• Remove press restrictions for President Trump’s impeachment trial
    Mitch McConnell and Senate Rules Committee Chair Roy Blunt have instituted unprecedented press restrictions in order to prevent the public from having full access to Trump's Senate impeachment trial -- including limits on what the public can see and on reporters' ability to talk to Senators. Without the free press, we can’t fight against abusive governmental policies or defend our basic freedoms. The Trump administration has been attacking the free press for years. Now that Trump has a chance of getting held accountable for his abuses of power, the Senate is allowing him to hide details from the public.
    79,568 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • stop cell towers from being built close to neighborhoods.
    health concerns cannot reject proposals to planning board or code offices right now due to 1996 law according to FCC. they have done no research on how cell towers emitting radiation have adverse or no effect on the environment of human lives. Research has been done by scientists but the FCC rejects this. People in Zurich are marching in the street protesting 5G. people across the country are trying to get their planning board to create ordinances to protect life. very difficult due to FCC ruling.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ananur Forma
  • 93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Myers
  • Defend our Constitution!
    It is not hyperbole to say that our country is at a crossroads and the very health of our Republic is at stake. It is undeniable that President Trump has abused the power of his office by seeking the interference of a foreign government in our elections and that he refused to provide Congress with documents and witnesses who would have provided important information regarding the impeachment investigation. By requesting assistance from a foreign leader, Trump violated the law established by the FEC Act. By refusing to provide witnesses and documents, he was in Contempt of Congress. Both acts are crimes. Both acts are impeachable offenses. Both acts require witnesses, testimony, and further discovery to determine in an impartial manner if the President should be removed from office. We, the American people, including the constituents in your respective states deserve to have fair and impartial representation in the Senate, especially at this moment. If you do not stand in defense of the Constitution at this moment, and this trial is the circus that the Republican leadership is promising, it will be the beginning of the end of our Republic as we know it. The Congress will forever lose its ability to check the power of the Executive Branch. This is not about this President, this is about the pillar of our country which requires separate powers that balance each other. You have each shown the independence, thoughtfulness, and leadership to show the country and the world that the idea that is America still breathes powerfully through our Constitution. Thank you.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hogan Sherrow
  • Asthmatic inhaler flavors
    Like I said, yummy flavors so asthmatic people don’t always have to taste nasty stuff.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cydney Hjorth
  • Get impeachment trial live on television and the internet!
    It allows for full transparency and scrutiny by the American public to every step of the Impeachment trial, by it being broadcasted to television and the internet.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Patros
  • Bloomberg and Steyer: Pay the fines of Florida's formerly incarcerated citizens so they can vote.
    It's not hyperbole to say that he future of the planet depends on free and fair elections in Florida. A rigged election in Florida determined a previous election, and could well determine the next one. If oil companies buy another four years in the White House, then the climate catastrophe will become much worse. It's coming down to people vs the oil companies, and we need free and fair elections to win. Re-enfranchising voting rights of Florida returning citizens would make the 2020 election more free and fair. In this one single act you could do a mountain of good for future generations.
    1,755 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Lamb
  • Say No to 3rd Ave BID - Listen to the over 400 people that are angry!
    Over $1000 per property owner a year Starting Budget: $560,000 Starting Salaries: $250,000. It’s being said that BID opposition is propaganda – we don’t know the facts. So lets have ONLY the facts about a BID. BID board members are employees – they get a salary A BID is a TAX – an assessment tax, meaning the government enforces collection. If you don't pay your TAXES, you will be fined and a lien be placed on your property A BID’s budget is NOT CAPPED – EXPENSES ALWAYS GO UP – hence a BID’s budget will always be approved for an increase. NY Chinatown BID gets a Massive Increase in Money! The 3rd ave BID's budget is over 50% for salaries/management! – $560,000 total with $240,000 for salaries! A BID has NO measurement for success – a BID has no measurements – its all “feelings”. You CANNOT choose to NOT pay for a BID – it always consumes your money. A BID's supposed services have zero impact on our businesses. Do lights really cost $560,000 a year? Has any BID increased anyone business enough to justify millions and millions of dollars spent? Do benches generate more business or act as a bed for the homeless? A BID does NOT increase property values – it increases your property taxes! Why would higher taxes increase your property value?
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Eng
  • Stop Ticket Scalping: Installing CAPTCHA 断绝黄牛票
    The ticket scalping industry has grown into an intolerable size that is seriously impacting the entertainment market. Fans, mostly teenagers, face skyrocketing prices that are often multiple times of the original price, with constant incidences fake tickets even. I am a student in China, and what just happened to me recently has awakened me to realize the severity of this problem in the ticket market right now. My favorite celebrity is hosting this concert in Shanghai, which I had been planning to go for months. I saved up a lot of money and finally got my parents to agree by studying really hard. I was really excited for this concert, however, when the tickets were out it was just impossible for me to get one from the website (大麦网) even with the help of my friends. All of the tickets were in the hands of ticket scalpers, and were sold almost 10 times as high. The original prices for about 480 yuan were about 4000 yuan, which was almost 10 times as high!!!Later, we found that the ticket scalpers had retrieved most of the tickets with machines called bots, which were much faster than human hands and allowed the scalpers to steal most of the tickets from fans. Further, most of the ticket-selling websites have not even installed CAPTCHA to identify machines from humans, which is what allowed most of the tickets sold to go into the hands of scalpers. We have to stop the ticket scalpers from breaking our hearts and devastating our dreams. There is no way to do this if we do not UNITE and say NO To this !!! Stop ticket scalping by enabling companies to install CAPTCHA !! 黄牛票一直是一个极其严重的现象,对文化传播,市场经济,和社会方面造成了极大的影响甚至于说困扰。人们对于黄牛票的报道从来都是暧昧不清,从未得到实质性的解决方案或态度。粉丝们,大多还只是青少年,常常面临着狂涨的价格无能为力。此外,常常还有粉丝因买到假票损失惨遭。 我是一名高二的学生。最近发生在我身上的一件事让我严重意识到了黄牛的严肃性。我一直喜欢的明星要在上海办演唱会, 我期待了超级久,也拿出了自己之前存的奖学金和红包钱存着。为了这件事我挤进了年级前十名,终于让父母同意我去了。我感到非常兴奋,但是,当晚抢票时我怎么也抢不到。得知所有的门票都在黄牛手中后,我带着最后的希望去咨询黄牛,却发现门票售出了近十倍的高价,从最初的价格约480元飙升到了足足有4000元,几乎是原来的10倍!!!! 后来,我与一些朋友调查发现黄牛们都会使用抢票机器(bots)在网上抢票。因为这些机器比人类的手快得多,他们由此才得以抢走走大部分门票,并且狂抬价格。此外,大多数售票网站甚至都没有安装CAPTCHA来区分人类和机器,这才使得黄牛得以抢走绝大部分的门票。 几年来黄牛市场已越发张牙舞爪,价格也越来越夸张。我们不能再无动于衷了。只有一起抵制黄牛,我们才能捍卫我们作为消费者的尊严,才能不让更多像我一样的人被喜欢的人的演唱会拒之门外。所以,求求大家了,我们一定要让票务平台在他们的系统上安装CAPTCHA,阻止黄牛。
    1,531 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Y Yang Picture
  • Make Election Day a Federal Holiday
    The United States has a very low voter turnout compared to other countries. It's important that as many citizens as possible be given the opportunity to participate in our democracy by voting. Making election day a federal holiday will give significantly more people the opportunity to vote. Since it will replace Columbus Day, it won't generate any additional costs.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kristi Hansen
  • Lev Parnas must take the stand
    Mitch McConnell is trying to push through the Senate impeachment trial without calling any new or relevant witnesses. But incriminating evidence keeps piling up -- and it demands a full hearing. In a shocking interview, Lev Parnas -- a close associate of Rudy Giuliani -- revealed new details about the Ukraine scandal and President Trump’s role in it. He claimed outright that the president “knew exactly what was going on” and that Trump was solely focused on undermining the Bidens, not investigating corruption. But that’s not all. In the interview, Parnas implicated key figures in Trump’s cabinet -- including Vice President Pence and Attorney General Barr. He claimed that Pence canceled a trip to Ukraine because of their hesitation to announce an investigation into the Bidens -- and he asserted that when it comes to the Ukraine plot, “Barr had to have known everything.” The Senate absolutely cannot render a verdict without hearing Lev Parnas on the stand. Parnas has not formally testified as part of Trump’s impeachment proceedings -- and if the Senate ignores his allegations and pushes through an acquittal for Trump, it would be an affront to our democracy. The American people deserve the whole truth -- and without Parnas’ sworn testimony before the Senate, we will never have it. Tell the Senate: Lev Parnas must take the stand.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
    This is important because our school does not have a mascot, and once had a very ugly and controversial mascot. This is the perfect opportunity to have not only a mascot, but an iconic one. What is a school without a mascot but a peppless, depressing building?
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dingdong Dog