• Stop Delaying Trump's Criminal Trials!
    Three out of the four of Trump's criminal cases are postponed—indefinitely.  Trump-appointed judge Aileen Canon has been dragging her feet in Trump’s classified documents case in Florida, and she has failed to reschedule the trial that was originally to take place in May 2024. The right-wing-packed Supreme Court has the federal trial accusing Trump of trying to overturn the election results in 2020 tied up, refusing to rapidly review Trump’s bogus and corrupt appeal for "absolute immunity" of all crimes he committed while in office.  And finally, Trump's crusade to disqualify the prosecutor in his Georgia case, also related to overturning the 2020 election results, has indefinitely delayed the trial as the Georgia Court of Appeals debates whether to allow Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis to oversee the charges brought against Trump and 14 other co-conspirators.  For far too long, there have been different sets of justice in our legal system—one for the wealthy and powerful, and another for the rest of us. And this hypocrisy has burdened Indigenous, Black, Latinx, and Asian American communities disproportionately. And now, this double standard is on full display, as someone who should be held to the highest ethical and legal standards in our country manipulates our legal system to evade accountability and hide information from the public.  Trump’s crimes were crimes committed against our democracy and against the American people. We have a right to a speedy trial. Sign the petition to urge our legal and justice system to do its job and STOP THE DELAYS!
    51,103 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Pass the CROWN Act
    Right now—in 2024—in 27 states it's completely legal to discriminate against people for wearing their natural hair. Formal and informal "dress codes" are used to shame and punish Black people for wearing hairstyles that are consistent with their natural hair texture. And for many in the Black community, it's about more than just hair. Locs, twists, coils, braids, and other natural hairstyles are an expression of identity. Discriminating against Black people for wearing natural hairstyles isn't only a violation of civil rights, it's a direct attack on Black culture. And it has real-life consequences. Black people are being robbed of job opportunities, education, and their dignity all because of racist policies designed to make them tone down who they are. The CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair), a bill aimed at ending race-based hair discrimination in schools and workplaces for Black Americans and other communities of color, was just reintroduced in the Senate. Now is our chance to end hair discrimination nationwide. It's time to put an end to this. Sign the petition to urge Congress to pass the CROWN Act NOW so no one suffers the injustice of experiencing racial discrimination because of their hairstyle.
    1,664 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Special Education Funds Audit in the six southern districts in San Diego.
    Our south San Diego community need to join us to ensure transparency and accountability, and to advocate for the proper allocation of the Special Education funds to benefit all children who rely on them. And to make sure their is a bright future of our children, every kid is different and they have the right to learn in their own kind of way. ____________________________________________________ Nuestra comunidad del sur de San Diego necesita unirse a nosotros para garantizar la transparencia y la responsabilidad, y abogar por la asignación adecuada de los fondos de Educación Especial para beneficiar a todos los niños que dependen de ellos. Y para asegurarnos de que haya un futuro brillante para nuestros hijos, cada niño es diferente y tiene derecho a aprender a su manera.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kenia Peraza
  • Petition to ban Kyle Rittenhouse from speaking at universities
    Rittenhouse's presence on college campuses is highly controversial and has sparked outrage among students, faculty, and community members. His speaking events, organized by the right-wing Turning Point USA chapters, not only raise concerns about campus safety but also promote divisive ideologies that have the potential to incite further violence and hatred. Universities should be spaces for learning, growth, and respectful dialogue, not platforms for individuals associated with violence and hate speech. Allowing Rittenhouse to speak at universities sends the wrong message and undermines the values of inclusivity and tolerance that higher education institutions should uphold.
    1,428 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Valeria Trevino
  • Tell Amazon to create a safer environment for disabled/ disadvantaged sellers
    I am not the only product creator out there just trying to survive. This is a very difficult time for everyone - ESPECIALLY those of us with learning disabilities and other challenges. Amazon is one of the wealthiest businesses today and can definitely afford to have better accommodations in place.
    767 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jason Rosenblatt
  • Oppose Resolution 218
    In 2008, an Albany county legislator tried to pass a resolution in opposition to the Iraq War. It led to an hours long debate on the floor, and what came of it was that Albany county decided that Resolutions would be used to codify things into law, while Proclamations which are not voted on, but legislators sign on to if they would like, can be used as an honorary/symbolic gesture of support. Recently, the Albany County legislature has decided they want to codify the policy around proclamations, more specifically they don't want to issue proclamations for controversial issues, or for issues that urge another body to take action. However, they have drafted a policy that doesn't outright exclude such proclamations from being issued. This is problematic because it gives rise for the policy to be applied in a potentially discriminatory manner.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Albany Muslim Advocacy Coalition
  • Day off for Eid - a major Islamic holiday
    This campaign is extremely important in representing full equality for Muslim students and faculty throughout fisd. They are currently treated with injustice though being denied a day off from school on this major Islamic holiday in order to uphold justice toward these students and faculty. This goal is realistic and achievable considering it has been effective and successful in the Houston isd and the entire New York State.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fatima Mujtaba
  • PMTSD 2024 Graduation
    Every student at PMTSD has worked very long and hard to receive their license. By taking away their graduation you are not giving them a chance to be recognized for all their hard work, time, and professionalism that they have given to the school, staff, and guests! Each student has performed numerous hours to prepare for their career. This is a huge life accomplishment and should be celebrated as such! By waiting until the following year, with zero notice to the student body is disappointing and unsatisfactory by the Paul Mitchell standards we have upheld. There are other alternatives to hosting a graduation such as using a smaller location or hosting graduation at the school that could have been much more productive than stopping the process all together. Not many students will be able to return a year after finishing school, let’s make sure the 2024 graduates have a chance to celebrate their accomplishment as they move into the next phase of life!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Madison Madden
    Rocky Hanna lacks the mindset to know what's right for children .
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Women
  • Safety For The Kids
    As much as we love the new park. A lot of us don’t love that it is not fenced in. It only takes a blink of an eye for the kid to run into the street, especially with it being so close. It would be safer and easier for us parents if there was one entrance/exit.
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kaylin Cox Picture
  • Award Civil Rights Icon Ruby Bridges the Presidential Medal of Freedom!
    The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor for Americans who have made exemplary contributions to the United States. Ruby Bridges has been fighting her entire life to fight back against racism, especially for children. She's an inspiration and role model to children and adults across the country, and she deserves to be honored as such. Books telling Ruby's story of racially integrating public schools in the south—including a book she wrote about her experiences—have been disputed or banned in schools across the country. It's the duty of our education system to teach kids the truth about our world while inspiring them to change it for the better. That mission is what Ruby Bridges embodied when at just 6 years old, escorted by U.S. Marshals through a crowd of violent protesters, she integrated an all-white elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1960. When Ruby took her first step into her new school she helped to usher in a new era of progress for America—one that Republicans are now trying to reverse. Republicans have launched an all-out assault on the free expression of minority voices and integral parts of American history. In a disturbing display of censorship, 2023 saw an unprecedented purge of nearly 2,000 books from school libraries across the country. These books primarily represented characters who are people of color or LGBTQ+, or tackled significant themes such as racism. These book bans are a blatant attempt to distort historical truths and silence the diverse narratives that are critical to understanding the full American experience. Tell President Biden: Ensure Ruby's story of bravery and triumph over racism is never forgotten. Sign the petition to award Ruby Bridges with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
    17,738 of 20,000 Signatures
  • Demand IACP denounce police officer Daniel Auderer and remove him from any upcoming conferences!
    In January 2023, Jaahnavi Kandula was killed by Seattle Police Department officer Kevin Dave who was speeding through a pedestrian crosswalk. Following her death, it was revealed that SPD Detective Daniel Auderer made disparaging remarks about Jaahnavi. In the horrifying recording, Detective Auderer can be heard on the phone with another officer laughing and joking about Jaahnavi, cruelly describing her as just "a regular person" and dismissively stating that the city should simply "write a check" for her death. "She was 26, anyway. She had limited value," he is heard saying. We are still waiting for Officer Dave and Detective Auderer to be held accountable for Jaahnavi’s killing and the cruel, dehumanizing remarks made thereafter. But instead of facing consequences for his inhumane and unprofessional comments, the International Association of Chiefs of Police selected Auderer as a presenter for the International Impaired Driving and Traffic Safety Conference (IDTS), only quietly pulling his session after media outlets reported on it. The IDTS call for proposals says its goal is to “offer relevant, timely education and training to help attendees to do their jobs more effectively and make their agencies more successful.” Auderer’s disgusting remarks have eroded trust between the SPD and the Seattle community, and sparked righteous outrage from South Asian and allied communities across the country. IACP must do more than just pull Auderer from the program—they must explicitly denounce his behavior and commit to not amplifying him as a leader and educator in future IACP panels, workshops, and speaking engagements.
    335 of 400 Signatures