I want to help Africans who are living in countries where freedom of expression is a myth.
    41 of 100 Signatures
  • Confederate flag is not welcoming
    I am a person of color and a professional who will be attending this year's fair. We will be at a booth sharing our non-profit services with the community. I am writing because I realize there will be a good chance the confederate flag will be displayed. Many people see this as a hurtful and flippant racist statement. I am asking that there be a memo put out that no band or vendor should display this symbol. An entire region of the country decided to rebel when the president said they couldn't buy and sell black people anymore; they made a flag to indicate that they were indeed on a different side from the rest of us on that issue. People of color have not been welcomed to this part of Oregon; please help change that by doing the right thing. Thank you.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chriset palenshus
  • Change for Sgt. James "Jay" Brown
    My son Sgt. James "Jay " Brown who was active duty, served a two tours in Iraq, and suffered from PTSD was killed by El Paso County Sheriff's Department while in custody.
    6,868 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Dinetta Scott
  • Sandra Bland
    This petition is being started to find out what really happened to the young and beautiful Sandra Bland. This incident has affected a lot of people, and we are all just so curious.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shanae Martin
  • Malad City Idaho Sheriff : Making their own rules.
    Illegal search and seizures and false arrests--our officials are tormenting the community by seizing personal property for their own use and gains, causing people to be afraid and in some cases committing suicide. These paid officials are supposed to serve and protect the citizens of their community. Officer Williams of Oneida County Sheriff's Office has in fact committed perjury under oath on the stand. These acts should be stopped before other people are hurt. The people of the community deserve protection, to be secure in their homes, and not to live in fear; they should live with the knowledge that the founding document, the Constitution, protects them just as it should all others in this country. Instead, they have been robbed of the Constitutional protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. From judge's, prosecuting attorneys, to the sheriffs office, they are all involved. Time for a change!
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Craig Hawker
  • All Lives Matter!
    I've been seeing too many lives being taken by police for something so small or for nothing at all. Sandra Bland's case in particular is my motivation for this movement. I want justice for not only her but for all the others who lost their lives and their voices weren't heard. They will be heard now with the help of American citizens who care, who want to see a change, who want to feel safe; being protected by police and not in danger when they get pulled over for something, or stopped on the street by a cop. Things should change, and if enough people care, THINGS WILL CHANGE!
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Acosta
  • Black Women Have Rights
    FIRE Brian Encinia, Texas State Ranger, who arrested Sandra Bland because of her attitude. Black women have a right to question mistreatment, especially when conducted by the state. Encinia couldn't handle that. Texas doesn't need someone who cannot deal with assertive citiens, especially if they are Black and female.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mrs. Harris
  • Banned the use of the N-word
    Certain words on Facebook such as Faggot has been banned because it may promote hate and seen as offensive even if it's between two friends. The word N****r and its variation should be banned for the same reasons. Even with today's hip hop culture throwing the word around like its nothing, it is still offensive and derives from hate.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ICisco
  • Protect People, Not Monuments
    On Thursday, July 23, Gov. Pat McCrory signed a law that takes away the authority of local governments to move an “object of remembrance” from, for example, the courthouse square to a county museum. The heated debate in the General Assembly focused on protecting the prominent display of Confederate flags and monuments. Lawmakers ignored the fact that nearly all these monuments in North Carolina were erected between 1905 and 1925 to reaffirm white supremacy and Jim Crow segregation. The Moral Monday Movement led by the NC NAACP is holding a rally on Monday, July 27, at 5 PM at the old Capitol in Raleigh to call on McCrory and legislators to “Protect People, Not Monuments.” (The Capitol is at 1 E. Edenton St., Raleigh.) We need lawmakers to focus on improving public education, health care, a fair criminal justice system, the environment, voting rights, and economic security. Please attend the rally and bring a friend – but also sign the petition and forward it to your friends and neighbors. We all have pressing concerns, often different priorities, but let’s send a strong message that we do not want to whitewash the past or move our state backwards. There is not much time before Monday’s rally, so please act now and circulate this petition. Thanks!
    700 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Bob Hall
  • Support the Equality Act to allow LGBT Americans to live free from fear
    From our friends at ThinkProgress: The Equality Act Introduced Today in Congress, Would Allow LGBT Americans To Live Free From Fear Jami and Krista Contreras of Michigan found out the hard way about the lack of comprehensive legal protections for LGBT Americans. Jami and Krista were married in Vermont in 2012, and two years later their daughter Bay was born. When it came time for their baby girl’s first checkup, her doctor refused to provide her care simply because her parents are gay. The unfortunate reality is that the Contreras’ story could have happened in the majority of states across America. Despite the progress that has been made in ensuring marriage equality, there are still over 30 states that lack clear and comprehensive legal protections for LGBT people. In these states, LGBT Americans are at risk of being fired from their jobs, refused service from a business, or evicted from their apartment simply because of who they are. As the Contreras family learned, even the children of LGBT couples are not safe from discrimination without explicit federal law prohibiting it. Thankfully, many members of congress recognize this reality and are working to change it. The Equality Act, introduced today, is a historic bill that would ensure comprehensive non-discrimination protections for LGBT people regardless of where they live. Under The Equality Act “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” would be added to protections for employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and juries. The bill would also expand and enhance existing protections for people of color, women, and Americans of all faiths. The Equality Act was introduced by Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Tammy Baldwin (D-OR) and Corey Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. David Ciclline (D-RI), along with a long list of co-sponsors including Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Rep. John Lewis. Its support among congressional democrats and LGBT advocates is huge. Not surprisingly, support for the bill is not as high among conservatives in Congress, many of whom oppose any non-discrimination legislation and are actively working against it. In fact, just last week, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) introduced the so-called First Amendment Defense Act, which the ACLU has described as Indiana’s religious freedom bill on steroids. BOTTOM LINE: The last decade has seen huge progress in the recognition and attainment of LGBT rights. But in 31 states, LGBT Americans are at risk of being fired from their jobs, refused service from a business, and much more, just because of who they are. LGBT Americans deserve to live free from fear. The Equality Act will ensure that they can.
    2,489 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Morrill
  • Autism Awareness, Police, and School Teachers
    Autism Awareness is needed for people with autism that have comprehension, and speech problems. They could easily be misunderstood, which could lead to confusion or violence. Our Schools, and Police Officers in Zachery, LA need to know there are special risk people in the community that have trouble communicating with anybody, including teachers and police officers. Autistic persons would not understand a command " To put your Hands up " or " Get down on the ground." Without awareness, the Autistic Person could easily be shot. that is scary to everyone with autistic children. We will be moving to Zachery, LA, Copper Mill. Please Support this Petition for Autism awareness and training. Thank You.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry & Yvonne Billingslea
  • Justice For Amari Brown #7
    Launch an immediate and independent federal investigation into Amari Brown's death in Chicago Illinois. Circumstances surrounding his death are suspicious, and more unresolved questions and tensions about how Black people are killing Black people in the United States.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shuntay Antonio Brown