• Kentucky Voters in Louisville denied Voting Rights!
    It is important for all US Citizens to be allowed to vote! This was planned by Mitch McConnell to close all but one polling place in the Louisville area which has a resident base of 600,000 people. He didnt close them in the white districts!
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Lichtenstein
  • Keep our youth safe! Bring more street lights to the North East neighborhood of St. Cloud!
    The North East neighborhood of St. Cloud desperately needs more street lighting to keep our youth safe. Why is this important? The North East neighborhood of St. Cloud is very poorly lit, and this is cause for concern for youth safety. The streets that are particularly concerning are 3rd St NE and 4th St NE leading to the bus stop on Wilson Ave NE. Youth and adults deserve a well-lit neighborhood to stay safe when walking at night to access public transportation. Help us keep our community safe by illuminating the North East neighborhood of St. Cloud!
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chenel Sanders
  • Implementation of Social Workers into the Police Force
    Imagine a scenario in which a domestic dispute occurred between you and a partner. Which professional would you feel more comfortable speaking with? Which professional do you feel would be more capable of providing you resources for next steps? An armed officer? Or a plains clothed, unarmed social worker? Sign this petition to enact social workers into non violent roles in the community. A calming, unarmed presence, aimed to reduce escalation can decrease brutality between police and citizens, and in addition, can save lives.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Chiu
  • Anti-racist training and curriculum integration in Framingham Public Schools
    This is important because education is the foundation of society. If we're going to make real change in fighting racism, it needs to start in our public schools. This is important for all children, no matter their race. Children are open to learning from their beloved teachers. It's not enough for teachers not to be racist, they need to be anti-racist. They need to give in-depth lessons about America's shameful history and how systemic racism has lead to the current violence against black people we see today. Moreover, it's crucial that children see themselves in their teachers. More black and brown people need to be hired in Framingham schools to represent our diverse community but also to allow children to interact with a wide-range of backgrounds and experiences that those educators bring with them.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Ngom
  • Democrats in Congress: Censure POTUS Trump and AG Barr
    This is vitally important to the survival of our democracy. Four more years of a Trump administration will further erode the basic principles of our society and endorse the authoritarian character of his governing style.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Baczkowski
  • Demand the DCR allow the Town of Nahant to fly the Gay Pride Flag
    The Town attempted to fly the Gay Pride Flag and DCR removed the flag and will not allow the Town of Nahant to fly the Gay Pride Flag during the month of June.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Ward
  • Change MS flag
    Our current flag is a painful reminder of a sordid past. We need to remove this symbol from our state and replace it with a flag that unifies our people and represents all of us.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Lobert
  • AICA-USA Must Hire an Independent Anti-racism Consultant
    Art critics can serve as reproducers of racist ideology or as agents of change. As Ibram X. Kendi's work suggests, there can be no such thing as a nonracist art critic. There are only racist art critics or anti-racist art critics. Some of AICA-USA's membership has deployed racist, hateful speech masquerading as a legitimate debate about the role of race in the discipline. AICA-USA must stop using its infrastructure to give voice to this thinly veiled white supremacist hate speech. It is time for AICA-USA to reimagine itself as an agent for equality, equity, and anti-racist change.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Corso-Esquivel
  • Defund the police
    If we can afford 5 trillion dollars for the wealthiest thousand citizens and endless wars, we can afford college for lower to lower middle income families as an investment in our collective future. All of the things are and more are possible........Let’s do them!!!
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Burgos
  • Rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower: "Eric Garner" or "Black Lives Matter" Place
    Washington DC recently renamed a section of Lafayette Park in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement to show support for the movement that has been embraced by so many of our citizens. We request that the New York City Mayor and City Council do the same by renaming a block of Fifth Avenue in a similar fashion to honor the memory of those lost and encourage change for the better so no citizen will suffer at the hands of those sworn to "protect and serve."
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rutman
  • All Law enforcement and government persons must be trained in Nonviolent Communication & Diversity
    This is urgently needed now because without this, we cannot come together. We must work together and solve our existential problems. We need to come together and see the Oneness and work for the good of all and let go of some of those individualistic points of view. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. Join me and sign this petition. Come together for Peace On Earth.
    1,027 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by scott young
  • Congress: Remove Trump and Barr from office for First Amendment violation
    I have watched Trump lie and bully and dodge for 3 1/2 years, and turn the truth on its head for fun. But this is our country, and I refuse to let him use force on citizens and frighten us into complying with policy and behavior that is morally and legally wrong. How long before he uses our own soldiers to keep us from voting? Sign now!
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Wallach