• Impose a fee on Alcohol companies
    The alcohol tax has not been raised in many states in 20 years. Yet the cost of alcoholism and drug abuse on our country has skyrocketed. If they can spend millions on Superbowl ads, Alcohol companies should be made to spend some of their outrageous profits to benefit the consumers and the victims of their consumers by providing substance abuse treatment and supportive services to foster youth who have been taken out of their home due to substance abuse.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronda Dixon
  • Stop H.R. 3
    The H.R. 3 bill would create a law that women and small businesses provide health insurance covering abortion to pay more on taxes. So a woman would have to provide documentation to IRS, that the abortion was due to forcible rape, incest, a life threat to the mother, OR that the health insurance she has doesn't cover abortions. It would prevent most women from receiving any financial help from health insurance companies for abortion. We should put our money and efforts in sex education and prevention and ASSIST victims of rape and assault, not make it harder. And remember... All this is following a recent budget cut threat to Planned Parenthood.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dragana Drobnjak
  • Stop Corporate Tax Cuts
    Two thirds of all U.S. corporations do not pay federal income tax. If they paid their fair share, we wouldn't have to cut teachers, firefighters and public services. Every year corporate tax havens cost us $100 billion. That's nearly enough to balance the budgets of all 50 states. Corporate tax avoiders are bankrupting the United States.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheree Welshimer
  • Stop the TransCanada Pipeline
    TransCanada wants to build a risky tar sands oil pipeline right through the Sandhills and Ogallala Aquifer. They are bullying Nebraska landowners and threatening our state's economic activity. We cannot risk the Ogallala, which provides clean drinking water for 85% of Nebraskans and crop irrigation water for two million Americans in other states. Get more info at boldnebraska.org
    2,227 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Fleming Kleeb
  • Save Quality Child Care in California!
    Help save quality child care programs in California from being cut in the California State Budget. All child care programs in California have received a 15% across the board cut. But now, quality preschool and infant toddler centers that meet the highest quality standards are at risk of being cut by AN ADDITIONAL 10% CUT OVER the 15%. These centers will not be able to stay open if they are cut. We are calling upon the Legislature and Governor to stop high standard centers being singled out for an unfair ADDITIONAL CUT.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CCDAA
  • Representative Saunders, Don't Abandon Women!
    Recently Representative Ron Saunders, Leader of the Florida House Democratic Caucus, made the following statement regarding Representative Daphne Campbell’s anti-choice votes in the Florida House: “The abortion issue is deeply personal and emotional. The Florida House Democratic Caucus did not take a position on any abortion bills and all members, including Representative Campbell, were free to vote any way that they wished on those bills." This statement is UNACCEPTABLE to the women, men, and organizations, across political party lines, who support comprehensive women’s health care and the Constitutional right for women to choose to have an abortion. And it is even more outrageous because it was made by a leader of the Democratic Party, the party whose national platform strongly supports choice and access to reproductive health services.
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Susan Smith
  • U.S. Constitutional Amendment
    We need an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to stop the legalized bribery of elected officials by big business, labor unions, lobbyists and wealthy individuals. Only registered voters should be allowed to sway the candidates by donating money to their campaign and their political party. While Congress could pass laws to accomplish this, they clearly are not willing to give up this bountiful source of money.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Len Schoen
  • No Marcellus Drilling on State Forest Land
    Gov. Tom Corbett's Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced on April 27 that it will allow expanded fracking for natural gas on state forest lands. This new drilling will mean 3,800 wells. There are currently 164. Former Gov. Ed Rendell instituted a moratorium that prevented expanded drilling. It is completely within Corbett's power to maintain the moratorium and keep our state forest lands protected. Tell Corbett to keep the moratorium in place.
    13,340 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Morrill
  • Save the Radio, 90.3 WXLV
    I hereby oppose the sale and/or shut down of 90.3 WXLV and hereby donate my name to the cause of keeping this force alive.
    1,263 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by WXLV Supporters
  • Fix Google Privacy
    The Federal Trade Commission is now accepting public comments on a proposed privacy settlement with Google. We want the FTC to establish a Comprehensive Privacy Program for Google and other Internet companies. The FTC settlement applies to all Google products and services, including Gmail and Google Buzz. It bans Google from misrepresenting its privacy policies in the future, requires independent privacy audits every two-years for the next 20 years, and requires that Google institute a comprehensive privacy program to safeguard its users data and personal information. The deadline for public comments is Monday, May 2.
    406 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Marc Rotenberg
  • Open your eyes! Say YES to The Tilted Kilt in Fountain Square.
    Businessman Ted Mavrakis has come under social and political cross-hairs for his desire to lease prime real estate space to The Tilted Kilt restaurant chain. The opponents of this plan have voiced their opinion, and are now asking the government to act in a way that will disallow this lease to happen. With recent mall foreclosures, excessive commercial vacancies, and a civic government that is littered with ineffectiveness and unaccountability, I am, just as many others are, deeply bothered by this. I refuse to watch the government make yet another foolish decision that will be detrimental to the business community. I refuse to let the voices of the few, who happen to be screaming the loudest, have their way once again. Mrs. Mayor, with all due respect, please take an objective look and see what is happening to our “downtown” area. We are in dire need of economic growth. We are in dire need of businesses that will drive traffic to the downtown area. You need to allow The Tilted Kilt to obtain their liquor license. Allow Mr. Mavrakis to lease his space by doing so, and let those who don't want to patronize this establishment dine elsewhere. I am hoping to gather 4000 signatures in support of growth in the downtown area, in agreement that the local government needs to realign itself behind the fledgling business community, and in support of Mr. Mavrakis untarnished track record in this town.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Young
  • California: Make Education Funding Happen!
    California is considering more drastic cuts to education. This state is already one of the lowest when it comes funding. We can not afford to lose any more and take even deeper cuts.
    227 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dave Henderson