• Save Small Business Jobs Survival Act
    To keep alive the future of this and next generation and to provide a safe future for all of us.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose A. Ruiz Carreton
  • Kaiser Permanente stop wasting $ on non-therapeutic preputial amputations
    Cosmetic surgeries are not covered by healthcare insurance plans, with the exception of this one for cultural/religious reasons. There is no reason this one should be covered. If it is done to a child, it is considered a human rights violation. If is done to a consenting adult, it should be treated like any other cosmetic surgery that is not necessary for the individual's health and well-being. We do not want our premiums supporting such acts.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Adkison
  • Reopen NJ Bars & Restaurants
    For me and many of these businesses, this is our livelihood and way of life. What happened to pro-choice? By June 6th, it will be over 60 days of us complying and with no end in site. We have the bare minimum or absolutely NO money coming in but still have to pay our state and federal taxes along with utilities, insurance, etc. Please reconsider this. We the people have right to make responsible choices and if you want to stay home, then stay home. That is your right as it our right to run our businesses, support our families, and get our staff, who are suffering the most back to work.
    6,691 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Barasky Fama
    BIG meat and poultry companies are refusing to protect their employees! In order to protect their huge corporate profits, they are forcing their employees to make an impossible choice: either work under dangerous conditions (and thereby run the risk of infecting yourself and your family with Covid-19)-or lose your job! These companies should and must provide the necessary PPE, physical separation and testing in order to maintain a safe working environment for their employees. Until they do we should boycott their products. REFUSE TO BUY PRODUCTS FROM TYSON, JBS USA, SMITHFIELD FOOD, OR NATIONAL BEEF PACKING CO.!!!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Lenoir
  • Require Meat Packing Companies to Provide Health Care
    These workers are often people with limited resources who cannot risk infecting their families and communities. In exchange for their essential work, they must be protected and cared for in order for them to continue to be effective in their jobs.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Zanna Feitler
  • Disney needs an official latina princess
    I believe this is important because it’ll help disney have more diversity in the disney princesses. I think that every nationality deserves their own recognition. I also believe that everyone should be educated in our latin culture and where we come from.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marlene Cruz
  • Open Bars & Restaurants for full business!
    Because small businesses run this state and without them we are going to drown economically
    9,456 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Lord
  • Global Debt Cancellation, not Reduction and not Suspension
    Removing the pandemic from every country must be the priority of all nations. It is not possible to both pay debts and direct the necessary resources to defeat this pandemic, COVID-19.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Enku Kebede-Francis
  • Support the meat packing workers
    We are all told to shelter in place, keep six feet distance between us and use a face mask when we go anywhere for our safety and the safety of our fellow Americans and yet we expect the meat processing workers to endanger their lives and ours by continuing to work in unsafe conditions.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennie Savage
  • Stop Abortion Bans Now
    Abortions are time sensitive and an often difficult but needed choice for millions of women across the country. Women are humans and have a right to freely govern their own bodies. No one has the right to place their "moral" or "religious" beliefs on another. Women choose to abort fetuses for various reasons and they shouldn't be shamed or prevented from doing so. These bans during the pandemic are an excuse to continue to skirt Roe vs Wade. Stop policing women's bodies.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eva Jones
  • It's Physical Distancing with Social Connection
    Reaching out to neighbors and friends, even if it is virtually, can help our society thrive even in the face of a pandemic. If we choose, instead, to curl in on ourselves and ignore the plight of those around us, we lose part of our humanity. It is important to preserve our compassion. This period in history is difficult, but we can ease some of the pain if we remember that we are not alone and that we have the power to help ourselves and others.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Celia Padnos
  • End the lockdown and the stay at home order
    Because people need to start protesting and getting their lives back to normal again and letting kids have a life playing sports going to school. People need to start going back to work and making money. You are making us American people suffer and it's not right. We need to work go back to every day life and have a life back and enjoy our lives and stop this crap. Because people are killing themselves and jumping off bridges and buildings and people are oding and this is not right so hurry up and fix this. You need to step up and open up our New Jersey state up quickly and stop spreading fear and let us have our freedom back.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Thompson