• Pass the CROWN Act
    Right now—in 2024—in 27 states it's completely legal to discriminate against people for wearing their natural hair. Formal and informal "dress codes" are used to shame and punish Black people for wearing hairstyles that are consistent with their natural hair texture. And for many in the Black community, it's about more than just hair. Locs, twists, coils, braids, and other natural hairstyles are an expression of identity. Discriminating against Black people for wearing natural hairstyles isn't only a violation of civil rights, it's a direct attack on Black culture. And it has real-life consequences. Black people are being robbed of job opportunities, education, and their dignity all because of racist policies designed to make them tone down who they are. The CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair), a bill aimed at ending race-based hair discrimination in schools and workplaces for Black Americans and other communities of color, was just reintroduced in the Senate. Now is our chance to end hair discrimination nationwide. It's time to put an end to this. Sign the petition to urge Congress to pass the CROWN Act NOW so no one suffers the injustice of experiencing racial discrimination because of their hairstyle.
    1,664 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Special Education Funds Audit in the six southern districts in San Diego.
    Our south San Diego community need to join us to ensure transparency and accountability, and to advocate for the proper allocation of the Special Education funds to benefit all children who rely on them. And to make sure their is a bright future of our children, every kid is different and they have the right to learn in their own kind of way. ____________________________________________________ Nuestra comunidad del sur de San Diego necesita unirse a nosotros para garantizar la transparencia y la responsabilidad, y abogar por la asignación adecuada de los fondos de Educación Especial para beneficiar a todos los niños que dependen de ellos. Y para asegurarnos de que haya un futuro brillante para nuestros hijos, cada niño es diferente y tiene derecho a aprender a su manera.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kenia Peraza
  • Oppose Resolution 218
    In 2008, an Albany county legislator tried to pass a resolution in opposition to the Iraq War. It led to an hours long debate on the floor, and what came of it was that Albany county decided that Resolutions would be used to codify things into law, while Proclamations which are not voted on, but legislators sign on to if they would like, can be used as an honorary/symbolic gesture of support. Recently, the Albany County legislature has decided they want to codify the policy around proclamations, more specifically they don't want to issue proclamations for controversial issues, or for issues that urge another body to take action. However, they have drafted a policy that doesn't outright exclude such proclamations from being issued. This is problematic because it gives rise for the policy to be applied in a potentially discriminatory manner.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Albany Muslim Advocacy Coalition
  • Award Civil Rights Icon Ruby Bridges the Presidential Medal of Freedom!
    The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest civilian honor for Americans who have made exemplary contributions to the United States. Ruby Bridges has been fighting her entire life to fight back against racism, especially for children. She's an inspiration and role model to children and adults across the country, and she deserves to be honored as such. Books telling Ruby's story of racially integrating public schools in the south—including a book she wrote about her experiences—have been disputed or banned in schools across the country. It's the duty of our education system to teach kids the truth about our world while inspiring them to change it for the better. That mission is what Ruby Bridges embodied when at just 6 years old, escorted by U.S. Marshals through a crowd of violent protesters, she integrated an all-white elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1960. When Ruby took her first step into her new school she helped to usher in a new era of progress for America—one that Republicans are now trying to reverse. Republicans have launched an all-out assault on the free expression of minority voices and integral parts of American history. In a disturbing display of censorship, 2023 saw an unprecedented purge of nearly 2,000 books from school libraries across the country. These books primarily represented characters who are people of color or LGBTQ+, or tackled significant themes such as racism. These book bans are a blatant attempt to distort historical truths and silence the diverse narratives that are critical to understanding the full American experience. Tell President Biden: Ensure Ruby's story of bravery and triumph over racism is never forgotten. Sign the petition to award Ruby Bridges with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
    17,738 of 20,000 Signatures
  • Hands Off Rafah!
    Since this conflict initiated, over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, over 78,000 wounded, and more than 1.7 million have been displaced from their homes, out of which numbers and for all categories above, 50% are children and 70% are women and children. The number of Palestinian children killed during this conflict since October 7th has been greater than the number of children killed in conflicts around the globe from 2019 to 2022 and it stands alongside the currently ongoing war in Sudan which began in April 2023, as it is also reminiscent of the killing rate since Rwanda in 1994 when comparing the total number of killed and injured civilians per day since the conflict began. The attack on children and women of this conflict is atrocious. It should not be allowed at this time of our human history and must be stopped immediately. Haaretz, Israel News, Monday, 27.05.2024 "ICJ: The International Court of Justice ruling calling to end operations in Rafah that risk violating international law is binding and must be respected, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said, adding that Germany supports reviving the EU's mission at the Rafah border crossing (EUBAM), which has not been operational since Hamas' 2007 takeover of Gaza. • EU countries will discuss how to take action to implement the ICJ's ruling on Rafah, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said, adding that "from now on I will never say Israel, I will say 'the Netanyahu government', because it's this government who is making the decisions that could kill the Palestinian Authority.""
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karla Galdamez
  • Let's use vacant structures to HOUSE the UNHOUSED!
    There's strength in numbers! Let's come together and urge our elected officials to do the right thing. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have a comfortable place to live owe it to those of us who are less fortunate. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the homeless situation in our beautiful county. If we allow their encampments to be torn down, where will they go? Please sign this petition so our county can give them a place to call home.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Rush
  • Blue Building in Springfield SC, Garden Club
    The Mayor has changed the locks, and only gave a 2 hour notice of the city's intent to ban the Club from use of this building. Also it has been hinted that the Garden Club pay a use fee for this building. Monies generated from Garden Club events always go towards improving the appearance of the City of Springfield, such as planting trees, cleaning up and planting in city garden. It is important to take pride in our town. We are growing in population, and a few of the abandoned store fronts are being renovated and filled by new businesses. The Garden Club wants to help this growth with our spirit, energy, pride, and esthetic improvements.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Strauman Picture
  • Protect students' right to protest!
    University administrators must take steps to protect students exercising their right to peacefully protest. Calling the police or the National Guard to attack them is unacceptable. Leaders across the nation should be working to de-escalate tensions and engage with student demands in good faith, rather than attempting to shut them down with violence. Antisemitic, anti-Palestinian, or Islamophobic language and actions have no place at these protests or anywhere else on campuses or in society. And we condemn them in the strongest terms possible. All people deserve to feel safe in their communities, and police shooting rubber bullets and arresting students and faculty while targeting peaceful protesters with riot gear isn’t a safe environment for anyone and harkens back to some of the darkest parts of our history. We all have a constitutional right to peacefully protest and organize without fear of retribution or violence.
    44,692 of 45,000 Signatures
  • Increase permanent disability benefits for disabled citizens of California!
    If California doubles it’s PD rate we will be roughly half as bad as Texas. California business interests can congratulate themselves on successfully lobbying for a workers’ compensation system that provides among the worst PD rates in the country. It is now time to take care of our working class and provide them with the benefits that they deserve. Message your local representative and demand a change for all injured workers in California!
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Saldana
  • Make it Illegal to Target People with Photosensitive Content
    This could be deadly to those who ARE photosensitive. It furthers the idea that bullying is okay and our disability (epilepsy) is something to laugh about. We have faced stigma since ancient times, but if the world is so inclusive these days, why is there an entire community that is able to be targeted and attacked?
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bree Kanov
  • Save Short Term Rentals in Excelsior, MN
    Short term rentals offer a unique way for visitors to experience our beautiful town, supporting local businesses such as restaurants, shops, and attractions. They also provide homeowners with supplemental income that helps them afford their homes and stay in the community they love. We recognize the importance of maintaining the character and integrity of our neighborhoods. However, we believe that with proper regulations and responsible hosting, short term rentals can coexist harmoniously with long term residents. We urge local authorities to consider alternative solutions that balance the needs of all stakeholders involved. Instead of imposing blanket bans or severe restrictions, we encourage the development of fair and reasonable guidelines that address any legitimate concerns while preserving the rights of property owners and the benefits of short term rentals. By signing this petition, we express our support for the continuation of short term rentals in Excelsior, MN, and call upon decision-makers to protect this vital aspect of our community. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lance Bondhus
  • Vertol Systems: STOP profiting off of deceived migrants and stop the inhumane flights NOW!
    Ron DeSantis, Florida Republicans, and Vertol Systems didn’t stop with the Martha’s Vineyard flight. In June, 36 Latin American migrants were deceived and promised work, housing, and food if they agreed to be flown to California on a chartered flight organized by Vertol Systems. And just last month, DeSantis floated the idea of flying Haitian migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Enough is enough! We have to stop these flights before it’s too late. The migrants who were trafficked to Martha’s Vineyard have since sued Vertol Systems, and a federal judge has allowed the lawsuit to proceed and said that there was evidence to support that the migrants were targeted because they were Latinx. The federal judge recognized these sham flights as a political stunt asserting that DeSantis was exploiting migrants "in a scheme to boost the national profile of Defendant DeSantis and manipulate them for political ends,” and ruled that the treatment of these migrants was "extreme, outrageous, uncivilized, intolerable, and stunning.” It’s shameful that instead of treating asylum-seekers with the due process, dignity and care they deserve, Vertol Systems and Republican governors like Ron DeSantis are exploiting them and using them as political pawns. These are not isolated incidents. They are deliberate actions relentlessly carried out by anti-immigrant Republicans. It’s completely unacceptable, and there is no excuse for Vertol Systems to continue profiting off of deceived migrants. They must stop organizing the flights NOW. Will you take action and sign the petition?
    17,043 of 20,000 Signatures