Command PeaceClose the base in Saudi Arabia that is so close to Mecca that some Muslims feel the need to defend. Create an international Gaza Strip that belongs to everyone perhaps it could be a United Nations duty free zone and the US could help with the military policing so we are still in the region. Small steps World Peace...11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Dufresne
Ask Governor Cuomo to rescind (In)Secure CommunitiesThe so-called Secure Communities program is an immigration enforcement tool between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and New York State. It requires police to fingerprint all persons processed and to send the prints to ICE. This leads to an increase in the deportation of non-criminal immigrants and tears families apart. It undermines trust in the police and makes us less safe. Gov. Cuomo should rescind the agreement.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ute Ritz-Deutch
Bring back GreenbacksIn order for America to survive, we must get the private Federal Reserve Bank out of the equation in all Federal government spending. We need to print our money ourselves, spend it directly into our economy for highways, bridge repair, railroad upgrades etc. rather than issue bonds which the Federal Reserve buys with Federal Reserve Notes (look at the money in your pocket) that they print out of thin air (counterfeit) and then charge the U.S. Government (that's us) interest on the bonds in addition to the face value of the bond all of which is our debt. Without this change, it is mathematically impossible for America to survive.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken Kollodge
Petition to end Chemtrail SprayingThey have been spraying chemtrails in most of the world poisoning the water and soil supplies for years. These chemtrails are sprayed deliberately and they contain barium, aluminum, bacteria and even GMO fibers causing Cancer, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and many other illnesses. The EPA and Congress have been informed to keep a blind eye to the issue and we need to force thm to stop the Chemtrail death dumps.287 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Bernadette Sava
CCS School Board: Restrict Sugar in SchoolsI in 10 kindergarteners entering Charlottesville City Schools is overweight or obese. From the 4th Grade on, it's 1 in 3. In addition to the short and long term health burden on our community, overweight students tend to suffer emotionally and psychologically and perform poorly in school. Sugar is directly linked to weight gain and is considered by many experts to be an anti-nutrient. Yet, on any given day as many as 4 of these items - cookies, ice cream, sugary yogurts and cereals and candy - are offered to students at CCS. We're calling on the School Board to take a stand.1,163 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ivana Kadija
End Disability Discrimination in Federal OfficesDespite reams of legislation that prevents discrimination against the disabled in federal employment, such discrimination continues in many local branches of federal offices, particularly in the United States Post Office. Federal oversight for the protection of employee rights needs to be strengthened.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben Kittrell
Pass the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009The Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial in all civil cases over $20. The Federal Arbitration Act, and court rulings interpreting it, have supplanted this cherished right with an expensive, secret and biased system, favoring businesses over individuals, and denying justice to thousands of victims. The Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009 addresses and corrects the abuses of arbitration, bringing fairness and balance to the civil justice system for everyone, and restoring the Constitutional right to trial by jury.253 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Kirtley
Impose a fee on Alcohol companiesThe alcohol tax has not been raised in many states in 20 years. Yet the cost of alcoholism and drug abuse on our country has skyrocketed. If they can spend millions on Superbowl ads, Alcohol companies should be made to spend some of their outrageous profits to benefit the consumers and the victims of their consumers by providing substance abuse treatment and supportive services to foster youth who have been taken out of their home due to substance abuse.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ronda Dixon
Stop H.R. 3The H.R. 3 bill would create a law that women and small businesses provide health insurance covering abortion to pay more on taxes. So a woman would have to provide documentation to IRS, that the abortion was due to forcible rape, incest, a life threat to the mother, OR that the health insurance she has doesn't cover abortions. It would prevent most women from receiving any financial help from health insurance companies for abortion. We should put our money and efforts in sex education and prevention and ASSIST victims of rape and assault, not make it harder. And remember... All this is following a recent budget cut threat to Planned Parenthood.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dragana Drobnjak
Stop Corporate Tax CutsTwo thirds of all U.S. corporations do not pay federal income tax. If they paid their fair share, we wouldn't have to cut teachers, firefighters and public services. Every year corporate tax havens cost us $100 billion. That's nearly enough to balance the budgets of all 50 states. Corporate tax avoiders are bankrupting the United States.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sheree Welshimer
Stop the TransCanada PipelineTransCanada wants to build a risky tar sands oil pipeline right through the Sandhills and Ogallala Aquifer. They are bullying Nebraska landowners and threatening our state's economic activity. We cannot risk the Ogallala, which provides clean drinking water for 85% of Nebraskans and crop irrigation water for two million Americans in other states. Get more info at boldnebraska.org2,227 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Jane Fleming Kleeb
Save Quality Child Care in California!Help save quality child care programs in California from being cut in the California State Budget. All child care programs in California have received a 15% across the board cut. But now, quality preschool and infant toddler centers that meet the highest quality standards are at risk of being cut by AN ADDITIONAL 10% CUT OVER the 15%. These centers will not be able to stay open if they are cut. We are calling upon the Legislature and Governor to stop high standard centers being singled out for an unfair ADDITIONAL CUT.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CCDAA