• Federal Action in Response to Unconsitutional Kansas Anti-Gay Segregation Bill
    The segregation and discrimination against people of the L/G/B/T/Q community is an atrocious violation of these peoples rights under the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These types of laws are unconstitutional and cannot be allowed to exist in our country. We demand a response to this unconstitutional law by the federal government of the United States of America.
    440 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Graham Hughes
  • Stop Voter Suppression in Ohio
    Voting rights are under attack in Ohio. Again! Three new bills that are about to be voted on in the state House would once again make voting in Ohio harder and could jeopardize the 2014 election. SB 205 would ban county clerks from sending out absentee ballot applications themselves, instead reserving that right only to Secretary of State Jon Husted. SB 238 would shorten early voting and end Ohio's "Golden Week" during which voters can both register to vote and cast an early ballot SB 216 would make it harder to cast provisional ballots Together, these bills could prevent tens of thousands of Ohioan from participating in elections. This attempt at voter suppression is wrong. Fair and free elections are the bedrock of our democracy and these bills, aimed at making participation harder, have no place in Ohio. State legislators should stand up for democracy and vote NO on these three bills.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MoveOn.org
  • Vote NO on SB 205 and SB 238
    We do not want long lines on voting days, so don't cut early voting days.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz
  • Save India from Talibanization of Hinduism
    I, a Hindu by the accident of birth. am concerned about the Hitler-like rise of Narendra Modi in India who personifies Talibanization of Hinduism.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harsh Das
  • Rep. Schuring: Protect voting rights - Vote No on SB 205 and SB 238
    The right to vote is one of the most fundamental freedoms of our republic and limiting early voting and restricting access to absentee ballots only hurts the electoral process for those who may be unable to show up on election day if they may be out of state on that day or have other personal reasons. These bills would only cause problems for these individuals and could hurt the fairness of our electoral process in future elections. Our electoral process needs to be ensured to be free and fair so the validity of future elections is never put in doubt. SB 205 would put the process of mailing out absentee ballots in the power of the Ohio Sec. of St. and could make obtaining them more difficult. SB 238 would limit early voting and eliminate "the Golden week" when voters can both register and cast ballots early. These laws would only serve to disenfranchise those who may be unable to show up on election day for whatever reason and only make the electoral process less free and fair thus threatening one of the most fundamental freedoms we have in the right to vote. These laws could only hurt the validity of future elections if passed.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zachary Dunne
  • Protect the Right to Vote
    Ohio voters don't want long lines and don't want more restrictions. Don't make it harder to vote in our state. Vote NO on these restrictive voting bills
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jody Puckett
    Ohio voters don't want long lines and don't want more restrictions on their voting rights. Vote NO on these restrictive voting bills.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Dupuy
  • Stop Voter Suppression
    I started this petition to prevent politicians in the state of Ohio from enacting legislation restricting citizens' access or otherwise making it more difficult for people to vote and to ensure adequate polling places and hours so excessive time nor long lines are necessary to vote. Voter abuse in Ohio does not exist and there is absolutely no reason to make it harder for citizens in the state to exercise their right to vote. All legislative efforts should be to make it easier for citizens to participate by providing more polling places with longer hours . Signing this petition signifies my opposition to ANY and ALL actions to restrict or limit access to vote and my support for legislation expanding access to polling locations and hours.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Sexton
  • Don't Restrict the Vote!
    Our greatest right is the right to vote in the country. Without it, We the People, can not make the change we need to make this country great again. Don't make it harder to vote. Make it easier so everyone can make voting a part of their lifestyle.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kat Henkels
  • Congressman Mark Sanford: Support Voting Rights
    The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Sanford should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill. Justice demands it.
    1,040 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Russo
  • North Carolinians for Erin's Law
    It is critical to support a law that will require age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education in grades Pre-k through 12 grade. Since 25% of all female children and almost 17% of all male children "will" be sexually molested, and 80% of these children will not report such molestation, a law to prevent the occurrence and empower children to report attempts or an actual incidence of sexual molestation, is critical to the safety and health of the children of North Carolina. In addition, since North Carolina spends over $62,675,735 each year on the direct and immediate costs of child sexual abuse, to be proactive in preventing sexual abuse on children, will reduce funds now spent to address the aftermath of such abuse. Such funds would be better used to prevent childhood sexual molestation, which further establishes the benefits and need of Erin's Law being a reality in North Carolina.
    275 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Raymond S. King Jr.
  • Don't fire Catholic teacher for getting pregnant
    In the Pope Francis era, you'd think that an unmarried woman who becomes pregnant and decides to have the baby, rather than have an abortion, would have the support of her church. But a beloved Catholic teacher in Montana was just fired simply for becoming pregnant. According to diocesan officials, she's now a bad example for her students. This is exactly what Pope Francis is getting at when he warns that the church needs to stop being so punitive and sex-obsessed. Already a leading Catholic theologian is criticizing the diocese, saying that when "Catholic teaching on sexual matters is so widely dismissed, even by Catholics, this kind of necessarily selective enforcement is going to make Catholic teaching seem arbitrary and cruel." So far, the Bishop of Helena, George Leo Thomas, hasn't spoken publicly about this case. So we're launching a petition calling on him to give the teacher, Shaela Evenson, her job back -- will you sign?
    926 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America