• Admit UFOs are real and harmless
    Our planet is in trouble. We humans need help to clean up the environment, reverse global warming, reduce nuclear problems, and above all we need help to end all wars and live in peace. Brazil and France have admitted the existence of visitors from space. It's time that America did the same and our leader needs publicly to ask for the visitors' help to solve our problems.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Smith
  • Tell NH House Speaker O’Brien: No Dirty Tricks!
    For weeks, workers, faith leaders and community allies have working to defeat HB 474, a bill that attacks workers, weakens unions, and jeopardizes middle-class families. This so-called "right to work" bill is the first step in a larger effort to weaken New Hampshire’s middle class. The good news is: A bipartisan super-majority of representatives in the State House opposes HB 474. But even though we have the votes to defeat this bill, we could still lose. That's because Speaker of the House Bill O'Brien is refusing to announce when he'll hold the vote. Since Speaker O’Brien can hold the vote at any time he chooses, without warning or public debate, the big danger is that he’ll sneak through the bill when key legislators are absent—in the dead of night, on a low attendance day or over the winter. Holding a voce without adequate notice would be an undemocratic dirty trick. It’s only reasonable that New Hampshire working families have the notice we need to participate in our own state government. That's why we're respectfully asking that Speaker O’Brien honor the democratic process in New Hampshire, and give at least 48 hours notice before holding a vote.
    2,058 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kurt Ehrenberg
  • Save Retiree Healthcare
    The current law allows a company to promise you healthcare benefits in retirement in exchange for less pay, less vacation, more hours, etc. over 30-40 years, then renege on that earned commitment after you're retired and need it most. A bill in Congress, HR1322, would make that immoral practice, illegal.
    6,352 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Retiree Healthcare
  • Tax the Rich and Wealthy Corporations
    Both the Federal and state governments have been depending on the working people and those who would like to be working to pay to run the government. Yet the laws are made to help the Rich and Wealthy corporations. It is time to flip the funding.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linde Knighton
  • Honoring America's Most Unsung Founding Father.
    Greetings: We need your help, as conscientious citizens, to stop impediments to having Banneker Overlook Park from being upgraded to a world class memorial by the Washington Interdependence Council. Our non-profit civic agency was authorized to establish the Banneker Memorial within the monumental core of the nation's capitol on November 6, 1998, with the enactment of P.L. 105-355. In September, 2010, Senator Roland Burris introduced bill S.3886, as an amended re-authorization to the original bill, with the only changes being two caveats calling for: 1) the statue of Banneker to be placed inside of Banneker Overlook Circle, and 2) the Benjamin Banneker Institute of Math & Science to be also placed inside of Banneker Overlook Park, aka, U.S. Reservation 719, at the southern terminus of the L'Enfant Plaza corridor. This site is sandwiched between the Mall and the southwest waterfront, with the waterfront undergoing a $2 billion renovation; and the Mall a $140 million renovation, all due for completion circa 2016. This is also the target date for the completion of the Banneker Memorial, in concert with the overall redesign of the area which has been renamed the new EcoDistrict. The reason the legislation made these two amendments to its original language is because everyone now wants to usurp this commemorative park for their own designs now that the area is being totally overhauled to become the new Cultural Center of the nation's capitol, tying the Mall and the new multi-billion dollar tri-state waterfronts together, with new and exciting cultural and real estate developments underway. Our organization worked arduously to secure a $138 million U.S. Dept. of Transp., TEA21 grant, disbursed entirely to DDOT, underwriting the basic renovation of the subject area to "make way for the Banneker Memorial" as stated in our Memorandum of Agreement with us and the partnering governmental agencies in January, 2000. However, the conspiracy by developers and others wishing to usurp the site is to sabotage, malign and destroy our agency, rendering us incapable of continuing our mission, so that we may walk away quietly into the night; enabling others to benefit from our 15 years of work and to siege the coveted site. In doing so, after more than two centuries of exclusion from proper recognition as a Founding Father, Mr. Banneker would continue to not receive the accolades he deserves as a colonial American hero, and our years of sacrifices and meeting daunting milestones will be lost forever. Our agency has also aspired to have Banneker's legacy serve to inspire our youth to believe that they can master the STEM disciplines; and for the Benjamin Banneker Institute of Math & Science Technology to serve as a prestigious academy to train our youth as leaders in the STEM disciplines at this coveted location, across from the new waterfront. Banneker Overlook Park is now 40 years old. It was established in 1971 when it was officially named in his honor as a result of the advocacy work of noted historian, Louise Hutchinson. We recently honored her, and commemorated the 40th Anniversary of this park during Black History Month. We can only continue on this commemorative path by having bill S.3886 redropped and passed by Congress or for President Obama to exercise his power of Executive Order by passing it into law. The bill does not call for funding, and with the continued support of conscientious American citizens, we can succeed with this important initiative. We thank you in advance for your support.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peggy Seats
  • Our representatives must no longer be bought by big money.
    To end the obscene amounts of money being spent on the elections of our supposedly public representatives and to end the buying of their votes by overly rich corporations and individuals.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Drabiski
  • DPW Women's Caucus
    Women's Equality and the Right to Vote
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Penny Sharp
  • It's OUR Democracy: Repeal the Citizens United vs. FEC Decision!
    Nothing threatens our democracy more than the increasing takeover of our political and legal processes by corporations, and nothing has accelerated this takeover more than this Supreme Court decision that allows unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns without disclosure.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Bloom
  • Extend Daylight Savings Time all year
    If we extend Daylight Savings Time to a year long policy we can 1) save energy 2) help people with Seasonal Affective Disorder 3) keep people more active by allowing 9–5 workers to be outside during winter after normal work hours and therefore more health-oriented
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandi Avant
  • Why isn't anyone talking about Thorium????
    Everyong needs to read up on Thorium as the "silver bullet" we've been looking for to solve our energy/pollution problems. There is some political reason that it is NEVER mentioned. Most people have never heard of it. It is a by-product of coal and using it instead of burning coal is non-polluting and produces much more energy than burning coal does. WHY AREN'T THEY TALKING ABOUT IT????? WHY AREN'T WE DOING THE WORK TO GET GOING IN THIS DIRECTION?????
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by N. K. Mason
  • Solar Hot Water Mandate
    The state of California is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the world. Solar water heating is cheaper than gas, electric, or propane water heating, yet it is seldom incorporated into new construction. Consumers do not demand it because they do not feel qualified to evaluate the options. Builders and architects are resistant to change from existing norms for house construction, and either do not know or do not present the advantages of solar hot water to consumers. Utilities have mixed motives, since installation of solar systems reduces their sales. Solar hot water is the right thing to do. It should be required, like grounded outlets and earthquake straps on hot water heaters. This petition calls on the legislature to mandate the installation of solar hot water systems in all new single-family residential construction or upon major renovation or rebuilding of a residential property. This will increase income for homebuilders and solar system manufacturers, save homeowners money over the life of their houses, reduce natural gas and electrical usage, eliminate significant amounts of pollution, and improve the energy efficiency of our state. No one loses in doing this.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Davenport
    Congress and the President have put job creation on a back-burner in preference to measures that deal with inflation (which is very low); interest rates (also very low), and the deficit (high, but best lowered by a vibrant economy, which depends on plentiful jobs).
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RICHARD E. EVANS