• Join Target in standing for no hate
    Showing solidarity with Target in standing for equal rights and protecting dignity for all people.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Hiles-Jones
  • I Pledge to Shop Target Stores
    The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow transgender individuals to use the restroom that matches their gender identity in their stores. On its web site this week, Target announced, "[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. ...Everyone deserves to feel like they belong." This means any transgender individual can now use the restroom that matches their gender identity. Since the American Family Association had started a petition to boycott Target for this policy change, I am calling on you to sign this counter-petition to Shop at Target for the same reason. Take Action Sign a pledge to shop Target now! Target should continue to allow everyone to use restrooms and dressing rooms that matches their gender identity. After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you've signed the pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680. Share your support on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/target. When sharing this on social media use #ShopTarget.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David C. Tran
  • Support Target in its support of Transgender People
    Target recently posted on its blog, "We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity... Everyone deserves to feel like they belong."2 We need to stand up for transgender people and stand up for those who support transgender people. The AFA pledge to boycott Target currently has over 600,000 signatures. Let us show Target that we stand with them for fair treatment of all of our citizens. As the late Senator Paul Wellstone said, "we all do better when we all do better."
    133,142 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Miller
  • ACLU please start class action harassment lawsuit against Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clint...
    Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC) is falsely reporting Bernie Sanders facebook groups to shut them down. Facebook is where much of the Bernie Sanders movement communicates about event and news events with each other. This is an attempt to STOP FREE SPEECH. THIS IS UNAMERICAN TO THE CORE. AND IT IS ALSO HARASSMENT. The Hillary Clinton PAC's and Campaign is using dirty and immoral tricks to try to crush the voice of the American People in any slimy way possible, in order to pursue her desperate clutch at the presidency. This is unamerican and should be condemned by Clinton. It is also harassment, and illegal cyber-stalking, and is actionable.
    5,590 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Brennan
  • Repeal NC HB 2
    Any time one group is discriminated against everyone should stand up and fight against that discrimination, because you could be next.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Harvey Hunter, Jr.
  • Tell the SSA: Extend survivor benefits for all LGBT married couples
    After a 16 year relationship, Anthony Gonzales and Mark Johnson were married in New Mexico in 2013. Sadly, Anthony passed away 6 months later and Mark has been denied survivor benefits because their marriage - realized after years of advocacy - lasted just a few months.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
  • Join the fight for free and open primaries
    I am an Independent from Pennsylvania who supports a progressive political agenda that answers to the needs of the people and not to the interests of big money and its influence on the 2 major parties in this country. In Pennsylvania, and other states, many people are forced to register as democrat or republican even though they do not necessarily identify with or agree with the actions of the party. Tell lawmakers that you want the right to vote in the primary of your choice regardless of your party affiliation.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chad Braniff
  • Repeal HB2
    North Carolina state anti-discrimination laws should cover everyone, not just hand-picked groups that align with the the beliefs and values of the sitting governor and the state legislative majority. NC HB2 now bars local municipalities from creating their own rules prohibiting discrimination in public places based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Though North Carolina does have a statewide nondiscrimination law, it does not include specific protections for LGBTQ people. This bigoted law needs to be overturned for the benefit of all the citizens of North Carolina.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Dannenberg
  • A new New York Primary! Ask NY Attorney General to request Federal Court Order
    I am outraged by the growing voter fraud and manipulations of our electoral process, which has turned into an international disgrace comparable to Third World nations needing UN observers. Correcting the egregious disenfranchisements of hundreds of thousands of voters in the New York Primary can only be achieved by conducting a new one, ordered by a Federal Court.
    6,632 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Fox
  • Request FBI investigate voter fraud: AZ, NY, IL and MN
    Rampant and suspiciously consistent irregularities form data hacking, and physical obstruction through criminal neglect to fraudulently interfere with the voting process of the United States in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 2006. To whit: "Suspended the use of literacy tests and voter DISQUALIFICATION DEVICES for five years. Authorized the use of federal examiners to supervise voter registration in states that used tests or in which less than half the voting-eligible residents registered or voted. Directed the U.S. Attorney General to institute proceedings against use of poll taxes. Provided criminal penalties for individuals who violated the act. Passed by the 89th Congress (1965–1967) as S. 1564." We hold that data manipulation, and many tactics are indeed "disqualification devices" in short and simple. Further, Pursuant to 18 USCS § 241, two or more persons are prohibited from conspiring to injure, OPPRESS, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, possession, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him or her by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his or her having so exercised the same. The Oxford Dictionary of "oppress" is accepted as canon: "Keep (someone) in SUBJECTION and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority: a system which oppressed working people". From the same canonical source: "subjection is defined as "The action of subjecting a country or person to one’s control, or the fact of being subjected".
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Lynn
  • Demand Rhode Island keep all polling places open for the upcoming primary
    Voter suppression is at an all time high in this years presidential primary elections. Nothing seems to be done about it after the fact so taking what little action we can beforehand seems the only route.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Boisvert
  • We demand the major news networks cover voter suppression!
    There is a dangerous, growing epidemic of voter suppression in this country, and yet the major news networks refuse to give this serious problem that airtime it deserves. From Arizona to New York, the past few weeks alone have seen news stories of thousands of people being unable to cast their votes in the presidential primaries. In 2016, 17 states will have new voting restrictions in place for the first time in a presidential election. The new laws range from strict photo ID requirements to early voting cutbacks to registration restrictions. Overall, 22 states have new restrictions in effect since the 2010 midterm election. It's time the major networks look beyond covering the theatrics of the campaign trail and focus on the very real disenfranchisement of millions of voters around the country. That why we're demanding that all the networks assign reporters to cover the voter suppression beat and share these critical stories with the public in order to raise awareness of what's happening with our democracy.
    734 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Justin Krebs