• Congress: Leave Social Security Alone!
    Social Security has a surplus. It doesn't make anyone more secure to reduce benefits or to privatize any part of it. If Social Security had been privatized during the most recent huge Wall Street crashes, most elder Americans would have lost their retirement incomes. When it is said Social Security is or will soon be broke, they are lying. They just don't want to pay back what has been borrowed from it
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Byers
  • Eliminate Corporate Campaign Funding
    As long as big business finances (buys) elections, politicians will put their interests above the people's. Case in point; 80% of Americans think the Citizens United decision was a huge mistake, yet over a year later, no bill has been introduced to stop unlimited and anonymous corporate donations. Our government has been privatized, and until this is changed, we will not see the meaningful change that this country needs and that it is capable of.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marc mulcahy
  • Recall Gov Christie
    Stop bullying & obstructing the democratic process.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Fair
  • Tell Congress to repeal Corporate "individual" Status
    Corporations are not persons and should not be considered as such.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Cook 325 S. 5th St. #10 Cottage Grove
  • Marilyn Davenport Must Resign
    Orange County GOP Central Committee member Marilyn Davenport sent a racist e-mail depicting President Obama as an ape, with a caption, questioning his birth certificate. She has asserted in a private email to Orange County GOP leaders that she will not be stepping down, and she apologizes to anyone who may have been offended. She maintains that "in no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email" and decries the "double standard" that applies to President Barack Obama. See the OC Weekly for the full text of the email. Marilyn Davenport in her press conference stated that she sent this racist e-mail to selected people in her press conference April 20, 2011, which further proves she knew it had racist overtones. She maintains that she did not know it was offensive, and that she has African American friends. Why didn't she send the e-mail to her non-white friends? It was deliberate and inflamatory. She should resign as a public servant in politics. The Associated Press reports that Republican Party of Orange County Chairman Scott Baugh wants to launch an ethics investigation about the incident, and that he thinks she should resign. Baugh said, "It's just highly inappropriate, it's a despicable message, it drips with racism and I think she should step down from the committee."
    1,560 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nadine Weathersby
  • Global Emergency Board
    To create a global board of scientists, engineers and environmentalists who have the aptitude to be able to respond to disasters that affect the planet and require immediate intelligent response. This board would have the power to oversee and supercede the authority of the corporations or govt agencies involved, perhaps through the UN.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Ann Schreiner
  • Maintain current system to aid Seniors.
    The Area Agency on Aging is a very efficient organization that helps Seniors in Ohio. It is being suggested that a for profit group could take on these functions and save money. The target word is money as the needs of Seniors would be secondary . Support Area Agency on Aging as it has supported the aging for many years.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Kindel
  • Proportional Representation to replace rigged electiions
    This would replace elections of state legislators and/or U.S. House of Representatives members from districts that elect only one member by plurality vote to districts where several members are elected from each district so that each party would be represented in proportion to the number of votes received in the general election.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. T. Weber
  • Sustainable Labling
    We have been tricked into creating incentives which reward those who cut corners, who are more invested in profiting off of our communities that supporting them and who make money from investing in poisoning our children and families at large. If we simply shift the costs from the sustainable, progressive, locally owned business back to the international profit at all costs with no regard for health or quality of life for workers or consumers model we will be on our way to investing in ourselves rather than in a third yaught for international company board members who pay no taxes and are destroying he world ON OUR DIME! My idea is simple. Lets start by shifting the incentive from rewarding exploitation and pesticide use and Genetically Modified Food use (which is already cheaper to do and difficult for local farmers to engage in a proper livelihood against) to rewarding and supporting local growers. US. So GMO companies need to lable their foods. We want to know and we care aqnd they dont have to lable but local organic farmers do? This is outrageous and self destructive insanity?! Its time for people who POISON the food to lable and take on that burden. They must also be the ones being audited and and paying extra money into our system to cover healthcare costs fromall of the sicknesses caused by pesticide(POISON) treated foods and the cross contamination from Genetically modified foods as crops. If we do this simple thing. Transferring the onus from the local healthy food groweer to the HUGE multi Million dollar corporation who has no stake in the local economy tanking or thriving as they can always open new markets. Our local farmer cant just sell food to china. The infrastructure propping up the current agriculture industry is going to collapse soon with the advent of fossil fuels becoming more and more expensive. Its time to free our local farmers to do their jobs and thrive because as they thrive so will our communities when times get rough they will feed us. The big corporations will just figure out how to profit from our bad luck and suck us for every possible penny. If you want to live in communities that have a chance to thrive in the face of a coming and current economic crisis then Ssign this petition. Force agricorps to shoulder the burden of lableing their veggies rather than organic farmers and the indiustry will suddely favor organic foods being grown. Who doesnt want to eat organic food that costs less money to buy?
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by omshaiya
  • Don't Punish Widows
    In Massachusetts, there is a little-known law prohibiting any widow from collecting her spouse's Social Security if she collects a teacher's pension. This makes little sense to me, as our spouses' Social Security was paid every year for this purpose, and why should the state reabsorb this money when most former teachers on a pension need it? Massachusetts is THE ONLY STATE with this law. Let's change this before Social Security ceases to exist in its present form!
    221 of 300 Signatures
    Created by judith Marks
  • Congressional Entitlements
    I am frustrated hearing Republican Congressman going after Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as the only way to lower spending...What about Lifetime Congressional Healthcare and retirement packages. Since when do employees get better packages than their employers??? Doesn't the Congress work for us??/ They are so far removed from the needs of the average person that they can't make these decisions intelligently.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renee fertig
  • Congress, show you care!
    Get Congress the message. Do they really care about us? How about them giving up something for our economy just like we are?
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon M. Larocque