• UMKC let Disabled Students form a Student Council
    Disabled Students have no voice on SGA. We have no representation on SGA. We have been segregated from other students. Disabled Students do not recieve Scholarships and CFellowships at UMKC. We are not admitted Professional Student programs. At UMKC we are even told that we cannot get certified to teach disabled children because we are disabled. Disability is not the end of the world but at UMKC disabled students cannot get an stipend for student employment like the other demographics. We need your help. Please sign this petition so that UMKC lets Disabled Students be a part of student government. Thank You in Advance
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vincent Cannady
    The state has disallowed normal voting hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., on Florida college campuses. This is an outrage.The Governor of Florida, a Republican, fears that students would vote Democratic and has chosen this method to silence us.
    299 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Floyd
  • Cleveland City Council: Pass Hate Crimes Legislation
    A hate crime is usually defined by state law as one that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical or mental disability. Laws vary by state and if hate crimes are provided for by statute, the definitions of hate crimes and penalties imposed vary. States that have hate crime statutes provide harsher penalties for such offenses. The underlying criminal offenses that are designated in hate crime laws include, but are not limited to, crimes against persons like harassment, terroristic threats, assault and crimes against property like criminal trespass, criminal mischief and arson. The current federal law regarding hate crimes deals with crimes where the offender is motivated by bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or ethnicity/national origin.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jim De Long
  • Wisconsin Legislature: Don't Limit Voting Hours!
    Assembly Bill 54/Senate Bill 324 limits the time available to vote. People who work for a living, the elderly, and the disabled benefit from evening and weekend hours to vote. The legislature should be expanding voting hours to maximize participation in our electoral process not limiting them, the authority of local clerks to set hours, and the staff legally authorized to accept absentee ballots as mandated in AB54/SB324.
    5,606 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by John M. Rybski
  • Sign the petition: Save early voting in Ohio
    Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted says he’s cutting early voting on Sundays and weekday evenings—the times most popular for African-American early voters. In 2012, when Ohio Republicans first tried to cut back on early weekend voting, one local Republican official explained the GOP effort to end weekend voting as follows: "I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter turnout machine." The cuts to weekend and weekday evening early voting coincide with two new bills signed into law by Republican Gov. John Kasich—One to shorten the early voting period by six full days and another that eliminates same-day voter registration entirely. Ohio Republicans also recently passed a law reducing the number of voting machines in the state, which will increase wait time for voters at the polls. This has got to stop. Sign the petition to Jon Husted: No cuts to early voting hours or times. Absolutely no cuts to voter access at all.
    636 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hogarth
  • Remove Insulza at OEA
    As a Venezuelan and US citizen I am concerned about liberty in Venezuela and clear violation of human rights and freedom People are being killed by government supported groups
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elio Palacios
  • Revise Title VII: Remove the paragraph allowing discrimination against communists
    This law is a violation of First Amendment rights. If Federal law allows one organization to be lawfully discriminated against, other organizations can be added to the list. An injustice to one is an injustice to all.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Thompson
  • Maryland: Don't Stifle Pro-Boycott Free Speech
    Maryland State Senator Joan Carter Conway and Delegate Benjamin Kramer have introduced companion bills that threaten freedom of speech and academic freedom in Maryland. These bills are opposed by the American Association of University Professors (1) and the ACLU of Maryland. (2) These bills would, by threat of a reduction in funding, prohibit public universities from reimbursing faculty participation in professional organizations that adopt resolutions that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel for its policies toward the Palestinians. Some Maryland legislators disagree with BDS and want to punish academic associations that have declared support for it. Regardless of how one feels about BDS, it’s the First Amendment right of academics to support or oppose such resolutions, and it’s their First Amendment right to participate in professional associations that support such resolutions. (3) Hearings on the bill have been scheduled for March 5th in the Senate and March 6th in the House. (4) Urge Maryland legislators and Governor Martin O'Malley to oppose Senate Bill 647 and House Bill 998 by signing our petition. References: 1. “AAUP Opposes Anti-Boycott Legislation,” http://www.aaup.org/news/aaup-opposes-anti-boycott-legislation 2. “Who We Are,” Keep Free Speech in the Free State, http://www.freespeechfreestate.org/who_we_are 3. “Maryland bills would stifle academic freedom,” Melani McAlister, Baltimore Sun, February 12, 2014, http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-academic-freedom-20140212,0,7489561.story 4. “Hearings,” Keep Free Speech in the Free State, http://www.freespeechfreestate.org/hearings
    542 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
    In a split decision the court ruled that even when a person who is the subject of a law enforcement investigation has refused to have his home searched by police, the Supreme Court determined that, if law enforcement officers simply ask another person who happens to live at the same address while the investigatory target is in custody, the law enforcement agents can now accept that third party’s consent and not have to seek a judge’s order to conduct a search. This ruling will allow for unreasonable searches and seizures and our communities are already being terrorized by dirty cops who hide behind the law. We believe in the least, if entry is authorized by another party residing in the home, the only area's that should be subjected to search, should logically be only the private room of the person who agree's to allow a search without a warrant. Also, the search should be video taped to ensure the boundaries of the search are confined to only the private area of the person who consented to such search. Please sign to ask the courts to re-review, reconsider and/or overturn this ruling. Pass along the petition by sharing with all email contacts and on all social networks.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erica Chriswell
  • Urge Veto on SB 1062
    It is time for Arizona politicians to stop embarrassing the citizens of Arizona by acting on the will of the narrow-minded minority and start acting for the good of the majority of the people!
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loras Rauch
  • Protect Free Speech in Mississippi
    Extreme lawmakers in the Mississippi legislature are pushing bills designed to intimidate and criminalize those who would engage in peaceful protest activities, such as picketing or demonstrations, outside corporations or the houses of CEOs. These bills—SB 2473 and SB 2653—have already passed the Senate and would have a chilling effect on anyone who tried to stand up for economic and social justice in Mississippi. They would restrict MIssissippians’ ability to participate in protests to hold corporations accountable for treating workers badly or polluting the environment. Instead of trying to take away the constitutional rights of Mississippians, our legislators should be focused on creating jobs. Tell Mississippi lawmakers to vote NO on these bills.
    635 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robert Shaffer, Mississippi AFL-CIO
  • Veto Arizona Senate Bill: 1062 -- University of Arizona Alumni for Equality
    As an alumnus of University of Arizona, I am concerned about the message of intolerance and discrimination that Arizona Senate Bill 1062 sends. This legislation is damaging to the reputation of the University system, its alumni and existing students and should be vetoed.
    335 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Al Silverstein