ICE: Use Prosecutorial Discretion to keep Jeni Mendoza Zuniga (A #098-115-951) with her 8-year-ol...Jeni will separated from her 8-year-old son, Stacy, and 6-year-old daughter, Beyance, and 4-year-old Steve. On Friday February 24, 2014, Jeni was told by ICE in Fairfax Virginia to pack her bags and say good bye to her children because she will be leaving the United States of America soon. Jeni has only days to stop her deportation. I know that the community has the power to stop separating families. You can help keep Jeni with her 3 small children. Jeni has lived in Virginia since 2004. Jeni has worked really hard all of these years to provide for her children and to see them go to school. Her dream is to see her son and daughter go to college and to be a dental assistant helping people with their dental problems. In 2013, Jeni was detained by Prince William Police officers on a charge that was later dropped. ICE detained Jeni for 14 days before being let go and then put into deportation proceedings. Jeni spent 14 days in detention away from her infant children for wanting to change the future of her children. Like many of us Jeni wasn’t born in the United States of America with all of its opportunities. Jeni took action and provided an opportunity for a better life for her children. In Honduras they would be 80 times more likely to be murdered than here in the US. I would do the same and I know you would too. Please help keep Jeni with her children!261 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jose Patino
Tell Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to Veto Discriminatory Bill 1062This petition is about defending the rights of people and upholding rights defined by the Constitution. We know that separate but equal is a fallacy, and this bill passing would mean a terrible step backwards for LGBTQ rights.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ariel D
Tell Gov. Brewer: Anti-gay hate isn't religious freedomThe Arizona state legislature just passed a horrific "religious freedom" bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against whoever they wish, so long as they claim a religious motivation. Unless Governor Jan Brewer vetoes this hateful legislation, "no gays allowed" signs could start going up in businesses across the state. The bill's religious-right backers -- including the state's Catholic bishops -- claim to speak for Christians. But the gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't offer any justification for hatred and discrimination. Just last week, a national backlash helped stop a similar bill in Kansas. But with just a few days left to veto the bill, we need to speak up immediately.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Stop ForceFul Conversion Of Kalash In ChitralEvery One Has The Right To Practise Their Faith And Lead Their Life Independently,,,,,49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by asif khan
Support Washtenaw County's efforts to institute a county-wide ID available to all members of our ...Those of us who have a driver’s license often do not realize that a substantial number of people in our community are excluded from civic life because they are unable to access a State ID or driver’s license. Some of the obstacles encountered include: difficulty making medical appointments and inability to prove identity for employment, interactions with law enforcement officials, and to open bank accounts. Motivated by values of inclusion that dictate embracing and officially acknowledging the Washtenaw County residents who lack photo identification cards, the Washtenaw County ID (WCID) Task Force has come together to oversee the creation of a local solution: a county-wide photo identification. Our Vision We envision a county where all people are treated with dignity and respect and given the means to participate meaningfully in community life. This includes having community services that are accessible to all Washtenaw County residents. In addition to this, we want to see our county as a place where public health and safety services are viewed as helpful and non-threatening. Currently law enforcement is detaining individuals because of lack of photo identification. In our county, we want everyone to have the means to prove who they are regardless of income, race, gender identity, and citizenship status. We the undersigned are concerned citizens who support our County leaders in making photo identification cards available to all Washtenaw County residents. Personal Account A Public Health Outreach Worker contacted WICIR when 3 families of new born infants at the U of M Hospital could not get affidavits of parentage to include the unmarried father’s name. This was directly due to the parents having had expired driver’s licenses and could not produce current state driver’s license, state ID or passport to prove their identities to receive a notarized affidavit by the hospital vital records department. At the County Clerk level, they are having the same problem in that they cannot get copies of their infants' birth certificates because they cannot produce the same updated state identification of passport. Our Strategy Our plan of action to achieve our goal of printing a county-wide photo ID includes: • Present our petition to the County Commissioners at a public meeting. • Demonstrate wide-spread sentiment. • Build a base of supporters. • Implement program by the end of 2014. • Obtain 5,000 signatures of Washtenaw County residents by May 15, 2014. Washtenaw County ID Task Force Members: Yousef Rabhi, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners Sheriff Jerry Clayton, Washtenaw County Sheriff Department Lawrence Kestenbaum, Washtenaw County Clerk’s Office Catherine McClary, Washtenaw County Treasurer Paul Schreiber, Mayor of Ypsilanti Ricky Jefferson, Ypsilanti City Council Member Jim Dries, Chief Deputy Clerk/Registrar Melody Cox, Washtenaw County Clerk/Registrar Assistant Casa Latina Shelter Association of Washtenaw County Synod Community Services Thomas M. Cooley Law School Immigration Clinic Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (WICIR)554 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Washtenaw County ID Task Force
Cajun French as an EthnicityI believe that my heritage is dying out one by one and to keep are genes and history strong just like the other ethnic groups it is whats fair.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikole Hebert
Governor Brewer, Veto SB1062!Arizona is the latest state to be hit by anti-LGBTQ bills that have been sent to the state legislature by hate groups that are doing everything in their power to roll back civil rights laws. Since these groups know that they can no longer be up front about their hatred of LGBTQ Americans, they've now taken to using "religious liberty" bills (that are neither religious nor rooted in preserving liberty) to shield their hatred. Arizona's SB1062 would give anyone a free pass to discriminate against anyone -- not limited solely to the LGBTQ community -- as long as they invoke religion as the reason for their discrimination. This would mean that hotel owners could turn away interracial couples, police officers could refuse to help Muslim motorists, and firefighters could watch as a gay couple's home burns to the ground. Businesses in Arizona do not support this bill, and one business has even said that they will not relocate to Arizona -- already costing the state 1,000 jobs. This bill is bad for business, bad for the state, and devastating to all Arizonans. The bill has passed both the House and Senate in Arizona, so it is now on Governor Jan Brewer's desk for signature or veto. We're calling on Governor Brewer to do the right thing and veto SB1062!7,162 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by GetEQUAL
Sign the petition: Tell Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to veto the “okay-to-discriminate” billThe Arizona legislature has passed a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers—or any other customers who they claim it would be against their religion to serve. Gov. Jan Brewer has until Tuesday to sign or veto the bill. She has not taken a position yet, despite having vetoed an earlier version last year. Right-wing bigots are pushing such “okay-to-discriminate” bills in state legislatures across the country, and we must make sure they lose in Arizona. Sign our petition urging Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to say “no” to discrimination and veto SB 1062.911 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Paul Hogarth
Pledge Not to Bring the Superbowl to States with Laws Allowing DiscriminationThe Superbowl brings millions of dollars into the economy of the state where it is played. Fans who are traveling to be a part of the Superbowl deserve to know they will be safe from discrimination from local businesses. Many of the sponsors who spend a great deal of money to advertise during the Superbowl to fans watching at home are companies who have anti-discrimination policies in the workplace. Some of these companies also actively promote equality. NFL Football is one of the things that brings Americans of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions together. It makes sense for the NFL to stand for inclusiveness and against discrimination of any kind.982 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Madison Kimrey
Move the Super Bowl out of ArizonaLegalization of discrimination against anyone is a clear violation of our Constitution and everything this country stands for. We should be working to move forward, not working to enact policies that take us back 70 years.3,671 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Adam Brabant
Prevent Discrimination of LGBTI am starting this petition because enough is enough. Discrimination has been in our country for too long. We need to take a stand now and say NO. We will not let you discriminate us and the ones we love.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Alyssa
Tell the NFL to Pull Super Bowl out of AZ for New Discrimination LawThe NFL should not openly support such a discriminatory practice. Thousands -- including LGBT people-- will visit AZ for the Super Bowl. By keeping the Super Bowl in AZ, the NFL is saying it's OK for some of their fans to be discriminated against.512 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jason Tev