• Stop H.B. 139: Keep Housing Separate from DWS
    H.B. 139 is a bill that would place Utah's division of housing & community development into the Department of Workforce Services. Advocates and professionals who work in the housing field agree that DWS is not an appropriate administrator for housing & community development programs because their missions and business cultures are vastly different.
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Afton January
  • Oppose SB 1349 Vaginal Ultrasounds
    Sen. Winder, R-Meridian, introduced SB 1349 which requires a woman to receive an ultrasound before she gets an abortion. Even though Sen. Winder took the language out of the bill requiring the vaginal procedure, very early pregnancy ultrasounds can only be done vaginally in order to get a quality picture of the fetus for a physician to answer the question on the form proposed in the bill. The woman has to pay for the procedure even though she does not want it. Currently in Idaho, doctors may offer an ultrasound to women before an abortion, give out informational pamphlets, and provide information on adoption services. Idaho places no requirements on physicians to perform ultrasounds under any other circumstances. In fact no other medical diagnostic test is mandated by Idaho statute, revealing the true intent of the bill: to shame and discourage women from receiving legal and safe abortion services.
    5,450 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan C Philley
  • Properly fund research for pediatric cancer.
    Each and every schools day in the United Stated 7 children die from cancer and 46 children are diagnosed with cancer. It only gets a fraction of the funding that it deserves compared to all other cancers and pharmaceutical companies do not invest in reserch due to the lack of profits in developing cancer drugs for a smaller pool of patients as compared to larger groups of adult cancers. Profit should not be a factor when saving the lives of children is the topic.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Nunn
  • Governor Sean Parnell's proposal to give more tax breaks to the oil industry
    This a totally insane power grab to create a vertically integrated gas-monopoly with no opportunity for regulatory oversight and operating in secrecy under HB189 blanket confidentiality clause.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by hazel smith
  • Senators Chambliss and Isakson: Return the "Blue Slip" for Linda Walker and Natasha Silas
    The President has nominated two highly qualified women for federal judicial posts on January 26, 2011 and Georgia's U.S. Senators (Chambliss and Isakson) will not return a "blue slip" and allow all members of the senate the opportunity to fulfill their constitutional obligation to cast an up-or-down vote on these nominees. All the while, there have been vacancies in the District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.
    488 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Donna Bowman
  • End public aid to non-public schools
    This is about providing for the separation of church and state as intended by the US Constitution and also saving revenue that can be used for legitimate public purposes. People should sign the petition if they believe in the above.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth A. Stevens
  • Save RIPTA
    With gas prices soaring, the need for affordable transportation choices is more important than ever. Join the thousands who have already signed the paper petition and make sure that our leaders at the statehouse save the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority.
    1,575 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Abel Collins
  • Emancipation Day, 151 Years strong
    August 31st. Marks the 151st anniversary of our nations first emancipation day- The signed official military order became known as our nations first emancipation by the premier Emancipator John C. Fremont. To voice our cause to celebrate and remind all Americans that Freedom is a daily battle for economic freedom, civil liberties and to understand our civic rights and responsibilities we ask you to join us in this cause to help educate our Republic. We share this day in hopes to remind citizens that oppression and slavery still exists around our globe and economic oppression is a new form of slavery we must educate and celebrate and expand upon freedom and liberty everywhere.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex "Aleq" Boyle
  • Save Our Schools!
    The Ellenville Central School District is facing deep cuts to it's budget that will affect staffing, supplies, programs, sports, clubs and much more. Funding shortfalls that originate on the Federal and State levels are the start of an avalanche effect of destruction that will mark the beginning of the end of our school district. We must let Albany know that our children are more important than politics! State budget deadlines are looming, act now!
    292 of 300 Signatures
    Created by cynthia bugna
  • Illinois gun owners say NO!
    STOP Emmanuel's insane new gun law proposal! Only law-abiding gun owners will pay attention to it, and only law-abiding gun owners will be hurt. Tell Chicago to find another way to fight criminals! Making honest people suffer is NOT the way to win votes!
    1,177 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jack Schwab
  • Stop The "Personhood Act" in Oklahoma
    Oklahoma's proposed "personhood" bill
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Botts
  • Colorado Legislator Proposes Fetal Homicide Law
    The Colorado House of Representatives is writing a First Degree Murder Bill of an Unborn Child sponsored by Representative Joshi. The language of the Bill uses the terminology of Unlawful Termination of A Pregnancy and is broadly written without any reference to the stage of the fetus whether at conception or at so called "quick". This law is an attempt to give "legal status" to a fetus. I'm calling on women of the State of Colorado to question this fetal homicide law. Should the State be enacting criminal laws to protect a fetus? Wasn't Roe v. Wade a decision to protect a women's right to choose. If we allow these laws to be passed by the General Assembly where do they end and to what purpose do they serve? To protect women or protect a fetus which has no legal rights?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaime McMillan