Where Is Our President?Our voting rights are being stolen from us, this is not democracy. You are our President, we expect and deserve your input.86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynn Schwaderer
Enough with the voter suppressionThere is an ongoing war on voter rights in our country, and we are losing. In 2016, 17 states will have new voting restrictions in place for the first time in a presidential election. The new laws range from strict photo ID requirements to early voting cutbacks to registration restrictions. Overall, 22 states have new restrictions in effect since the 2010 midterm election. You can see the result in long lines, and people turned away from the polls. Rather than fighting a battle in the states after the fact, Obama can take action on the federal level to make it easier, not harder to vote. He can sign executive orders to make federal agencies do more for voters, and make the Department of Justice take an active role in stopping the voter suppression. But Obama needs to hear from us on how important voting rights are, and that we demand action now. References: https://www.brennancenter.org/voting-restrictions-first-time-2016 http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/campaign/206390-how-to-advance-voting-rights-through-executive-action766 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Laura Packard
The first Independent Primary!Independents are silenced throughout the primary season. This is UnAmerican.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Weingrad
Do Not Allow Scott M Stringer to oversee the New York election auditAs a citizen of the United States, my own livelihood is directly affected by the outcome of the Presidential election, and by extension, the primary election. The same goes for all citizens involved in this process. Accordingly, more attention and resources should be directed toward guaranteeing a fair, and accurate election for the citizens of the United States.11,047 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Spencer Morgan
Call for a full Justice Department investigation of the 2016 Democratic Primaries and CaucusesToo many irregularities and instances of electoral fraud as hundreds of thousands of Bernie supporters are disenfranchised of the Constitutional right to vote when they are purged or have had their party affiliation switched so they could not vote in closed Primaries. The Justice Department needs to investigate the DNC and see if the accessed Bernie Sanders voter database (which is within the DNC database) when the system was having problems and the DNC sent a tech to work at Bernie's H.Q.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven D Brewer Sr
Tell ESPN to fire Curt Schilling over his anti-transgender postingsFrom Huffington Post: Memo to Curt Schilling: You can delete it from your Facebook page, but that doesn’t mean it’s erased from the Internet. Schilling, the ESPN baseball analyst and former major league pitcher, posted a surprisingly offensive meme on his Facebook page Monday, mocking the transgender community in general, and the lack of access to public bathroom facilities in particular. We won’t be embedding the meme here, but SB Nation’s Outsports took a screenshot before Schilling took it down. http://www.outsports.com/2016/4/19/11461618/curt-schilling-espn-transgender Not content to merely share the meme, Schilling weighed in with a comment: “A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.” Schilling responded to the controversy stirred by the meme in a rambling blog post Tuesday. “I didn’t post that ugly looking picture,” he wrote. “I made a comment about the basic functionality of mens and womens restrooms, period. “And for you people too dense to understand this one very important thing. My opinion, 100% mine, and only mine. I don’t represent anyone but myself here, on facebook, on twitter, anywhere.” It’s a surprising bout of bigotry for Schilling, who was suspended by ESPN in August for posting intolerant comments comparing Muslims to Nazis. After that incident, Schilling claimed he’d changed and acknowledged on Twitter, “this was a bad decision in every way on my part.”2,940 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Morrill
Tell Southwest Airlines: End Discrimination Against Arab and Muslim PassengersSouthwest Airlines claims to operate on the principle of #SouthwestHeart, but when it comes to Muslim and Arab customers, it seems to be #SouthwestHeartless. On April 6th, the airline kicked 26 year old Khairuldeen Makhzoomi off a flight after a customer overheard him speaking Arabic on his phone. Makhzoomi was then subjected to an FBI interrogation—simply for making a phone call to his uncle. On April 13th, a Southwest flight attendant removed Hakima Abdulle, a woman of Somali descent wearing a hijab, from a flight after she tried to switch seats with fellow passengers. These recent cases are just part of a trend of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination by Southwest Airlines—last November, the airline delayed two men from boarding a flight after they had a conversation in Arabic together. That same week, a Southwest pilot removed several Arabic-speaking passengers from a plane after they tried to be seated together. People shouldn't be barred from air travel just for speaking Arabic, being Muslim, or wearing a hijab. It's clear that Southwest needs to make some changes in how it treats its customers. We're calling on them to publicly apologize for discrimination, review their policies, and implement anti-bias training for flight crews.291 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Linda Sarsour
Restore Voting Rights To Six Million Americans!As host of The Karen Hunter Show on SiriusXM, we crusaded successfully for the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse. It is our mission to fight for the rights of Americans and hold this country to its promise. After interviewing Kemba Smith, we were compelled to take up the fight to restore voting rights to nonviolent felons. Smith, who could not vote in her state of Virginia after being pardoned by Pres. Bill Clinton, had to move to another state to vote. From state to state there are different rules. There are even a couple of states where PRISONERS can vote. There should be uniformity. At the very least, there should be a standard that says if a person serves their time, all of their rights of citizenship should be restored.10,805 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Karen Hunter
Petition against Child Protective ServicesPetition against Child Protective Services and Child Care Organizations Nationwide. We, the undersigned Citizens and Residents of South Middle River and the State of Florida, and Citizens of the World, demand Crescent House cease and desist all operations effective immediately. Whereas, code violations at 1133 NW 7th Avenue Legal Description: 9234037040 PROGRESSO 2-18 D LOT 6,7 BLK 132 Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law Find the Respondents of subject property in violation of 18-1 and 47-34, 1.A.1. CASE# CE15080767 City of Fort Lauderdale, Fl. vs. TIITF/HRS- YOUTH SERV BROWARD CHILDR Tallahassee, Fl. We also ask that Child Protective Services, ChildNet.com, DYFS and all Federally Funded Organizations that are in care of Emergency Houses for children, be investigated nation-wide for these and many other violations that are not conducive to the betterment of the children in their care. We demand that they adhere to the promises they made to help these children, and be held accountable for their neglect and violations.258 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Janette Swanson
Petition to Change the Definition of a Bias IncidentWe are afraid that Carleton's Bias Incident Response Team is not focused enough on the issues it was convened to deal with: systemic oppression. The current definition could be used against "reverse racism," which we don't think should be covered. We strongly recommend the BIRT Working Group develop a definition that is conditional upon a legacy of systemic oppression.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Samuel R Neubauer
Senator Fair: Resign Over Anti-Gay CommentsAfter writing an email to South Carolina Senator Mike Fair asking him to consider a ban on "pray away the gay" therapy, the Senator sent me an email back saying “Your warped advocacies are shameful” and that he is tired of the “sick behavior involving same sex” people. It was extremely inappropriate for the Senator to call a gay advocate “sick” and “shameful” from his government email account. Is this even proper protocol when responding to a concerned citizen? If he disagreed with my email, he should have been civil and respectfully said “I disagree” or “thanks” or simply not responded. Where his comments were absurd and disrespectful, his email certainly empowers me to keep up the important fight. Senator Fair is failing to protect our young people and the State of South Carolina. Please join me in urging him to immediately resign. A copy of the correspondence can be found below: Coverage by Advocate Magazine: http://www.advocate.com/politics/2016/4/15/sc-senator-lgbt-advocate-youre-warped-sick-shameful --------------------------------------------------- Begin forwarded message: From: Mike Fair Subject: Re: Ban Conversion Therapy Date: April 10, 2016 at 10:34:23 AM EDT To: Caleb Laieski Please do not ignore the science in promoting your agenda. Pediatric neurologists recognize and stand by the claim, empirically proven, that the brain's elasticity doesn't disappear following puberty and kids continue to change remarkably right through the end of adolescence which could be the mid twenties. Your encouragement of life altering surgery as a young teen but fighting against counseling from those who are no longer in the ethereal and sick behavior involving same sex sexual profligacy is beyond irresponsibility. Your warped advocacies are shameful. MF On Apr 9, 2016, at 2:38 AM, Caleb Laieski wrote: As an elected leader, I urge you to ensure legislation is introduced and passed to ban damaging conversion therapy. Conversion therapy refers to the practice to change and help "cure" someone's sexual orientation. Sadly, this practice is used on minors, who have no legal authority to make their own medical decisions. These practices lead to depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, suicidal behavior, and frequently result in suicide. That is why physiological, medical, and counseling associations are against this practice. The associations also agree that this practice is ineffective, as well as extremely harmful, and damaging to individuals that go through these programs. A few of these organizations include: The American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Association of Social Workers, and the World Health Organization. Without question, there is very clear evidence that conversion therapy does not work and only traumatizes patients more. Several states have passed laws banning licensed therapists from subjecting minors to such treatment, and I urge you to join the movement. Please introduce and pass legislation that prohibits state-licensed mental healthcare providers from advertising or providing “conversion therapy” or "pray away the gay" therapy to anyone under the age of eighteen. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, Caleb Laieski National Advocate for the LGBT Community, Public Safety, and the Environment68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caleb Laieski
Demand that NY State Election Commission restore voting hours!It is apparently a move to restrict voters in NY State from voting in the NY State Presidential Primary on Tuesday, April 19, 2016...By starting this petition I am personally stating my strong objection to this move. I am urging all voters in the USA to join along in support of our right to vote in our elections!83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kurt Neumann