• Test thyself, olé!
    before thou wreckest thyself, guy. Indubitably.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by some fella
  • Ensure pay for our military personnel regardless of a government shut down.
    As two parties from with in the government fail to reach a conclusion on new policy for what ever the reason, it should be understood that a "Government Shut Down" shall not affect the paychecks that our military personnel depend on.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Richert
  • Replace Obama with a Democrat or kiss my vote goodbye!
    President Obama has spurned his mandate and cemented the worst of the Bush legacy, filling his administration with corporate insiders, making backroom deals with industry special interests, and readily conceding every battle to the far right. Right-wing, corporatist "Democrats" like Mr. Obama will continue to take our vote for granted and ignore America’s needs UNLESS we make it crystal clear that we WILL abandon them in 2012 (a Bush-Lite Democrat who lulls the country to sleep while savaging the middle class and curtailing our civil liberties is NOT the “lesser” of two evils).
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James ODonnell
    The Speaker of the Florida House, Dean Cannon, admonished Representative Scott Randolph for using the word "uterus" on the House floor, as if "uterus" is a dirty word. This is especially outrageous considering that this year alone, the Florida House has proposed 18 anti-choice bills. Speaker Cannon wants to restrict what women can do with their bodies, but he doesn't want to talk about it. We're asking for your help. Sign this petition to let Speaker Cannon know that "uterus" is not a dirty word.
    16,881 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott Randolph
  • Austerity
    Elected representatives should demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice along with the people they represent by foregoing their taxpayer provided health care insurance and by also foregoing their taxpayer provided pension benefits. Let them be true free market worshipers.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Durst
  • I want transit options from Lewiston-Auburn to Portland, Maine
    Portland Maine has the jobs. Lewiston-Auburn has the workforce and reasonable real estate prices. How can these 2 economic hubs be connected? A reliable, accessible transit solution is needed, but our lawmakers question the need for it. This is your chance to let them know that the need is real, the need is now.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jane West
  • Testing R
    This is a test of the letter R. It is only a test.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Tregar
  • Testing R
    R is a great letter.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Tregar
  • Gov. John Kaisch must be removed from office
    John Kaisch has consistently displayed his reckless policies that are destroying families all across the State of Ohio. He must be stopped immediately. So, therefore, we are initiating a petition to have him recalled.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Mark Haynes
  • Support MJ Legalization in Maine
    Rep. Diane Russell has introduced legislation to fully legalize, regulate and tax marijuana. This petition supports the legislation and encourages legislators to vote in favor of responsibly ending the prohibition.
    1,831 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rep. Diane Russell Picture
  • Amend the Constitution of Ohio
    Should the voters have the ability to recall elected state officials?
    3,684 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by DL Thomas
  • Lebanon Selectmen - Record You're Meetings!
    Presently Selectmen meet at workshops and do not keep minutes and the minutes from evening minutes may be vague and or lacking. This petition is to require recording of ALL Town boards and to have the audio and or video recordings placed online so residents may listen and or view to them on-demand. Recording is done by a great majority of towns and to implement this simple process is very inexpensive. It could also serve to protect the town in the case of a he said she said situation. It will provide much greater transparency and access for residents. Selectmen should take the quickest path to implement for example start audio recording while awaiting a more complex video solution.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glen Stadig