Who is in the way of getting Pandemic medical equipment produced?Gov. Cuomo announced this week that there are many private companies willing to join this effort but they need the capital to do that, and it has to come from the Federal Government. We've heard of many companies around the country pitching in who are trying to finance without federal aid. In World War II, the government at first tried to lure private industry using financial tools such as tax incentives and write-offs of capital investments. They lost valuable time before they realized it wasn't going to work that way so, using the DPA, they had to guarantee the companies they would purchase the products they needed. IF you agree that we don't have the luxury of time, will you please join this petition to send this message?42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sue Nevens
Needed: a national Vote By Mail lawDue to the coronavirus, election days have been closed, changed or possibly cancelled. Only five states have Vote By Mail laws in all elections. It should be national Vote By Mail for all 50 states. This is the perfect time to advocate for a Vote By Mail law.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marsha McCroden
Ending live daily coverage of Trump’s COVID-19 briefingsPresident Trump is blatantly using the news organizations’ extensive, live coverage to freely campaign for a second term. It is wrong and dangerous to provide so much unfettered airtime to someone who is happily, shamelessly spreading terrible, damaging misinformation that is already costing fellow Americans their lives. Please tell national and local media outlets to monitor and then broadcast valid, accurate information from medical experts, rather than feelings and diatribes from the President that only serve his own electoral interests.321,875 of 400,000 SignaturesCreated by Julie Rochman
It is time to enact a mandatory two-week shelter-in-place orderThe NY times editorial board wrote yesterday about the importance of a shelter-in-place order. They made such a great argument that I decided to make a petition out of it because I also believe it is time for President Trump to prioritize the wellbeing of humans over the health of our economy. They emphasize why it's so important for President Trump to sign such an order. "Once he does, and governors follow his request, there will be time to debate how soon some controls might be lifted, or how soon certain people, like those under a particular age, might be free to resume something like normal life. There will be more time then to develop palliative treatments, and more time for the federal government to order up the test kits and ventilators needed nationwide. There will be more time to gather data about which regions, and which people, are most at risk. The coronavirus can spread so quickly that to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, the restrictions need to be sweeping, they need to be uniform across jurisdictions and they need to be put in place now. Everyone shares Mr. Trump’s concern for the economy. But this is not a moment for mere salesmanship, for conjuring a cheerful vision rather than facing reality. It’s a moment for providing a plan. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump said he’d “love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter,” which falls this year on April 12. Who wouldn’t? But wishing will not make it so. This crisis has not turned a corner — it hasn’t even hit yet. Rather than raising false expectations of a rapid and full return to business as usual, the president needs to be pursuing even more drastic measures. He should announce that, within 24 hours, all nonessential businesses should be shut and residents directed to remain in their homes except for vital trips out, such as to obtain food or medical care. Provisions can be made for people to walk in outdoor public spaces, so long as they maintain a distance of at least six feet. Two weeks from now, with more testing, we will also have a far better sense of where infections are clustered if more people confine their movements to a limited number of places Federalism is integral to American government, but the administration needs to get serious about running a coordinated national response. All this may seem like an overreaction to a health crisis that many Americans aren’t yet feeling. But though it has already wasted time and opportunities to contain the coronavirus, the United States still has a chance to apply hard lessons learned by China, Italy and other nations. A nationwide lockdown is the only tactic left to parry a viral adversary that is constantly on the move, and to buy the time for medical workers to prepare for what comes next." As hard as it will be to endure such an order. It is time for all of us to be willing to do such a sacrifice if we want to come out of this pandemic crisis as soon as possible. Please sign this petition if you agree and pass it along. Let's send the White House a loud message!71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Brown
Bernie has the best COVID-19 plan. Tell Congress to pass it!Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard is warning that the U.S. could face a 30% unemployment rate and an unprecedented 50% drop in gross domestic product because of shutdowns to contain the coronavirus. Both Republicans and Democrats agree that massive government support is needed. Congress is expected to pass an economic stimulus package worth $2 trillion, but they are split on where the money should go. Corporate bailouts or worker protections? Trump and Congressional Republicans are for corporate bailouts. They want a $500 billion slush fund that would give the president unprecedented power to bail out his favorite corporations, with no limits to how firms could use the money and no protections for their workers from layoffs. The bill earmarks $50 billion for airlines, $10 billion for airports, and $3 billion for the petroleum reserve. Trump could even direct cash to his own hotels—and won’t deny he has plans to do so. We must stop this nefarious attempt to exploit the crisis for the benefit of corporations at the expense of the American people. We must block any action in Congress that would increase inequality or make us more vulnerable to future disasters. As we act to address the current pandemic, we must prepare for additional climate-fueled crises, as the severity and frequency of storms, fires and droughts continues to ramp up. Bernie’s plan is aligned with the “5 Principles for Just COVID-19 Relief and Stimulus,” as put forward by over 300 environmental, justice, labor, and movement organizations: (1) Health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions; (2) Provide economic relief directly to the people; (3) Rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives; (4) Make a down payment on a regenerative economy, while preventing future crises; and, (5) Protect our democratic process while protecting each other.13,245 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Katherine Paul
Ohio: Abortion Is Essential Health Care!Abortion care is a time-sensitive medical procedure that cannot be significantly delayed without profound consequences. As part of the continuum of pregnancy care, abortion is provided for almost one in five pregnancies in the United States. Ohioans are continuing to rely on their trusted community abortion providers during the coronavirus crisis, and Ohio’s elected officials should not stand between patients and their doctors. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, along with several other medical organizations, issued a statement calling abortion "...an essential component of comprehensive health care" and that the "...consequences of being unable to obtain an abortion profoundly impact a person’s life, health, and well-being." Tell the attorney general to stop playing political games with the reproductive health care of Ohioans.2,683 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Kellie Copeland
We support your suggestion to release federal prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes nowThis petition is important to encourage the president to act on his own suggestion. Especially medical prisoners need to be released so they can get the care they need to prevent coronavirus and for the medical challenges that sent them to specialized medical facilities. And to free prison resources to be used where needed.212 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mary Olson
Governor Sisolak: Suspend home rental regulations and put immediate moratorium on enforcementWe, as Nevada Property Rights Alliance (NPRA), have been calling on municipalities and state lawmakers to get the rules preventing property owners from enjoying their constitutional rights for more than a year now in anticipation of another recession coming to our state inevitably. However, we did not expect this will be needed so much sooner. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this requires immediate attention and action and will help everyone involved - those who are sharing their homes and those who need a furnished place to stay now. Governor Sisolak, we are awaiting your leadership on this issue this week as soon as possible. It's time for an Emergency Declaration. Meanwhile, we hope Mayors and City Councils take immediate action if they understand the urgency of this and do not wait on the Governor to act. Your fellow Nevadans in need of decisive leadership, Nevada Property Rights Alliance215 of 300 SignaturesCreated by NV Property Rights Alliance
Tennessee Legalization of marijuanaThe economy will grow, the people will feel more relaxed and living in the states that is legal versus the state that is not legal. And will also generate money for the state268 of 300 SignaturesCreated by dameion raspberry
Investigate Senator Burr and Friends for SEC ViolationsNo one should be able to deal in the stock market with insider information. Not a senator, nor any of his/her friends. Ever. People must release information that can disrupt markets in a timely fashion to the whole public - not just a select few.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Cote
Mortgage/Rent and Utility ReliefThis is Very Important Because People (Homeowners/Renters) Are Being Laid Off From Their Jobs For An Indefinite Time And Could Lose Everything They Own! We As Americans Deserve The Right To Keep Our Homes And Have Water, Gas And Electric Utilities In Order To Survive And Thrive Through One Of The Worst Cases Of Distress In Our History!70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy North
Rent ReliefBecause we will be faced with a greater hardship of homelessness along with fighting this virus when we can avoid all of this by not putting stress on citizens who are trying to figure out where and how to get money to pay for rent when our jobs are closed or we been have laid off until further notice. If we have NO Job, we have NO money. It is impossible to make families not only come up with money but all those extra fees that landlords add on top of us each day, or they come up with ridiculous reasons to add any fee. We have babies; we have our elders whom we care for. This is not a time to start an eviction on our families during this critical time. Please consider this petition or any other petitions that are proposed the same as this one. Thank you; hope they listen to Us as The People.201 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Dana Harris