• "Descendants of American Slaves (DAS) Added to the U.S. 2020 Census "
    We are starting this petition because the DAS culture doesn’t get any Funding. Because we are not on the Census Form, we don't exist, when in fact there are 21 Million Descendants of American Slaves living in America. The U.S. Census Bureau is considering whether to drop some questions that it has used for decades from its largest household survey of Americans. Maybe it should consider adding Descendants of American Slaves (DAS) as an option for Ethnicity. The survey’s annually updated data help guide the distribution of more than $416 billion in federal funds. Help us get the resources to build institutions to help the DAS culture. Sign the petition today!
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Higginbotham
  • NBA: Only LGBT Fans Allowed at North Carolina All-Star Game
    Thanks to North Carolina's HB2, passed hastily on the hush-hush, it's legal in the state for businesses to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The ACLU has called the law the "most extreme anti-LGBT measure in the country." Businesses don't like the law and have been speaking out against it, hoping to pressure our state to reconsider. The NBA voiced deep concern that "this discriminatory policy runs counter to our guiding principles of equality and mutual respect and do not yet know what impact it will have on our ability to successfully host the 2017 All-Star Game in Charlotte." Losing the All-Star Game would be a tragedy for North Cack. But the NBA is missing the point. The law doesn't have to be anti-LGBT. The game could still be a success, and even take advantage of new freedoms: the NBA could just bar every straight, non-LGBT fan from the game! We could still watch from home, no sweat. It's legal, and surely in the spirit of what Governor Pat McCrory and the legislature had in mind when they passed the bill. Plus, the after-parties would be great. As a law-abiding North Carolinian, it would make me proud to keep the All-Star Game, and do it like only we can.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sammy Feldblum
  • Petition PA super-delegate Gov. Tom Wolf to support Bernie Sanders
    The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania should embrace Senator Sanders' clear, consistent, and credible progressive agenda in the 2016 presidential race.
    684 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Bowser
  • Urge Hillary Clinton to debate with Bernie in New York
    Hillary and her team recently said that she will not debate with Bernie because of his "tone". As a major presidential candidate she should show democracy and let the people of New York hear about the democratic party policies for the future.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jake
  • DNC: Remove Bill Clinton as a 2016 Superdelegate
    The DNC has done everything in their power to give Hillary Clinton the upperhand in the 2016 Presidential Election. Her husband, Bill Clinton is a 2016 DNC Superdelegate. Not only are superdelegates undemocratic, this is a gross conflict of interest. We are asking Bill Clinton be removed as a superdelegate now.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie R.
  • Ask Robin Kelly, US Rep. IL 2nd Dist., to Support Bernie Sanders
    Democratic super delegates may choose their preferred candidate without regard to the will of the people. Super delegates may change their vote at any time before the convention in July. Rep. Kelly currently supports the wrong candidate and should support Bernie Sanders.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Takata
  • Professional Guardianship Fraud
    I know firsthand that forced guardianship happens to approximately five million seniors a year, whose wealth disappears into the hands of a few professional guardians, attorneys, and court personnel acting in conspiracy to obtain the victim's wealth with little public knowledge. Ostensibly created to prevent financial abuse by caregivers and family members, professional guardianship instead gives the legal system "carte blanche" to destroy lives, as I discovered when my family tried to help a friend suffering under a corrupt guardianship firm. Deemed incapacitated by the courts, elderly citizens are robbed of their decision-making rights and assigned professional guardians whose only interest lies in profiting from their estates. As guardianship firms take everything they can, state attorneys turn a blind eye. The very attorneys hired to help back away out of fear of losing their licenses. After witnessing the grief and rage of family members at the forced isolation and chemical restraints of their loved one, I realized that tens of thousands of other families were experiencing this same heartache worldwide. My hope is that this book will increase public outrage against this common, court-condoned crime. Please sign the petition to tell Amazon to put the book back on - it was taken off by a family law professor who profits from this crime.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Larsen
  • Balancing of Landlord and Tenant Rights
    Tenants are having outrageous increases in rent or being evicted. Support rent control in Washington State.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David McDevitt
  • Voter Suppression in New York
    I have witnessed the similar registration issues and suspicions of fraud in states across the US, and this seems to be the exact scenario in New York. Registered voters are being told they needed to choose party affiliation last year, which is a last minute change in the policy. People having never registered to vote before can wait until April 25th to decide which party, but already registered voters must make a decision by October of last year? This is an attempt to suppress independents and force people to decide on a party before they know everything about all candidates, which is not democracy.
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Nelson
  • We do not support the HB2
    I support this because I support equality and the right of districts to determine such ordinances on their own.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellen
  • Dept. of Justice: Investigate Arizona voter suppression
    UPDATE 4-5-16 I delivered your signatures to the DOJ last week, and now the Department of Justice is going to investigate! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/justice-department-arizona_us_5702b720e4b083f5c6085933 - In Maricopa County (Phoenix area) Arizona, the number of polling places was reduced from 200 during the 2012 primary election, to just 60 for 2016. They were warned that this would mean long lines and discourage people from voting. But they did it anyway. Some predominantly Latino areas only got one or no polling places at all. County officials allocated one polling place for every 108,000 residents but Anglo communities had more polling sites per residents. The result was traffic jams, and people had to wait in 5+ hour lines to vote. [Republican] "Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell, in charge of overseeing the election, told reporters she was sorry people were upset but didn’t offer solutions." The Justice Department can put a stop to this, they are the best hope for upholding the rights of all Arizona voters. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has asked for the DOJ to investigate, now it's our turn to keep up the pressure. Reference: http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/2016/03/23/arizona-primary-our-view-we-outraged-long-lines/82152636/ http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/elviadiaz/2016/03/22/maricopa-county-election-officials-writing-off-voters-you-bet/82145554/
    153,219 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Packard Picture
  • Do a revote of the Arizona primary due to voter suppression.
    Because millions of Arizonans' voices were silenced yesterday, we need to repeat the primary voting.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David perez