Be fair to Cesar Chavez for CongressWe are starting this petition because every candidate deserves equal treatment. No candidate for public office should be treated unfairly as it is a violation of the freedom of speech. Oppressing any candidate is violating every voter.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cesar Chavez
Add a wheel-chair accessible ramp to Landis House by Fall 2016!The American Disabilities Act prohibits employers from discriminating against people with disabilities in their decision to hire them. Currently, at least 5 offices on campus are unable to hire people in wheelchairs, due to the inaccessibility of the office--employees would not even be able to enter Landis House, much less use the bathroom or enter offices. Numerous studies have found that people with disabilities experience much higher rates of sexual assault and domestic violence, and are also less likely to report due to lack of access to resources. Currently, Dickinson College community members in wheelchairs do not have the ability to seek support for assault or abuse through the Prevention Education and Advocacy Center, or support for discrimination through the Women's Center, Office of LGBTQ Services, or Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity. Please show Dickinson that it is a TOP PRIORITY to make Landis House wheelchair accessible. Also, according to this website, it should cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand to make a wheelchair ramp, something that it seems reasonable that Dickinson could find within their budget. http://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/environmental-safety/build-a-disability-ramp/103 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Talya Auger
AdoptionI adopted a Chinese baby girl when I was a green card holder. I started her immigration papers after I became a U.S citizen a few years back; the U.S embassy in China denied her green card visa. I then applied for citizenship for her in 2014, and it has been with administrative processing for almost two years. Stop the unnecessary delays / separation and let us be together!14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Xiaoping Huang
Justice for Robert ChambersAt 19 years old, Robert Chambers was shot in the back of the head by deputy Steven Glidden of the Houston County Sherrif's office. With mounting evidence of police misconduct and a cover up, civil rights attorneys for Robert's mother, Sharese Wells, have filed paperwork to bring this case to trial. There were fingerprints that were never analyzed, a gun that didn’t match up to reports and another possible suspect in the burglary he was a suspect in, among other inconsistencies. By his own admission, Glidden says he didn’t see a gun on Chambers as he ran. Please sign this petition asking Loretta Lynch and GF Peterman of the Department of Justice to bring civil rights or criminal charges against the officer so that Robert's loved ones can have a chance at justice.466 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Together We Stand
Secretary of State Alex Padilla: you are on NoticeWe have nothing but respect for our Secretary of State in California, Alex Padilla. However, it is his office where voter records can be switched from valid to invalid, and by extrapolation, one party to another. Further, it has been demonstrated that voting machines are hackable. Finally, the voting rules are complicated and potentially confusing to the decent citizen pulled off the street to run the polling stations and errors are made that can cancel votes. These are just some of the risks in running a fair and just election. The Secretary of State's office is responsible for the election process and accountable to the people in this great State of California - a beacon to the nation and the world. Mr. Secretary, you are on notice. As Citizens, we are called upon to watch.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gabrielle Dolphin
ND LGBT Rights Are Human RightsAll a Fargo Lutheran church wanted to do was be more welcoming of the community...the ENTIRE community. If protecting our freedom to be who we are isn't worth protecting, what is?22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Wagendorf
Restore the Presidential Primary in Colorado!The dysfunction and chaos of the 2016 Colorado caucuses highlighted the many flaws with this system. Hundreds of Democrats were barred from participating due to overcrowded caucus sites. Republicans did not have a say in their party’s presidential nomination process. Unaffiliated voters were completely shut out of the process. And anyone not available for three or more hours on the evening of March 1st had no way to participate. Luckily, there’s a better way. We have the exciting opportunity to restore the presidential primary in Colorado, while simultaneously preserving caucusing for smaller races. Please take action NOW and urge your legislators to vote YES on HB16-1454, which would allow every Coloradan to have a say in the presidential nomination process. The presidential primary allows more Coloradans to participate in the presidential nomination process. The caucus system bars those who cannot physically participate in the caucus. This includes those serving in the military overseas, parents without access to childcare, and employees who work in the evening. In contrast, the presidential primary will give voters the option to vote by mail, vote early, or vote in-person. In addition, research has shown that turnout rates for presidential primaries are significantly higher than presidential caucuses. The presidential primary gives unaffiliated voters a say in the presidential primary process. Colorado’s current system bars unaffiliated Coloradans—who make up 40% of registered voters—from participating in the presidential caucus. The presidential primary will give voters the option to temporarily affiliate with a party for the primary, and automatically un-affiliate after casting their ballot. The presidential primary amplifies Colorado issues in the national debate. Holding the presidential primary in late February or early March will entice presidential candidates to spend more time in our state, and bring Colorado issues into the national spotlight. It’s time to bring the presidential nomination process in Colorado into the 21st century. Please tell your state legislators to restore the presidential primary in Colorado by voting YES on HB16-1454.95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
Guilty until proven innocentOn November 2, 2015, I had to have a meeting with my son's school because they restrained him and said a therapist said to do so. My son is 3 years old and disabled. Prior to the meeting on November 2, this is what happened leading up to the meeting: I asked for the name of the therapist, which I could not be provided with from the teacher, nor the principal. I proceeded to call the Boston Public School system and was told that no therapist has been assigned yet!! I then explained this horrific dilemma and they told me, we will call you back. They called back with a recommendation to have a meeting with the principal (who couldn't give me a name before). At this meeting, I was trying to figure out the name of the therapist who prescribed a weighted jacket (10+ lbs) on a child who weighs 25 lbs. and has low muscle tone in his legs and core; I was never provided with the name. I then left the school. Two hours after I left, the principal called DCF/CPS/DSS and stated I was impaired at this meeting. So, if I am impaired at an elementary school, I do not see a principal and/or teacher letting me walk from the 2nd floor through the school, with all these children in school, nor seeing them wait two hours to claim I'm impaired. DCF met with me; I offered a drug screen which was denied, and they took my son from school where my son's father was waiting for him. DCF asked his father to walk into school with them and talk to his son. They refused to let the father or the grandmother have custody of him, so the father went up to talk with him, and while holding his boy, the principal ripped him out of his dad's arms, making my son scream and cry and it was so rough his father said if he didn't let go his son would've been injured. He probably has marks on him. DCF proceeded to take him out the back door and stuff him in the car screaming, crying, and flailing around, so knee to chest and forced him in. His Grandmother was denied because... Still don't know. So I had a court date the next day and offered a drug and alcohol analysis supervised and it was denied. I had not been given any chance to prove the allegation is wrong. Now almost 6 months later, with 12-15 homes, 3 different hospitals, 10 workers at DCF, 6 supervisors, one area program manager, 2 directors, 3 surgeries, parental rights never taken, but no one will give the parents any information to which they are entitled. The hospital told me when I asked if my child arrived dead, would you call me? Ah well...yes or no, would you call me if my boy arrived dead - NO! It's up to the Department of Children and Families if they want to call you. Now why would I ask a harsh question, you may be thinking? Well, in the 12-15 homes he's been kicked out or removed from, mentally, physically, emotionally abused, with pictures and documentation, as well as being starved. When his grandmother, his dad, or I would bring him food, he would shove it in his face so fast he was gagging while trying to eat. They still never proved my impairment, but I've proved no illicit substances are in my system - no alcohol either. I can't get a meeting or one vital question answered; what else or what more can I do to get MY son home?? Almost 6 months, and no answer to this one question. Meetings are canceled, calls are not returned, or when they are returned the subject is avoided or I'm told to ask someone else; always avoided. There is no consistency at all as you see, all the people involved in the case from the department, no schedules for visits, never can I tell my boy on this day, this time, I'll be there. Nope, every day, every time, and almost every visit is in a different place. On the surgery date, I was allowed by the judge to be there. It was suppose to be for all 5 days and 4 overnights as suggested by the surgeon at court and the judge, but right before surgery I was asked if I would like to go in back to hold the mask so he's relaxed while anaesthesia was given - of course I wanted to go in, but DCF said she was going in!!! The doctor and hospital never saw or heard of anything like this. So let's not let another family nor child be tortured through what they call "protective services"! That's the furthest thing I'd call whatever they've done to my 3-year-old disabled child. He's so afraid, lonely, and feeling unloved; he wants to know. why he can't come home??? How do I Answer?? I just tell him that he did nothing wrong; when things get figured out you will be home. I don't know what to say. He went to school, was restrained and never came back and has been tortured; this will affect him for a long time. The longer he's gone, the worse it's getting. One of the homes he was at before and from which he was taken from or kicked out if, he's back staying there. After he went back, his dad saw him the next day and he had a new cut on his face and on his back. His dad asked, what happened? My son said, "A bigger kid tried to take my food and we fight, I'm hungry, it's my food Daddy." Stop this from continuing, please.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Martin
Petition to the UN to Audit the 2016 Democratic Primary Election FraudAmerican voters are witnessing open election fraud in every primaried state. All of the fraud is occurring on behalf of one candidate. The people of the United States have the right to elect our leaders in legal elections. Free, open elections are the cornerstone of a democracy. That right is being eroded by the Democratic Party. We want justice now.88 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrice Mykytka
Brownback, your fear of terrorists is hurting Muslims in Kansas!On April 26, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback notified “the Obama administration" that the Kansas Refugee Resettlement Program State Plan, which resettles refugees with help from federal funds, will no longer accept those funds because he says Kansans are in danger of terrorists from Syria, Iraq, or Sudan sneaking in as refugees. Because governors have no authority to limit who enters their states, the federal government will now have to identify a private Kansas entity to run an “alternative” resettlement program under the Wilson-Fish Amendment. While this eliminates supervision by the state over the funds, it has no effect on which refugees come to Kansas or on the 13-step screening process. Apparently the governor is trading away the public’s goodwill towards our Arab and Muslim neighbors to avert attention from the serious problems the state faces.713 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jan Swartzendruber
North Carolina HB 2: hate and switch legislationOn March 23, the North Carolina General Assembly, with virtually no public input, passed House Bill 2. Although some have cryptically anointed it “the bathroom bill”, Reverend William Barber came closer to the truth in calling HB2 a hate bill. A creepily crafted smokescreen, HB2 was constructed to gin up blind fear and stoke homophobia so that the deeper and darker aspects of the bill could be slipped into law. This is hate and switch legislation by another name. Yes, HB 2 drastically restricts the ability of local governments to pass nondiscrimination measures that offer protections to the LGBT community. That’s horrific in its own right. But HB 2 also restricts local leadership from requiring recipients of government contracts to adopt nondiscrimination policies that go beyond state policy. This is, in effect, mandated discrimination against ALL workers, regardless of gender identification. HB 2 hammers the working class, locking in low-wage and low- power position by blocking cities from independently adopting higher minimum wages, raising employee benefits, or paying sick leave or vacation benefits above the mandated state levels. This is mandated suppression of workes’r rights and their ability to earn a living wage, regardless of gender identification. With HB 2, North Carolina joins Mississippi in the ignominious honor of being one of only two states in the country that refuse to provide their residents with the option of filing a wrongful termination discrimination claim in state court. Again,this is applicable to all workers, regardless of gender identification. Finally, HB 2 has made North Carolina the focus of increasing derision and negative attention, while crippling North Carolina’s local and state economies. The state has been rebuked by everyone from the entertainment industry (Springsteen, Lovato, Jonas) to businesses (Deutsche Bank, PayPal), and Great Britain went so far as to issue a travel advisory warning its LGBT citizens to avoid our state. Repeal North Carolina HB 2. This hate-and-switch legislation hurts workers, families, state and local economies, and puts LGBT individuals at risk.131 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Candice Davies
Formally Request UN Monitors to Oversee US ElectionAfter the fiasco in Arizona and New York; the failure of Iowans to have an accurate tally; the inability for either party to provide an accurate recount of what broke down in the system; the lack of polling locations; broken machines; incorrect ballots issued and thousands and thousands of eligible Americans struck from databases; systematic suppression, disenfranchisement and misinformation, it has become clear the United States can no longer guarantee its citizens a free and fair election. As a result, an outside observer is required to ensure the democratic process be allowed to take place and if such fraud and suppression continues, an independent body reports it to the people.65,668 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Matthew L Hall