Our Democracy was built and on a strong middle class and it is as important today as it ever has been. It offers a stable Democracy where EVERYONE bennefits. Please do your part as a Leader to keep the Middle Class in America strong and vibrant. It is all about 'We the People'.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edwin Casey
  • Say No To Condo's On Lake Street
    We are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to stop the zoning change for the construction of 23 condominiums on Lake St. The 2 house rule with the variance for the 3rd house are acceptable to us.
    453 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jill Lepore
  • Clear Channel: Discontinue Rush Limbaugh's radio talk show.
    Rush Limbaugh's radio show is a part of the Clear Channel lineup. Let's send a message to them that no longer can they allow Rush Limbaugh the opportunity to spew hateful and sometimes derogatory comments. Sign the petition and help get this done.
    481,331 of 500,000 Signatures
    Created by D. Washington
  • Closing Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant
    Say no to Vermont Yankee and their broken promises that they made with the state. The plant is unsafe and the owners promised to close it this year.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Stone
  • Moral Majority Against Viagra
    These past few weeks, there has been excessive media focus on not forcing religious employers and schools to fund the sexual promiscuity of their female employee/students. However, the media has completely ignored the fact that Viagra (a drug whose sole purpose is to aide men in having an erection so that they can have sex) is funded by these same religious insurance plans. Tell congress you don't want YOUR money to fund the sexual exploits of men!
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea Gray
  • Admit It, Rush: You Use Birth Control
    Rush Limbaugh thinks that women who use birth control are sluts. But he's had four wives and no children. We demand that he be honest with us: is he shooting blanks, or using birth control? Are his wives all sluts?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sian Killingsworth
  • Texting while driving
    In support to ban texting while driving all across the state of Florida as I believe it will save live as many are killed around our nation due to texting and driving.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Beaulieu
  • Stop the deportation of American children!
    American citizens who are children of undocumented are poised either to be separated from their parents or to be technically deported from US. This does not reflect the American values. There are many undocumented families who live in US for more than 10 years and have strong ties to this country who are parents to American children. America does not want to deport those families that are contributing to the country and are paying taxes. Tell the Government to legalize parents of American citizens who lives in US for 10 years or more and have paid back taxes If this propose is enacted, it will provide more protection to the family unity and to the American citizens. This is not a backdoor amnesty. This is above all, a way to protect the American children! God bless America.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renato Pereira
  • Abortion
    Please do not change the current law regarding abortions. As it stands, it can help women who find they have a fetus which is incredibly malformed and they, and only these women with their doctor's guidance, should be able to make the decision of not carrying it to full term. Women do not make these decisions without much thought, prayer, grief and medical guidance. They deserve to be able to continue or terminate a pregnancy where there is damage to the mother or the fetus is extremely dismembered, etc.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Blum
  • Unconstitutional practicum of MPAA/RIAA
    The MPAA/RIAA are censoring material distributed to the people of these United States. The MPAA specifically hires a public board who is then kept private, as well as their rules, practices, associations, affiliations, etc. whilst involving the military, heads of church, and a sleu of those who make/distribute/profit off of these movies in the decision making of how films are rated. There are no appeals and they maintain the power to keep what films they wish from release.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Smith
  • Keep Scooters Off the Titusville Skatepark
    With everyday passing, it seems like more and more scooters are being produced to crowd Titusville Skatepark to it's maximum limits. In addition to this cluster issue: they don't take others into consideration, they don't watch their language, and they don't respect their surroundings. This petition is an attempt to keep scooters off Titusville Skatepark, so skateboarders can perform freely without worrying about when to go or who to look out for.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron McNevich
  • Support HR 668, the Solar Shield Bill
    Please support HR 668, the Solar Shield Bill (and any Senate equivalent) proposed by NASA to protect the electrical grid from EMP.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark M Giese