• Bring Automatic Voter Registration to Illinois!
    In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to gut the Voting Rights Act, and anti-voter restrictions on the state level, we need reforms like automatic voter registration to engage every eligible American in our democracy. This bill, SB 2134, would automatically register eligible citizens to vote when they interact with the DMV, and opens the door to expanding the system to other state agencies in the future. Oregon and California have already taken steps towards that, and they’re leading the country in helping to ensure that voting is free, fair, and accessible. Oregon started rolling out its new system in early January. Last week, state officials reported 4,300 new eligible voters had signed up in the first six days, more than double the previous average number of registered voters per month. Combined, the two states’ laws could add up to 7 million new citizens to the rolls. Tell your lawmakers to support these bills to bring automatic voter registration to Illinois.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Democratic Superdelegates, let the voters decide!
    Senator Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton by a staggering 22 points in New Hampshire, tied in the Iowa caucus, and nearly tied in Nevada. Sanders and Clinton are now tied for delegates elected by voters, 51 to 51. Yet astonishingly, as a result of the large number of votes held by superdelegates, Sanders has only 70 total delegates to Clinton's 502. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has openly admitted that superdelegates exist "to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists." The so-called "Democratic" party is threatening to obliterate any remaining shred of our democracy. Senator Alan Grayson has offered up his superdelegate vote to us, the voters. Join me in calling on all 44 Senate Democrats and 207 Democratic members of the House of Representatives to do the same, or risk losing our support for reelection in November.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Harms
  • Bring Automatic Voter Registration to Maryland!
    In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to gut the Voting Rights Act, and anti-voter restrictions on the state level, we need reforms like automatic voter registration to engage every eligible American in our democracy. This bill, HB 1007, would automatically register eligible citizens to vote when they interact with the DMV, and opens the door to expanding the system to other state agencies in the future. Oregon and California have already taken steps towards that, and they’re leading the country in helping to ensure that voting is free, fair, and accessible. Oregon started rolling out its new system in early January. Last week, state officials reported 4,300 new eligible voters had signed up in the first six days, more than double the previous average number of registered voters per month. Combined, the two states’ laws could add up to 7 million new citizens to the rolls. Tell your lawmakers to support these bills to bring automatic voter registration to Maryland.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Bring Automatic Voter Registration to Connecticut!
    In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to gut the Voting Rights Act, and anti-voter restrictions on the state level, we need reforms like automatic voter registration to engage every eligible American in our democracy. This bill would automatically register eligible citizens to vote when they interact with the DMV, and opens the door to expanding the system to other state agencies in the future. Oregon and California have already taken steps towards that, and they’re leading the country in helping to ensure that voting is free, fair, and accessible. Oregon started rolling out its new system in early January. Last week, state officials reported 4,300 new eligible voters had signed up in the first six days, more than double the previous average number of registered voters per month. Combined, the two states’ laws could add up to 7 million new citizens to the rolls. Tell your lawmakers to support these bills to bring automatic voter registration to Connecticut.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Relocate production of AMC's "The Walking Dead" outside of Georgia following passage of legal dis...
    #HB757 is a shameful piece of legislation that distorts the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to protect and cultivate organized hatred and private bigotry, creating an economic safe space for those wishing to promote hatred and intolerance. As it stands, the State of Georgia should not be rewarded by the residency of AMC's "The Walking Dead" nor should those connected with the show be associated with this kind of backwards ideology.
    5,532 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Pisano
  • School Board: Guarantee Freedom of Speech to Educators!
    In 2014, Durham’s School Board demonstrated its commitment to its students and educators in suing the state over the elimination of career status for educators, which promised due process rights. In 2015, the board approved a measure returning due process rights to district educators who are in their third or later years of teaching. However, a growing number of teachers and district staff members are concerned about their freedom of speech as they work to serve their students and colleagues. As statewide litigation regarding due process rights and career status for educators continues, we thank the board for their unwavering support but also ask them to uphold due process rights specifically as they pertain to freedom of speech for all educators -- inside and outside of the classroom -- and classified staff. We feel that all educators and district employees should be empowered to speak freely within their constitutional rights without fear of retribution. We contend that individuals do not forfeit the right to speak on matters of public importance when they accept a position within a public school district, and thus should not face reprimand or intimidation solely for statements on matters of public importance, unless it can be shown beyond doubt that the employee’s speech created an adverse effect on school operation. Our schools will be stronger if the people who work in them--whether certified or classified--see that their perspectives and experiences are valued. Therefore, we request that the Durham Board of Education pass a resolution guaranteeing freedom of speech to all district employees.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Millie
  • PA Superdelegates - vote with the will of the people!!
    Government should be FOR the people and BY the people - that's what democracy means!
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Miller
  • A Vermont Super Delegate Overides the Majority Vote
    Senator Leahy, you said even if Bernie Sanders wins the Vermont Primary, you will give your Super Delegate vote to Hillary. However, on March 1st, if the majority of Vermonters vote for Bernie Sanders, it is your responsibility to give the Super Delegate vote to Bernie Sanders. Your constituents are your first and foremost priority. This petition is not about Democrats or Republicans. This is about a promise an elected official made to represent the voters. Your constituents have entrusted you with a responsibility to speak for us. On March 1st, if the majority of Vermonters vote for Bernie Sanders, and you choose to override our vote, is it no wonder that people feel their votes do not count? Could this be a reason why people choose not to vote? "We The People" have pledged that if you do not give your Super Delegate vote to the winner of the primary, then come the general election in November of 2016, "We The People" pledge that we will not give you our vote.
    309 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Barbara
  • Oklahoma superdelegates: Let voters decide!
    If we are to have a true democracy, superdelegates must vote in line with the will of the people, by aligning their votes with the majority. To do otherwise is to undermine the integrity of our great nation.
    901 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Christy D Myers
  • Let the people choose
    To stop the theft of the Democratic primary by the establishment.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Rosmer
  • Support the voters' preference
    I believe in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. To maintain this, the voters' will should dictate the votes of the superdelegates.
    4,290 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Jones-Schauble
  • Stop House Bill 1008
    House Bill 1008 is an anti transgender bill with the focus to force students who are transgender to use a "special" transgender bathroom. It has already been passed through state legislation and awaits signing by the governor.
    4,420 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Austin Evans