• Boycott the Stonewall movie and white revisionist history!
    Hollywood has a long history of white-washing and crafting White Savior narratives, but this is one step too far. A historically accurate film about the Stonewall Riots would center the stories of queer and gender-nonconforming people of color like Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. Not relegate them to background characters in the service of a white cis-male fictional protagonist.
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Reuben Hayslett
  • US Bank: Rehire whistleblower Israel Aranda
    My name is Marcus and I work at US Bank. My coworker, Israel Aranda, was fired because he was a vocal advocate for bank workers and our communities. We met with bank officials in April and stood with community groups in asking US Bank to stop foreclosures on families during the school year, renew their promise to facilitate cash remittances to East Africa, and discuss creating an alternative harmful pay day loans. Israel and I also addressed issues affecting our co-workers. We are the backbone of the financial industry, the front line workers that generate billions in dollars of year for US Bank and many of us struggle with low pay and unstable employment. We are subject to unreasonable sales goals and performance metrics. We want to be able to provide our customer s with the services they need, not worry about being written up if we don’t sell enough products. Israel was fired by US bank because he is a leader in the Committee for Better Banks, a coalition of bank workers and community members who are trying to improve the banking industry to create good jobs for folks like me. Israel’s whistleblowing actions should be encouraged not punished. Israel believes, “At a time when banks are reaping record profits, US Bank executives should spend less time trying to silence its employees and more time listening to them and the needs of the community.” Join the Committee for Better Banks and demand that US Bank rehire Israel and address the important issues raised by our community! Why is this important? Bank workers, who have worked years in the same bank are finding themselves earning less than when they started. Employees experience constant changes to sales goals, bonus incentives, and benefits, resulting in job insecurity and a loss of wealth. Rather than rewarding employees for collecting money due to the bank, US Bank punishes them for not prolonging the debt payments. This incentive system is bad for workers, bad for customers and ultimately harmful to the company's future. Investing in US employees is not only good business but also huge cost savings technique over the long haul. Rather than feeling disposable and leaving the job, employees feel more ownership over the success of the bank leading to less turnover and subsequent costs associated with training an ever-changing workforce.
    1,003 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Dodson
  • State of Maryland: Stop issuing Redskins License Plates
    "Redskins" is, and always has been, a derogatory term that denigrates a race of people. Its use for commercial purposes is detestable and Maryland should not be providing a platform to promote it. License plates are not about an individual's first amendment right to free speech. The Supreme Court ruled that State-issued tags are a government sponsored forum rather than a public forum and, therefore, the applicable standard is governmental speech. Legally, owners and fans may be free to call the team by whatever odious name they want in public. But Maryland has no obligation to condone their bigotry by including it on its plates.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica L. Harison
  • End Use of Native American Mascots and Slogans in Iowa Public Schools
    As parents of a Native American child, we recognize the inherent harm of singling out any groups of students for ridicule.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Gilburn
  • States’ Attorneys General must investigate all killings of unarmed civilians by law enforcement o...
    America needs to live up to its claim of Justice for All. Currently there is no justice for people of color, who need to fear for their lives, their children and loved ones, at the hands of those who are sworn to protect them. Congress needs pass legislation to combat brutal acts of racism, discrimination, and intolerance by authorities in the United States. Unfortunately there are too many victims to list, but I'm launching this petition in memory of Sandra Bland and the Black Lives Matter movement she so boldly embodied.
    768 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kim Sillen
  • Stop the GOP Attack on Single Moms!
    I know from experience that being a single mother isn’t easy. We already face discrimination and inequality. For most single moms, a job is the only thing keeping their families out of poverty. Now Republicans want to make it easy for a boss to fire a single mom or a pregnant woman on a whim. That’s not fair. That’s not right. Add your name and join me in telling Republicans they need to reject this bill!
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rep. Donna Edwards
    I want to help Africans who are living in countries where freedom of expression is a myth.
    41 of 100 Signatures
  • Confederate flag is not welcoming
    I am a person of color and a professional who will be attending this year's fair. We will be at a booth sharing our non-profit services with the community. I am writing because I realize there will be a good chance the confederate flag will be displayed. Many people see this as a hurtful and flippant racist statement. I am asking that there be a memo put out that no band or vendor should display this symbol. An entire region of the country decided to rebel when the president said they couldn't buy and sell black people anymore; they made a flag to indicate that they were indeed on a different side from the rest of us on that issue. People of color have not been welcomed to this part of Oregon; please help change that by doing the right thing. Thank you.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chriset palenshus
  • Change for Sgt. James "Jay" Brown
    My son Sgt. James "Jay " Brown who was active duty, served a two tours in Iraq, and suffered from PTSD was killed by El Paso County Sheriff's Department while in custody.
    6,868 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Dinetta Scott
  • Sandra Bland
    This petition is being started to find out what really happened to the young and beautiful Sandra Bland. This incident has affected a lot of people, and we are all just so curious.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shanae Martin
  • Malad City Idaho Sheriff : Making their own rules.
    Illegal search and seizures and false arrests--our officials are tormenting the community by seizing personal property for their own use and gains, causing people to be afraid and in some cases committing suicide. These paid officials are supposed to serve and protect the citizens of their community. Officer Williams of Oneida County Sheriff's Office has in fact committed perjury under oath on the stand. These acts should be stopped before other people are hurt. The people of the community deserve protection, to be secure in their homes, and not to live in fear; they should live with the knowledge that the founding document, the Constitution, protects them just as it should all others in this country. Instead, they have been robbed of the Constitutional protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. From judge's, prosecuting attorneys, to the sheriffs office, they are all involved. Time for a change!
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Craig Hawker
  • All Lives Matter!
    I've been seeing too many lives being taken by police for something so small or for nothing at all. Sandra Bland's case in particular is my motivation for this movement. I want justice for not only her but for all the others who lost their lives and their voices weren't heard. They will be heard now with the help of American citizens who care, who want to see a change, who want to feel safe; being protected by police and not in danger when they get pulled over for something, or stopped on the street by a cop. Things should change, and if enough people care, THINGS WILL CHANGE!
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Acosta