focus: Excessive screen time can impair cognitive development and hinder academic performance. A well-structured policy will help students prioritize their academic responsibilities over digital distractions. 2. Protection from Harmful Content: The internet contains a plethora of inappropriate and harmful content. A Safe-Usage Technology Policy will establish barriers to non-educational internet usage, while increasing filters and monitoring systems to shield students from accessing such content, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment. 3. Protection of Brain Development: Research suggests that overexposure to screens affects memory, cognition, mood, and attention spans in all humans - even more so in developing brains. Ensuring that technology is used solely as an educational tool will mitigate mental and emotional harm caused on school grounds.  4. Prevention of Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue among students, leading to severe emotional distress and academic disengagement. By outlining strict guidelines against cyberbullying and harassment, the policy will foster a culture of respect and empathy within the school community. 5. Development of Responsible Digital Citizenship: Education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about shaping responsible citizens. A comprehensive technology policy will include provisions for digital literacy education, teaching students about online safety, etiquette, and the responsible use of technology. 
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meredith Jean
  • Let Izzy and Lilly have sleepovers
    Izzy and Lilly both love spending time with each other because we understand each other very well. Taking away our time together creates an "unhealthy" time spent together considering we used to see each other every day in prison (school)  This change includes side effects of the way we speak, the way we act, the way we breathe, the way we pursue our "master chef" dreams, and the happiness of when we spend time together. 
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lillian Elliott
  • CNN, ABC News, and other news networks must ensure accountability in upcoming debates!
    The integrity of our democratic process depends on the quality and fairness of the information provided to the public. Debates are a critical platform for candidates to present their policies and for voters to make informed decisions. Without measures to prevent misinformation and ensure fairness, the value of these debates becomes nothing more than a joke. We need a transparent and accountable political process. Our debates should reflect true democratic values, not devolve into chaos and misinformation. 
    53,728 of 75,000 Signatures
  • End Nicotine Testing On Animals
    There are many ethical concerns on animal testing, but above all which reaserchers care about is the accuracy of these tests, but there are crucial differencs. Different animals will have different reactions, laboratory animals are not exposed to smoke in the same manner or time frame that human smokers are. Much information has been obscured because there has been no link with the reactions on animals to humans. The biological differences are no surprise, our cells, nose filtering abilities, lungs and more have many differences of those of the animals. Simply, animals should not be used for predications on humans. Beagles were forced to smoke around 2 packs a day, monkeys were forced to smoke 6 hours a day for a year, mice get cigar tar smeared on them inducing tumors; all these experiments continously went on until the animals were killed and of no more use.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brany Acevedo
  • 🚿Mobile Showers 4 The Homeless Citizens🚿
    It could have been you... It can still happen to you... #Compassion #Dignity #Humanity 
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Velasquez
  • Do not air the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Pageants!
    The CW recently entered into a three year extension with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA to broadcast their pageants. With a reach of over one million viewers and the network’s top special, the pageants have tremendous influence on not only the contestants, but viewers.  Miss USA has been active for over 70 years with the mission of “empowering and inspiring women across the world.” But over the past few years, the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants have been riddled with controversy and scandal. From sexual harassment allegations to bullying and mental health concerns, the pageant has come under fire. And just last month 2023 Miss USA and Miss Teen USA both stepped down from their positions after reports of bullying and abuse by owner Laylah Rose.  It is reckless and irresponsible for the CW to air Miss USA and Miss Teen USA amid numerous complaints and concerns. It’s important that the CW take a serious stance against bullying—and that starts by breaking their contract and refusing to air the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants in August!
    510 of 600 Signatures
  • To the American Academy of Pediatrics: Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza. Now.
    Many members, in recent months, have repeatedly raised concerns and resolutions to leadership and specific pediatric sections. However, we often meet significant resistance and are told calling for a ceasefire is too divisive of a statement to make. Humanitarian groups and international organizations have consistently pushed for Israel to make stronger efforts to increase humanitarian assistance and prevent civilian casualties, as well as call for a ceasefire, but there is instead more targeting of civilians and humanitarian aid workers.  The International Court of Justice has pushed for Israel to take actions to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. There has been, to date, little-to-no adherence to this ruling. Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza, was completely destroyed after an Israeli military operation. Humanitarian aid workers, of any nationality, are also not protected: 7 individuals from the World Central Kitchen were killed in an Israeli attack on their convoy after coordinating their movements with the Israeli military. The purported last safe place in Gaza, Rafah, is already being invaded by Israeli forces, killing dozens of civilians, including children, despite American and international warnings to halt the Israeli offensive in the enclave. The Academy has already released statements asking the United States government to consider the unique needs of Gazan children in conflict, and to refrain from putting children at risk of death. While commendable, we believe these aims will only be achieved by a permanent end to the ongoing violence.  We also note that in 2022, in the face of similar violence in the Ukraine, the Academy called for members to donate to UNICEF to care for Ukrainian children in the face of the Russian invasion, a push that has not occurred for the children affected by the Israel-Hamas war. The starvation rates that affect children in Gaza, has reached a catastrophic point, with 1.1 million civilians at risk of imminent famine. If war and siege continue, deaths will occur at an even more frequent rate. Our concern, as that of many members of the Academy, should be that of children who are at imminent risk of dying because of war. 
    355 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adithya Sivakumar