• Education for All
    Dear Director of Federal Bureau of Prisons, Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Data from Education Crime Prevention has revealed that the illiteracy rate of prison inmates is over four times that of the adult population. This is an injustice and we are failing our inmates across the United States. We are writing on behalf of these inmates and the future of our country. We urge you to provide more opportunities for these inmates to access general education or vocational schooling. As of 2012, there were over 1.5 million people in the United States prison population. In 2012, over 630,000 inmates were released from prison. Of those released, 72% were age 44 or younger. Among the adult prisoners incarcerated before the age of 18, 90% of them will return into society without a high school diploma or GED. Once released, these inmates have a minimum of two decades to contribute to the U.S. labor force and earn their living expenses before they reach the minimum age of retirement. We need to equip these men and women to be productive members of society. The Federal Bureau of Prisons can accomplish this through an increase of GED programs and vocational schooling, offered in both state and federal prison. In 2011, African Americans made up 37.8% of all inmates while they only made up 13.6% of the total U.S. population. Of these inmates, 37.2% had less than a high school education, 9.1% high school GED, and 2.1% some college. Hispanics were 22.8% of the prison population and only 16.3% of the total U.S. population. 53% of Hispanic inmates have not completed their GED. Both of these minority groups are disproportionately represented within the United States prison system. These groups typically have lower education attainment and face more educational obstacles as they enter the prison system. An increase of GED programs and vocational schooling in prisons would greatly benefit these minorities and all inmates by increasing their life opportunities when they re-enter society. According to the prison studies project, 95 out of every 100 people incarcerated will be released and nearly 7 in 10 people who are released will commit a new crime. Education is one factor that reduces the repetition of crime. Through inmate education programs we can lower the risk of repeat offenders and illegal activity. The California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation is committed to preparing inmates for a successful reintegration into their communities in order to reduce re-victimization. These academic courses have a standardized curriculum aimed at achieving high school diplomas. Inmates study English, computation, analytical and critical thinking skills, and life skills. Help us create a better society and improve lives by educating incarcerated men and women. Do not disable these inmates and leave them without educational resources once they are released. “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Sincerely, Amanda Manley, Britnie Hopkins and Katie Clark
    375 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Britnie Hopkins
  • Private Space for UML Pride Alliance
    Pride Alliance has been using our office in McGauvran to provide LGBTQ students with a safe space to receive resources, discuss gender identity and sexual orientation issues, and participate in free and open discussion without fear of being outed or overheard. In the move to University Crossing, that space is being taken away. Please sign if you believe that UMass Lowell should allow Pride Alliance to continue our work by supplying us with an office in the new University Crossing building.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kendra Mahoney
  • National Voter ID Cards
    This petition is about restoring a fair playing field in our voting system by providing a national ID card that is accepted by all 50 states. We are all disadvantaged when one is disadvantaged. Let's stop talking, and start getting this done. We should have started this immediately after the 2012 election. Let's make sure not one American citizen is disadvantaged ever again where voting rights are concerned.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Kiselevach
  • Illinois Legislators: Pass Same Day Voter Registration
    Same Day Registration is available on Election Day in 11 other states and in the District of Columbia. States that offer Same Day Registration consistently lead the nation in voter turnout. Illinois would be the second largest and first windiest state to pass Same Day Registration (SDR). Passing SDR would increase voter turnout by 8-12% allowing tons of eager new voters to get out and vote for the first time! Now that's a healthy democracy. The legislative session ends May 31st and time is running out. Sign the petition TODAY so that we can show our elected representatives that while other states are restricting voting rights, Illinois should be expanding them! Influential leaders such as Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Cook County Clerk David Orr, and Bootsy Collins have already come out in support of this measure. They know that we can’t wait around any longer to have a true and vibrant democracy.
    707 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Mehta
  • Terrorism is Terrorism
    My husband and I have been threatened by some member of this group while driving down the public street. More recently, several people have been murdered because they were thought to be Jews. Enough is enough. If our country believes in "Justice for All" we want justice and to be free of Terror from these groups.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A Pappas
  • Extremely Urgent: Stop Dictatorship in Bangladesh!
    After a Bloody Liberation War the people of Bangladesh do not deserve such oppression from it's own Govt. Our close relatives are living in there and we are worried for them.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by m
  • We're Halfway There. Tell Delaware's Senate to Expand Voting Rights
    America's elections are broken. Not only do people with the most money fund our system, but also the election process itself systematically raises barriers to participation. People of color, young people, and college students are less likely to be registered and therefore less likely to vote. That’s true here in Delaware just as it is in Georgia, Ohio, and North Carolina where burdensome ideological-driven restrictions are being implemented to prevent more people from voting. And the result is that our democratic system is more accountable to people with money than it is to the rest of us. However, we are fighting back and we are winning. Since last year, I’ve been working with a diverse and powerful coalition of community organizations, faith leaders, civil rights organizations, labor, and advocates in pushing for House Bill 105, Same Day Voter Registration (SDR) in Delaware. Same Day Registration allows individuals to register to vote and cast their ballot on the same day. Same Day Registration is one the most effective ways to increase participation in our democracy. Our coalition has organized community leaders and raised our voice in support of Same Day Registration. And we passed the first hurdle, getting the bill to pass the Delaware House. This was no easy task, despite the obvious democratic benefits that Same Day Registration could bring to Delaware, a few self-interested politicians were pushing to block Same Day Voter Registration. Now, that we've won in the House we're hearing many of the conservative talking points — that voting is a privilege that should be restricted to the few — rather than a right that we should be fighting to protect. I believe strongly in the right to vote and that is why I'm continuing the fight with my coalition partners to expand voting rights and strengthen our democracy in Delaware.
    392 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Apryl Walker
  • Mandatory Vote
    Too many people pay lip-service to voting and participation in our government. If you want to complain, you should vote first.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FL CURE, INC
  • The Fathers Rights Movement In North Carolina
    I don't like a father being kept away or alienated from his children. I'm living it.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy King
  • equal marriage rights
    Cause we are tired of being treated as if we aren't people as well.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CLIFFORD
    STOP CHILD CUSTODY FRAUD! Imagine! Being contacted by the police and they inform you that you've kidnapped your daughter and you were going to jail if you did not return her to the other parent? IT HAPPENED TO ME! My baby girl was snatched from me—tragically because of a falsified affidavit filled with untruths and defamation of character. And because the court system does not take the time to verify affidavits in order to assure the statements submitted are true. THE CHILD SUFFERS THE MOST! Child Custody Fraud Advocates represent the voice of hundreds and thousands of parents who are competent, caring and supportive parents who are unjustly denied custody of their children. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Child Custody Fraud Advocates mission is to bring awareness to the negligence of due diligence in pursuit of verified affidavits with the goal to enforce, vindicate and change protocol within child custody laws. SIGN THE PETITION! We encourage individuals to join the fight for justice and help assure during custody battles, that each parent is provided fair representation and rebuttal. And that each child is fairly placed with their parent who can honestly provide the most nurturing, healthy and safe environment. PROGRESS! Child Custody Fraud Advocates has taken the issue to the Florida State Representatives and the issue is under review. We are in our beginning stages and we have a battle ahead of us. We need support from everyone who would like to be a part of this battle. CHANGE BEGINS WITH ACTION! For More Information regarding Child Custody Fraud Advocates and to share your stories, concerns, triumphs and to volunteer: Visit our Website at: http://www.childcustodyfraudadvocates.org
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle
  • U.S. House & Senate Committee on Veterans on Veterans Affairs, To Hold VA Officials In Contempt o...
    Due to a lack of prosecutorial authority over the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs are getting with committing felony crimes against our nation's Veterans.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chauncey L. Robinson