• WA State Senate: Pass the Washington Voting Rights Act
    The Washington Voting Rights Act is about ensuring that every vote that is cast in this state counts. And we know a vote truly counts when the community is reflected in those who hold office. This bill gives our local governments the flexibility, choice, and due process to ensure this fundamental measure of democracy is maintained. We have an opportunity to make a dramatic difference in the ability of people to elect a candidate that represents them by passing the Washington Voting Rights Act this year. The WVRA will allow us to implement a process where unfair election systems can be challenged and fixed without having to resort to a federal court case. We’ll efficiently and quickly replace inequitable systems with ones that are fair, we’ll elect more people who truly represent the community, and we’ll help our communities thrive. Democrats and Republicans may have differing views on many things, including civil rights law like this, but we all believe in the inherent right and power of the vote. After years of working on this critical bill, making significant compromises to ensure we can get votes from both sides of the aisle, the time has come to join together in doing what is right and passing the Washington Voting Rights Act immediately. A more equitable Washington is possible, but we must stand together and demand that our legislators take action. Pass the Washington Voting Rights Act of 2016.
    1,072 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Pramila Jayapal
  • Tell MN's Senators and Representatives to support our caucus winner - Bernie Sanders
    Minnesotans flocked to the polls in record numbers on Super Tuesday to support Bernie Sanders. We can not have our state's senators and representatives circumventing the clear and decisive will of the state they are supposed to represent. Our positions should be their position in this matter. They should be held accountable to their constituents. If they do not represent the people who elected them, we will find someone else who does. Their names are below: Al Franken - MN Senate (Clinton) Amy Klobuchar - MN Senate (Clinton) Betty McCollum - MN House of Representatives (Clinton) Rick Nolan - MN House of Representatives (Clinton) Tim Walz - MN House of Representatives (Clinton) Collin Peterson - MN House of Representatives (Uncommitted) Keith Ellison - MN House of Representatives (Sanders)
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenifer Vinson
  • Mark Dayton-pledge your superdelegate vote to MN's caucus winner, Bernie Sanders
    Minnesotans flocked to the polls in record numbers on Super Tuesday to support Bernie Sanders. We can not have our governor circumventing the clear and decisive will of the state he is supposed to govern. Our positions should be his position in this matter. He should be held accountable to his constituents.
    2,826 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenifer Vinson
  • Stop linking progressive state rep challengers to Gov. Rauner
    Democratic Party of Illinois & Reps. Emanuel "Chris" Welch, John D'Amico & Jaime Andrade have flooded mailboxes with dubious, inaccurate and unsourced claims that Chris Harris, Jac Charlier & Harish I. Patel are linked to Gov. Bruce Rauner. Attacking progressive & independent candidates as being tools of Rauner is a cynical way for insiders to protect themselves from legitimate challenges in Democratic Party primary.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Nyberg
  • Disband the Ku Klux Klan
    The KKK (as well as all other racial and terroristic groups) has no grounds for being a legitimate group. If the US government disbanded the Black Panthers, they need to disband the KKK.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brannon Higareda
  • Office of the President: A Vote of No Confidence on Behalf of the L&C Community
    For the past three years, there have been racist attacks on students of color immediately following the Ray Warren Symposium for Race and Ethnic Studies. Each time, students have organized, and requested that the administration take proactive steps to change the culture of racism on campus. The President's office has sent a letter to the community each year, but has not taken concrete steps to concretely address the attacks or the culture of racism on campus. This lack of commitment borders on neglect, and is hazardous to the health and well-bring of the L&C community.
    563 of 600 Signatures
    Created by L&C Black Lives Matter Chapter
  • Empower American Voters: Automatic Voter Registration without Expiration
    Because real change in this country can only happen when people are allowed to vote, without discrimination or red tape.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pivot America
  • 1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Barnett Jr.
  • Clarify definition of "pub crawl" in proposed regulations
    The public hearing will be held 1:30-3:30 pm, Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Link to the committee meeting and request for comment: http://abra.dc.gov/event/abc-board-hearing-pub-crawl-regulations Link to the actual proposed regulation: http://abra.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/abra/publication/attachments/PubCrawlRulemakingEmerandPro1132016.pdf We plan to deliver a printed version of this letter, along with a printout of all signers, for consideration during the public hearing.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Wyatt
  • Allow New York Voters to change political party affiliation for presidential primary elections.
    Voters are restricted from realigning with a political party before they know where the party stands and which candidates they will support. Voters who have been registered Independent or Non-Affiliated are disproportionately effected by Sec. 5-304 (enrollment, change of enrollment or new enrollment by previously registered voters), which prohibits them from changing parties. And, they cannot change affiliation to vote for candidates they currently support. Voters who wish to change party affiliation should be able to do so before the registration deadline of the presidential primary and not be restricted by waiting for the general election.
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dawn earle
  • Stop Covering Donald Trump
    Donald Trump is actually becoming a strong contender, and I care about this country.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael
  • Reject HB757 and the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA)
    This harmful legislation would set our state back years. And it doesn't just impact LGBT Georgians. By allowing tax-payer funded organizations to discriminate and refuse services, while still receiving federal and state grants, Georgia lawmakers risk putting unmarried couples, women, racial minorities, religious minorities, people living with disabilities, and more in the line of fire.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Zack Schnyder